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Autor: Elisenda Roca Moreno
Año: Desde 2002

Artículos de revistas

A Comprehensive Approach to Improving the Thermal Reliability of RTN-Based PUFs
F. de los Santos-Prieto, F.J. Rubio-Barbero, R. Castro-López, E. Roca and F.V. Fernández
Journal Paper · IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers (Early Access), 2024
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Silicon Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) have emerged as a promising solution for generating cryptographic keys in low-cost resource-constrained devices. A PUF is expected to be reliable, meaning that its response bits should remain consistent each time the corresponding challenges are queried. Unfortunately, the stability of these challenge-response pairs (CRPs) can be seriously eroded by environmental factors like temperature variations and the aging of the integrated circuits implementing the PUF. Several approaches, including bit masking, bit selection techniques, and error-correcting codes, have been proposed to obtain a reliable PUF operation in the face of temperature variations. As for aging, a new kind of aging-resilient silicon PUF has been reported that uses the time-varying phenomenon known as Random Telegraph Noise (RTN) as the underlying entropy source. Although this type of PUF preserves its reliability well when aged, it is not immune to the impact of temperature variations. The work presented here shows that it is possible to improve the thermal reliability of RTN-based PUFs with a proper combination of (a) a novel optimization-based bit selection technique, that is also applicable to other types of PUFs based on differential measurements; and (b) a temperature-aware tuning of the entropy-harvesting function.

Reliability improvement of SRAM PUFs based on a detailed experimental study into the stochastic effects of aging
A. Santana-Andreo, P. Saraza-Canflanca, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca and F.V. Fernandez
Journal Paper · AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Volume 176, 155147, 2024
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Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) have gained attention as a lightweight hardware security primitive. In particular, the SRAM-based PUF uses the unpredictable power-up value of the cells within an SRAM. Although these values should ideally be always the same within each SRAM to accomplish a correct PUF operation, this is often not the case, especially when factors like circuit aging are considered. While certain studies explore the effects of aging on SRAM PUFs, they often simplify the analysis. For instance, some studies assume that only Bias Temperature Instability (BTI) contributes to circuit degradation while others evaluate the overall degradation without accounting for the stochastic effects of aging on each individual cell. In this work, we first perform a detailed characterization of the nature of aging in SRAM PUFs, demonstrating that the impact of Non-Conductive Hot-Carrier Injection cannot be neglected. We also show that different cells degrade differently, highlighting the importance of accounting for the stochasticity of aging. After that, a method based on the Data Retention Voltage metric to select the cells with the most stable power-up response is introduced. Using these cells to generate the PUF identifier will result in a more stable response, and thus a better PUF performance.

PACOSYT: A Passive Component Synthesis Tool based on Machine Learning and Tailored Modeling Strategies Towards Optimal RF and mm-Wave Circuit Designs
F. Passos, N. Lourenço, E. Roca, R. Martins, R. Castro-López, N. Horta and F.V. Fernández
Journal Paper · IEEE Journal of Microwaves, first online, 2023
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In this paper, the application of regression-based supervised machine learning (ML) methods to the modeling of integrated inductors and transformers is examined. Different ML techniques are used and compared to improve accuracy. However, it is demonstrated that none of the ML techniques considered provided good results unless a smart modeling strategy, tailored to the specific design problem, is used. Taking advantage of these modeling strategies, high accuracy can be obtained when compared to full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations (less than 2% error) and experimental measurements (less than 5% error). The most accurate model, obtained by the appropriate combination of an ML technique and modeling strategy, has been integrated into a tool called PACOSYT. The tool uses optimization algorithms to allow the designer to obtain an inductor/transformer with optimal performances in just seconds while keeping the accuracy of EM simulations. Furthermore, the tool provides the passive component S parameter description file for seamless use in circuit simulations. The tool can be used standalone or integrated with design frameworks, like Cadence Virtuoso or AIDASoft, a framework for circuit optimization. To illustrate the different usages of the tool, several passive devices are synthesized, and hundreds of millimeter-wave power amplifiers are synthesized using AIDASoft together with PACOSYT. The tool has been developed using open-source Python frameworks and does not use any closed-source licenses. PACOSYT, which also allows other designers to create their models for different technologies, is made publicly available.

