Projects. ELEVATE

Strategy for Optimization and Strengthening of the Project Office at the Institute of Microelectronics of Seville

The purpose of the proposed action is to optimize and strengthen the Project Office at IMSE with the goal of continuing to boost participation in international projects and maximize the results obtained from such participation. The action aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Office, providing high-quality advice and consultancy to the Institute's researchers in the formulation and submission of international proposals. Additionally, it seeks to continue increasing the number of European and international projects in which IMSE participates, identifying opportunities aligned with the institute's capabilities and priorities. This action also aims to optimize the management of ongoing projects, ensuring their efficient and professional execution.

To achieve this purpose, we propose the development of what we call: ’’Strategy for Optimization and Strengthening of the Project Office at the Institute of Microelectronics of Seville.’’.

The specific objectives of the Strategy can be divided into three:
- Objective 1: Improve the Quality of Advice and Consultancy.
- Objective 2: Increase the Number of European and International Projects.
- Objective 3: Optimize the Management of Ongoing International Projects.

Principal Investigator

Teresa Serrano Gotarredona  >

Project Details

  • Type: Project for the Promotion of Internationalization
  • Funding Body: CSIC
  • Reference: REDIN23012
  • Start date: 01/01/2024
  • End date: 31/12/2026
  • Funding: 158.377,34 €
