The IMSE, among the 10 projects selected in the REDINTER Call

One more year, the Instituto de Microelectrónica de Sevilla (IMSE) has participated in the Internalization Meeting of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), which took place on May 21, 2024 at the Instituto de Química-Física Blas Cabrera in Madrid.

CSIC Internalization Meeting

On this occasion, the IMSE has had a particularly relevant role, since it has attended as a guest at the round table "Oficinas RedInter 2023" after obtaining funding for the ELEVATE proposal in said call. The purpose of this program is to co-finance actions to strengthen international project offices with the help of specialized personnel in the Centers, Institutes or Institutional Delegations of the CSIC.

The role of IMSE

Víctor García Flores, head of the IMSE Project Office, participated as a speaker in this discussion group, where he shared the Institute's experience in the preparation and management of the ELEVATE proposal, an initiative that is funded in the REDINTER call.

During his speech, he addressed topics such as the internationalization process at IMSE, the center's commitment to this strategy or the steps followed to prepare and present the ELEVATE proposal.

You can learn more information about the ELEVATE project by accessing this link.

CSIC Internalization Meeting

Instituto de Microelectrónica de Sevilla
June 3, 2024