Addressing a New Class of Multi-Objective Passive Device Optimization for Radiofrequency Circuit Design
F. Passos, E. Roca, R. Castro-López and F.V. Fernández
Journal Paper · Electronics, vol. 11, no. 16, article 2624, 2022
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The design of radiofrequency circuits and systems lends itself to multi-objective optimization and the bottom-up composition of Pareto-optimal fronts. Conventional multi-objective optimization algorithms can effectively attain these fronts, which maximize or minimize a set of competing objective functions of interest. However, some of these real-life optimization problems reveal a non-conventional feature: there is one objective function that calls neither for minimization nor maximization. Instead, using the Pareto front demands this objective function to be swept across so that all its feasible values are available. Such a non-conventional feature, as shown here, emerges in the case of inductor optimization. The problem thus turns into a non-conventional one: determining how to find uniformly distributed feasible values of this function over the broadest possible range (typically unknown) while minimizing or maximizing the remaining competing objective functions. An NSGA-II-inspired algorithm is proposed that, based on the dynamic allocation of objective function slots and a modified dominance definition, can successfully return sets of solutions for inductor optimization problems with one sweeping objective. Furthermore, a mathematical benchmark function modeling this kind of problem is presented, which is also used to exhaustively test the proposed algorithm and obtain insight into its parameter settings.

Determination of the Time Constant Distribution of a Defect-Centric Time-Dependent Variability Model for Sub-100-nm FETs
P. Saraza-Canflanca, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca, J. Martin-Martinez, R. Rodriguez, M. Nafria and F.V. Fernandez
Journal Paper · IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol 69, no. 10, pp 5424-5429, 2022
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The origin of some time-dependent variability phenomena in FET technologies has been attributed to the charge carrier trapping/detrapping activity of individual defects present in devices. Although some models have been presented to describe these phenomena from the so-called defect-centric perspective, limited attention has been paid to the complex process that goes from the experimental data of the phenomena up to the final construction of the model and all its components, specifically the one that pertains to the time constant distribution. This article presents a detailed strategy aimed at determining the defect time constant distribution, specifically tailored for small area devices, using data obtained from conventional characterization procedures.

On the impact of the biasing history on the characterization of Random Telegraph Noise
P. Saraza-Canflanca, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca, J. Martin-Martinez, R. Rodriguez, M. Nafria and F.V. Fernandez
Journal Paper · IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 71, article 2003410, 2022
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Random Telegraph Noise is a time-dependent variability phenomenon that has gained increased attention during the last years, especially in deeply-scaled technologies. In particular, there is a wide variety of works presenting different techniques designed to analyze current traces in scaled FET devices displaying Random Telegraph Noise, and others focused on modeling the phenomenon using the parameters extracted through such techniques. However, very little attention has been paid to the effects that the biasing conditions of the transistors prior to the measurements may have on the extraction of the parameters that characterize this phenomenon. This paper investigates how these biasing conditions actually impact the extracted results. Specifically, it is demonstrated that the results obtained when Random Telegraph Noise is measured immediately after the device is biased may lead to an overestimation of the Random Telegraph Noise impact with respect to situations in which the device has been previously biased for some time. This fact is, first, presented from a theoretical point of view, and, after, demonstrated experimentally through measurements obtained from a CMOS-transistor array.

A DRV-based bit selection method for SRAM PUF key generation and its impact on ECCs
A. Santana-Andreo, P. Saraza-Canflanca, H. Carrasco-Lopez, P. Brox, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca and F.V. Fernandez
Journal Paper · Integration, vol. 85, pp 1-9, 2022
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PUFs based on the power-up values of an array of SRAM cells are a popular solution to provide secure and low-cost key generation suitable for IoT devices. However, SRAM cells do not always power up to the same value due to external factors like noise, temperature, or aging. This results in a decrease of reliability for the SRAM PUF, an issue generally solved by employing complex Error Correction Codes (ECCs). However, ECCs significantly increase the cost of the complete system. A way to alleviate this issue is the use of bit selection methods, which increase the reliability of the SRAM PUF by using only the power-up values of the most reliable cells (i.e., the SRAM cells that consistently power up to the same value). In this work, the reduction in ECC complexity through a bit selection method based on the Data Retention Voltage metric is demonstrated.

