Danilo Demarchi visits the IMSE to discuss innovation in agri-food systems

The Italian professor offered a colloquium about the modernization of the links in the food chain, placing special emphasis on the role of Artificial Intelligence.

Danilo Demarchi visit

Last Tuesday, June 25, the Instituto de Microelectrónica de Sevilla (Universidad de Sevilla, CSIC) received the visit of Danilo Demarchi, Italian Professor at the Politecnico di Torino and expert in Agrifood, who offered a colloquium entitled "Let the Plants do the Talking: Smart Agriculture by the Messages Received from Plants and Soil".

This conference began at 11:00 a.m. and focused on the optimization of the food chain through the application of technology, highlighting the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI). For about 1 hour he was presenting the benefits of this technological modernization and how it could benefit each of the links in this process.

Among the listeners were doctoral students and researchers who did not want to miss this appointment with technological innovation. Although most of them attended in person, there were many who did so online, totaling 40 attendees. To carry out the telematic connection, the CSIC Conecta program was used, which offered a dual speaker/slide presentation plan.

The event culminated with a round of questions in which the speaker was able to explain and expand the information for those most interested in this cutting-edge technology.

Instituto de Microelectrónica de Sevilla
July 1, 2024

Danilo Demarchi visit