IMSE-CNM takes part in European Comission's science fair 'Science is Wonderful! 2024'

'Science is Wonderful!', the annual international science fair organised by the European Commission, took place this year in Brussels on the 25th and 26th of April. This edition has seen the participation of a team from Instituto de Microelectrónica de Sevilla (IMSE-CNM).

Science Wonderful 2024

More than 5000 young pupils from schools all over Europe have travelled to the capital of the UE to discover some of the most interesting research project funded by the Commission, to meet the scientists carrying out the research and to learn how their latest findings affect their daily lives. Among the projects presented at the fair, the students could find this year SQPRIM, a project developed by IMSE-CNM researchers whose aim is the exploration of new methods to improve security in digital environments.

This event is part of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), a European program that supports excellent research. More than 100 researchers directly involved with this program were able to participate in this event, including David Martín Sánchez and Macarena Martínez Rodríguez from IMSE-CNM. Their booth, titled "Patrolling the cyberspace", gave an opportunity to the pupils to learn good practices regarding online safety using games, scientific demos and a message encryption workshop.

More information about 'Science is Wonderful! 2024':

SQPRIM project

The SQPRIM project (Secure Post-Quantum Cryptographic Primitives) has been funded by the European Union through the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA-PF-2022) under the Grant Agreement 101105985. This research is being conducted at Instituto de Microelectrónica de Sevilla, IMSE-CNM, a joint centre CSIC-University of Seville, under the supervision of Dr. Piedad Brox.

Instituto de Microelectrónica de Sevilla
May 3, 2024