Hierarchical Yield-Aware Synthesis Methodology Covering Device-, Circuit-, and System-Level for Radiofrequency ICs
A. Canelas, F. Passos, N. Lourenço, R. Martins, E. Roca, R. Castro-Lopez, N. Horta and F.V. Fernandez
Journal Paper · IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp 124152-124164, 2021
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This paper presents an innovative yield-aware synthesis strategy based on a hierarchical bottom-up methodology that uses a multiobjective evolutionary optimization algorithm to design a complete radiofrequency integrated circuit from the passive component level up to the system level. Within it, performances’ calculation aims for the highest possible accuracy. A surrogate model calculates the performances for the inductive devices, with accuracy comparable to full electromagnetic simulation; and, an electrical simulator calculates circuit- and system-level performances. Yield is calculated using Monte-Carlo (MC) analysis with the foundry-provided models without any model approximation. The computation of the circuit yield throughout the hierarchy is estimated employing parallelism and reducing the number of simulations by performing MC analysis only to a reduced number of candidate solutions, alleviating the computational requirements during the optimization. The yield of the elements not accurately evaluated is assigned using their degree of similitude to the simulated solutions. The result is a novel synthesis methodology that reduces the total optimization time compared to a complete MC yield-aware optimization. Ultimately, the methodology proposed in this work is compared against other methodologies that do not consider yield throughout the system’s complete hierarchy, demonstrating that it is necessary to consider it over the entire hierarchy to achieve robust optimal designs.

Unified RTN and BTI statistical compact modeling from a defect-centric perspective
G. Pedreira, J. Martin-Martinez, P. Saraza-Canflanca, R. Castro-Lopez, R. Rodriguez, E. Roca, F.V. Fernandez and M. Nafria
Journal Paper · Solid-State Electronics, vol. 185, article 108112, 2021
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In nowadays deeply scaled CMOS technologies, time-dependent variability effects have become important concerns for analog and digital circuit design. Transistor parameter shifts caused by Bias Temperature Instability and Random Telegraph Noise phenomena can lead to deviations of the circuit performance or even to its fatal failure. In this scenario extensive and accurate device characterization under several test conditions has become an unavoidable step towards trustworthy implementing the stochastic reliability models. In this paper, the statistical distributions of threshold voltage shifts in nanometric CMOS transistors will be studied at near threshold, nominal and accelerated aging conditions. Statistical modelling of RTN and BTI combined effects covering the full voltage range is presented. The results of this work suppose a complete modelling approach of BTI and RTN that can be applied in a wide range of voltages for reliability predictions.

Statistical Characterization of Time-Dependent Variability Defects using the Maximum Current Fluctuation
P. Saraza-Canflanca, J. Martin-Martinez, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca, R. Rodriguez, F.V. Fernandez and M. Nafria
Journal Paper · IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 68, no. 8, pp 4039-4044, 2021
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This article presents a new methodology to extract, at a given operation condition, the statistical distribution of the number of active defects that contribute to the observed device time-dependent variability, as well as their amplitude distribution. Unlike traditional approaches based on complex and time-consuming individual analysis of thousands of current traces, the proposed approach uses a simpler trace processing, since only the maximum and minimum values of the drain current during a given time interval are needed. Moreover, this extraction method can also estimate defects causing small current shifts, which can be very complex to identify by traditional means. Experimental data in a wide range of gate voltages, from near-threshold up to nominal operation conditions, are analyzed with the proposed methodology.

Statistical threshold voltage shifts caused by BTI and HCI at nominal and accelerated conditions
J. Diaz-Fortuny, P. Saraza-Canflanca, R. Rodriguez, J. Martin-Martinez, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca, F.V.Fernandez and M. Nafria
Journal Paper · Solid-State Electronics, vol. 185, article 108037, 2021
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In nowadays deeply scaled CMOS technologies, time-zero and time-dependent variability effects have become important concerns for analog and digital circuit design. For instance, transistor parameter shifts caused by Bias Temperature Instability and Hot-Carrier Injection phenomena can lead to progressive deviations of the circuit performance or even to its catastrophic failure. In this scenario, and to understand the effects of these variability sources, an extensive and accurate device characterization under several test conditions has become an unavoidable step towards trustworthy implementing the stochastic reliability models and simulation tools needed to achieve reliable integrated circuits. In this paper, the statistical distributions of threshold voltage shifts in nanometric CMOS transistors will be studied at nominal and accelerated aging conditions. To this end, a versatile transistor array chip and a flexible measurement setup have been used to reduce the required testing time to attainable values.

