The IMSE closes the 2023-2024 academic year with the visit of the IES San Pablo

This has been the fifteenth center to visit the facilities in the school year and the second to do so with the Science in the Neighborhood initiative.

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The IES San Pablo has put the final touch on the initiative promoted by the Instituto de Microelectrónica de Sevilla (IMSE), being the last center to visit the facilities of the 15 that have done so this year. In this case, the activity has been developed in conjunction with the Science in the Neighborhood initiative, a CSIC project that brings scientific dissemination activities to neighborhoods in the city. The main objective is to awaken students' curiosity about science and bring them closer to a world, that of research, which remains very unknown.

On this occasion, around 30 students have had the opportunity to see first-hand both the facilities and the tasks carried out at the center. For three hours they were able to have a first approach to the technological areas framed in the field of microelectronics through a first introductory talk and a subsequent visit to the laboratories. Various experiments in progress were also shown, along with the specific instruments and facilities to carry them out (anechoic chamber, microscopes, lasers, etc...).

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Annual balance

Up to 15 entities, including institutes and other educational organizations, have visited our facilities during the 2023-2024 school year. This has given rise to a total of 400 young people being able to get closer to microelectronics in a fun and educational way, as well as everything that surrounds this scientific field.

Although these visits are especially aimed at high school and vocational training students with a focus on scientific-technological specialties, they can be accessed by all people interested in science and technology, as well as those who are curious about what and how research is done in Andalucia.

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Closing course 23 24

The deadline to request visits for the next course is now open. If you wish to visit the IMSE, you can contact us by email at the address <  > or by phone at +34 954 466 666.

Instituto de Microelectrónica de Sevilla
May 28, 2024