Improving the reliability of SRAM-based PUFs under varying operation conditions and aging degradation
P. Saraza-Canflanca, H. Carrasco-Lopez, A. Santana-Andreo, P. Brox, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca and F.V. Fernandez
Journal Paper · Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 118, article 114049, 2021
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The utilization of power-up values in SRAM cells to generate PUF responses for chip identification is a subject of intense study. The cells used for this purpose must be stable, i.e., the cell should always power-up to the same value (either ‘0’ or ‘1’). Otherwise, they would not be suitable for the identification. Some methods have been presented that aim at increasing the reliability of SRAM PUFs by identifying the strongest cells, i.e., the cells that more consistently power-up to the same value. However, these methods present some drawbacks, in terms of either their practical realization or their actual effectiveness in selecting the strongest cells at different scenarios, such as temperature variations or when the circuits have suffered aging-related degradation. In this work, the experimental results obtained for a new method to classify the cells according to their power-up strength are presented and discussed. The method overcomes some of the drawbacks in previously reported methods. In particular, it is experimentally demonstrated that the technique presented in this work outstands in selecting SRAM cells that are very robust against circuit degradation and temperature variations, which ultimately translates into the construction of reliable SRAM-based PUFs.

An efficient transformer modeling approach for mm-wave circuit design
F. Passos, E. Roca, J. Sieiro, R. Castro-Lopez and F.V. Fernandez
Journal Paper · AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 128, article 153496, 2021
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In this paper, a Gaussian-process surrogate modeling methodology is used to accurately and efficiently model transformers, which are still a bottleneck in radio-frequency and millimeter-wave circuit design. The proposed model is useful for a wide range of frequencies from DC up to the millimeter-wave range (over 100 GHz). The technique is statistically validated against full-wave electromagnetic simulations. The efficient model evaluation enables its exploitation in iterative user-driven design approaches, as well as automated design exploration involving thousands of simulations. As experimental results, the model is used in several scenarios, such as the design of an inter-stage amplifier operating at 60 GHz, where the model assisted in the simulation of the transformers and baluns used, and the design of individual transformers and a matching network.

Synthesis of mm-Wave Wideband Receivers in 28nm CMOS Technology for Automotive Radar Applications
F. Passos, M. Chanca, E. Roca, R. Castro-López and F.V. Fernández
Journal Paper · IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 39, no. 12, pp 4375-4384, 2020
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A new strategy for millimeter-wave circuit and system synthesis, where the accuracy of electromagnetic simulations can be achieved in optimization-based design methodologies without sacrificing efficiency, is presented and tested within a real industrial project. This is done by properly partitioning the system, generating libraries of passive devices which are electromagnetically simulated prior to any circuit optimization, generating performance trade-offs at different hierarchical levels with multi-objective optimization algorithms and hierarchically composing lower level sub-blocks. With this proposed solution, an entire millimeter-wave system, from the passive component level up to the system level, has been designed and compared with the results obtained from a conventional design approach, demonstrating the outstanding capabilities of the methodology.

Ready-to-Fabricate RF Circuit Synthesis using a Layout- and Variability-Aware Optimization-based Methodology
F. Passos, E. Roca, R. Martins, N. Lourenço, S. Ahyoune, J. Sieiro, R. Castro-Lopez, N. Horta and F.V. Fernandez
Journal Paper · IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 51601-51609, 2020
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In this paper, physical implementations and measurement results are presented for several Voltage Controlled Oscillators that were designed using a fully-automated, layout-and variability-aware optimization-based methodology. The methodology uses a highly accurate model, based on machine-learning techniques, to characterize inductors, and a multi-objective optimization algorithm to achieve a Pareto-optimal front containing optimal circuit designs offering different performance trade-offs. The final outcome of the proposed methodology is a set of design solutions (with their GDSII description available and ready-to-fabricate) that need no further designer intervention. Two key elements of the proposed methodology are the use of an optimization algorithm linked to an off-the-shelf simulator and an inductor model that yield EM-like accuracy but with much shorter evaluation times. Furthermore, the methodology guarantees the same high level of robustness against layout parasitics and variability that an expert designer would achieve with the verification tools at his/her disposal. The methodology is technology-independent and can be used for the design of radio frequency circuits. The results are validated with experimental measurements on a physical prototype.

A robust and automated methodology for the analysis of Time-Dependent Variability at transistor level
P. Saraza-Canflanca, J. Diaz-Fortuny, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca, J. Martin-Martinez, R. Rodriguez, M. Nafria and F.V. Fernandez
Journal Paper · Integration, vol. 72, pp 13-20, 2020
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In the past few years, Time-Dependent Variability has become a subject of growing concern in CMOS technologies. In particular, phenomena such as Bias Temperature Instability, Hot-Carrier Injection and Random Telegraph Noise can largely affect circuit reliability. It becomes therefore imperative to develop reliability-aware design tools to mitigate their impact on circuits. To this end, these phenomena must be first accurately characterized and modeled. And, since all these phenomena reveal a stochastic nature for deeply-scaled integration technologies, they must be characterized massively on devices to extract the probability distribution functions associated to their characteristic parameters. In this work, a complete methodology to characterize these phenomena experimentally, and then extract the necessary parameters to construct a Time-Dependent Variability model, is presented. This model can be used by a reliability simulator.

Flexible Setup for the Measurement of CMOS Time-Dependent Variability with Array-Based Integrated Circuits
J. Diaz-Fortuny, P. Saraza-Canflanca, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca, J. Martin-Martinez, R. Rodriguez, F.V. Fernandez and M. Nafria
Journal Paper · IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 69, no. 2, pp 853-864, 2020
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This paper presents an innovative and automated measurement setup for the characterization of variability effects in CMOS transistors using array-based integrated circuits (ICs), through which a better understanding of CMOS reliability could be attained. This setup addresses the issues that come with the need for a trustworthy statistical characterization of these effects: testing a very large number of devices accurately but, also, in a timely manner. The setup consists of software and hardware components that provide a user-friendly interface to perform the statistical characterization of CMOS transistors. Five different electrical tests, comprehending time-zero and time-dependent variability effects, can be carried out. Test preparation is, with the described setup, reduced to a few seconds. Moreover, smart parallelization techniques allow reducing the typically time-consuming aging characterization from months to days or even hours. The scope of this paper thus encompasses the methodology and practice of measurement of CMOS time-dependent variability, as well as the development of appropriate measurement systems and components used in efficiently generating and acquiring the necessary electrical signals.

A Multilevel Bottom-up Optimization Methodology for the Automated Synthesis of RF Systems
F. Passos, E. Roca, J. Sieiro, R. Fiorelli, R. Castro-López, J.M. López-Villegas and F.V. Fernández
Journal Paper · IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 39, no. 3, pp 560-571, 2020
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In recent years there has been a growing interest in electronic design automation methodologies for the optimizationbased design of radiofrequency circuits and systems. While for simple circuits several successful methodologies have been proposed, these very same methodologies exhibit significant deficiencies when the complexity of the circuit is increased. The majority of the published methodologies that can tackle radiofrequency systems are either based on high-level system specification tools or use models to estimate the system performances. Hence, such approaches do not usually provide the desired accuracy for RF systems. In this work, a methodology based on hierarchical multilevel bottom-up design approaches is presented, where multi-objective optimization algorithms are used to design an entire radiofrequency system from the passive component level up to the system level. Furthermore, each level of the hierarchy is simulated with the highest accuracy possible: electromagnetic simulation accuracy at device-level and electrical simulations at circuit/system-level.

Two-Step RF IC Block Synthesis with Preoptimized Inductors and Full Layout Generation In-the-Loop
R. Martins, N. Lourenço, F. Passos, R. Póvoa, A. Canelas, E. Roca, R. Castro-López, J. Sieiro, F.V. Fernández and N. Horta
Journal Paper · IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 38, no. 6, pp 989-1002, 2019
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In this paper, an analysis of the methodologies proposed in the past years to automate the synthesis of radio-frequency (RF) integrated circuit blocks is presented. In the light of this analysis, and to avoid nonsystematic iterations between sizing and layout design steps, a multiobjective optimization-based layout-aware sizing approach with preoptimized integrated inductor(s) design space is proposed. An automatic layout generation from netlist to ready-to-fabricate prototype is carried in-the-loop for each tentative sizing solution using an RF-specific module generator, template-based placer and evolutionary multinet router with preoptimized interconnect widths. The proposed approach exploits the full capabilities of the most established computer-aided design tools for RF design available nowadays, i.e., RF circuit simulator as performance evaluator, electromagnetic simulator for inductor characterization, and layout extractor to determine the complete circuit layout parasitics. Experiments are conducted over a widely used circuit in the RF context, showing the advantages of performing complete layout-aware sizing optimization from the very initial stages of the design process.

A detailed study of the gate/drain voltage dependence of RTN in bulk pMOS transistors
P. Saraza-Canflanca, J. Martin-Martinez, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca, R. Rodriguez, M. Nafria and F.V. Fernandez
Journal Paper · Microelectronic Engineering, vol. 215, article 111004, 2019
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Random Telegraph Noise (RTN) has attracted increasing interest in the last years. This phenomenon introduces variability in the electrical properties of transistors, in particular in deeply-scaled CMOS technologies, which can cause performance degradation in circuits. In this work, the dependence of RTN parameters, namely current jump amplitude and emission and capture time constants, on the bias conditions, both VG and VD, has been studied on a set of devices, with a high granularity in a broad voltage range. The results obtained for the VG dependences corroborate previous works, but suggest a unique trend for all the devices in a VG range that goes from the near-threshold region up to voltages over the nominal operation bias. However, different trends have been observed in the parameters dependence for the case of VD. From the experimental data, the probabilities of occupation of the associated defects have been evaluated, pointing out large device-to-device dispersion in the VD dependences.

A smart noise- and RTN-removal method for parameter extraction of CMOS aging compact models
J. Diaz-Fortuny, J. Martin-Martinez, R. Rodriguez, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca, F.V. Fernandez and M. Nafria
Journal Paper · Solid-State Electronics, vol. 159, pp 99-105, 2019
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In modern nanometer-scale CMOS technologies, time-zero and time-dependent variability (TDV) effects, the latter coming from aging mechanisms like Bias Temperature Instability (BTI), Hot Carrier Injection (HCI) or Random Telegraph Noise (RTN), have re-emerged as a serious threat affecting the performance of analog and digital integrated circuits. Variability induced by the aging phenomena can lead circuits to a progressive malfunction or failure. In order to understand the effects of the mentioned variability sources, a precise and sound statistical characterization and modeling of these effects should be done. Typically, transistor TDV characterization entails long, and typically prohibitive, testing times, as well as huge amounts of data, which are complex to post-process. In order to face these limitations, this work presents a new method to statistically characterize the emission times and threshold voltage shifts (ΔVth) related to oxide defects in nanometer CMOS transistors during aging tests. At the same time, the aging testing methodology significantly reduces testing times by parallelizing the stress. The method identifies the Vth drops associated to oxide trap emissions during BTI and HCI aging recovery traces while removing RTN and background noise contributions, to avoid artifacts during data analysis.

A Versatile CMOS Transistor Array IC for the Statistical Characterization of Time-Zero Variability, RTN, BTI, and HCI
J. Diaz-Fortuny, J. Martin-Martines, R. Rodriguez, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca, X. Aragones, E. Barajas, D. Mateo, F.V. Fernandez and M. Nafria
Journal Paper · IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 54, no. 2, pp 476-488, 2019
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Statistical characterization of CMOS transistor variability phenomena in modern nanometer technologies is key for accurate end-of-life prediction. This paper presents a novel CMOS transistor array chip to statistically characterize the effects of several critical variability sources, such as time-zero variability (TZV), random telegraph noise (RTN), bias temperature instability (BTI), and hot-carrier injection (HCI). The chip integrates 3136 MOS transistors of both pMOS and nMOS types, with eight different sizes. The implemented architecture provides the chip with a high level of versatility, allowing all required tests and attaining the level of accuracy that the characterization of the above-mentioned variability effects requires. Another very important feature of the array is the capability of performing massively parallel aging testing, thus significantly cutting down the time for statistical characterization. The chip has been fabricated in a 1.2-V, 65-nm CMOS technology with a total chip area of 1800 x 1800 µm2.

A two-step surrogate modeling strategy for single-objective and multi-objective optimization of radiofrequency circuits
F. Passos, R. González-Echevarría, E. Roca, R. Castro-López and F.V. Fernández
Journal Paper · Soft Computing, vol. 23, no. 13, pp 4911-4925, 2019
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The knowledge-intensive radiofrequency circuit design and the scarce design automation support play against the increasingly stringent time-to-market demands. Optimization algorithms are starting to play a crucial role; however, their effectiveness is dramatically limited by the accuracy of the evaluation functions of objectives and constraints. Accurate performance evaluation of radiofrequency passive elements, e.g., inductors, is provided by electromagnetic simulators, but their computational cost makes their use within iterative optimization loops unaffordable. Surrogate modeling strategies, e.g., Kriging, support vector machines, artificial neural networks, etc., arise as a promising modeling alternative. However, their limited accuracy in this kind of applications has prevented a widespread use. In this paper, inductor performance properties are exploited to develop a two-step surrogate modeling strategy in order to evaluate the behavior of inductors with high efficiency and accuracy. An automated design flow for radiofrequency circuits using this surrogate modeling of passive components is presented. The methodology couples a circuit simulator with evolutionary computation algorithms such as particle swarm optimization, genetic algorithm or non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II). This methodology ensures optimal performances within short computation times by avoiding electromagnetic simulations of inductors during the entire optimization process and using a surrogate model that has less than 1% error in inductance and quality factor when compared against electromagnetic simulations. Numerous real-life experiments of single-objective and multi-objective low-noise amplifier design demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed strategies.

A comparison of automated RF circuit design methodologies: online vs. offline passive component design
F. Passos, E. Roca, R. Castro-López and F.V. Fernández
Journal Paper · IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems, vol. 26, no. 11, pp 2386-2394, 2018
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In this paper, surrogate modeling techniques are applied for passive component modeling. These techniques are exploited to develop and compare two alternative strategies for automated radio-frequency circuit design. The first one is a traditional approach where passive components are designed during the optimization stage. The second one, inspired on bottom-up circuit design methodologies, builds passive component Pareto-optimal fronts (POFs) prior to any circuit optimization. Afterward, these POFs are used as an optimized library from where the passive components are selected. This paper exploits the advantages of evolutionary computation algorithms in order to efficiently explore the circuit design space, and the accuracy and efficiency of surrogate models to model passive components.

Quasi-static PEEC planar solver using a weighted combination of 2D and 3D analytical Green's functions and a predictive meshing generator
S. Ahyoune, J. Sieiro, T. Carrasco, N. Vidal, J.M. López-Villegas, E. Roca and F.V. Fernández
Journal Paper · Integration, vol. 63, pp 332-341, 2018
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In this work, a quasi-static implementation of the partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) method for the analysis of planar radiofrequency (RF) and microwave (uW) components is proposed. The procedure is divided in three parts. First, an alternative PEEC formulation based on energy concepts is described. Second, a smart mesh generator is developed in order to provide an accurate solution at minimum computational costs, taking into account both geometry and device physics as metrics for the correct sizing of mesh elements. And third, a weighted combination of the 2D and 3D quasi-static Green's functions (GF) is proposed for extending the valid frequency range of the quasi-static approximation. It is shown that the 3D-GF is very accurate at low frequency, whereas the 2D-GF is more suitable at higher frequencies. Numerical examples are compared to experimental data for different passive components and technologies in a wide frequency range.

Enhanced systematic design of a voltage controlled oscillator using a two-step optimization methodology
F. Passos, R. Martins, N. Lourenço, E. Roca, R. Póvoa, A. Canelas, R. Castro-López, N. Horta and F.V. Fernández
Journal Paper · Integration, vol. 63, pp 351-361, 2018
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In this paper a design strategy based on bottom-up design methodologies is used in order to systematically design a voltage controlled oscillator. The methodology uses two computer-aided design tools: AIDA, a multi-objective multi-constraint circuit optimization tool, and SIDe-O, a tool that characterizes and optimizes integrated inductors with high accuracy (around 1% when compared to electromagnetic simulations). By using such tools, the difficult trade-offs inherent to radio-frequency circuits can be explored efficiently and accurately. Furthermore, with the capability that AIDA has at considering process parameter variations during the optimization, the resulting methodology is able to obtain truly robust circuit designs.

Radio-frequency inductor synthesis using evolutionary computation and Gaussian-process surrogate modeling
F. Passos, E. Roca, R.Castro-López and F.V. Fernández
Journal Paper · Applied Soft Computing, vol. 60, pp 495-507, 2017
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In recent years, the application of evolutionary computation techniques to electronic circuit design problems, ranging from digital to analog and radiofrequency circuits, has received increasing attention. The level of maturity runs inversely to the complexity of the design task, less complex in digital circuits, higher in analog ones and still higher in radiofrequency circuits. Radiofrequency inductors are key culprits of such complexity. Their key performance parameters are inductance and quality factors, both a function of the frequency. The inductor optimization requires knowledge of such parameters at a few representative frequencies. Most common approaches for optimization-based radiofrequency circuit design use analytical models for the inductors. Although a lot of effort has been devoted to improve the accuracy of such analytical models, errors in inductance and quality factor in the range of 5%-25% are usual and it may go as high as 200% for some device sizes. When the analytical models are used in optimization-based circuit design approaches, these errors lead to suboptimal results, or, worse, to a disastrous non-fulfilment of specifications. Expert inductor designers rely on iterative evaluations with electromagnetic simulators, which, properly configured, are able to yield a highly accurate performance evaluation. Unfortunately, electromagnetic simulations typically take from some tens of seconds to a few hours, hampering their coupling to evolutionary computation algorithms. Therefore, analytical models and electromagnetic simulation represent extreme cases of the accuracy-efficiency trade-off in performance evaluation of radiofrequency inductors. Surrogate modeling strategies arise as promising candidates to improve such trade-off. However, obtaining the necessary accuracy is not that easy as inductance and quality factor at some representative frequencies must be obtained and both performances change abruptly around the self-resonance frequency, which is particular to each device and may be located above or below the frequencies of interest. Both, offline and online training methods will be considered in this work and a new two-step strategy for inductor modeling is proposed that significantly improves the accuracy of offline methods The new strategy is demonstrated and compared for both, single-objective and multi-objective optimization scenarios. Numerous experimental results show that the proposed two-step approach outperforms simpler application strategies of surrogate modelling techniques, getting comparable performances to approaches based on electromagnetic simulation but with orders of magnitude less computational effort.

Parametric macromodeling of integrated inductors for RF circuit design
F. Passos, Y. Ye, D. Spina, E. Roca, R. Castro-López, T. Dhaene and F.V. Fernández
Journal Paper · Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 59, no. 5, pp 1207-1212, 2017
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Nowadays, parametric macromodeling techniques are widely used to describe electromagnetic structures. In this contribution, the application of such parametric macromodeling techniques to the design of integrated inductors and radio-frequency circuit design is investigated. In order to allow such different operations, a new modeling methodology is proposed, which improves the modeling accuracy when compared to former techniques. The new methodology is tailored to the unique characteristics of the devices under study. The obtained parametric macromodel is then used in a synthesis methodology and in the design of a voltage controlled oscillator in a 0.35-μm CMOS technology.

An inductor modeling and optimization toolbox for RF circuit design
F. Passos, E. Roca, R. Castro-López and F.V. Fernández
Journal Paper · Integration, the VLSI Journal, vol. 58, pp 463-472, 2017
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This paper describes the SIDe-O toolbox and the support it can provide to the radio-frequency designer. SIDe-O is a computer-aided design toolbox developed for the design of integrated inductors based on surrogate modeling techniques and the usage of evolutionary optimization algorithms. The models used feature less than 1% error when compared to electromagnetic simulations while reducing the simulation time by several orders of magnitude. Furthermore, the tool allows the creation of S-parameter files that accurately describe the behavior of inductors for a given range of frequencies, which can later be used in SPICE-like simulations for circuit design in commercial environments. This toolbox provides a solution to the problem of accurately and efficiently optimizing inductors, which alleviates the bottleneck that these devices represent in the radio-frequency circuit design process.

An automated design methodology of RF circuits by using Pareto-optimal fronts of EM-simulated inductors
R. González-Echevarría, E. Roca, R. Castro-López, F.V. Fernández, J. Sieiro, J.M. López-Villegas and N. Vidal
Journal Paper · IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 36, no. 1, pp 15-26, 2017
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A new design methodology for radiofrequency circuits is presented that includes electromagnetic (EM) simulation of the inductors into the optimization flow. This is achieved by previously generating the Pareto-optimal front (POF) of the inductors using EM simulation. Inductors are selected from the Pareto front and their S-parameter matrix is included in the circuit netlist that is simulated using an RF simulator. Generating the EM-simulated POF of inductors is computationally expensive, but once generated, it can be used for any circuit design. The methodology is illustrated both for a single-objective and a multi-objective optimization of a Low Noise Amplifier.

Reliability simulation for analog ICs: Goals, solutions, and challenges
A. Toro-Frías, P. Martín-Lloret, J. Martin-Martinez, R. Castro-López, E. Roca, R. Rodriguez, M. Nafria and F.V. Fernández
Journal Paper · Integration, the VLSI Journal, vol. 55, pp 341-348, 2016
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The need for new tools and simulation methodologies to evaluate the impact of all reliability effects in ICs is a critical challenge for the electronic industry. Issues due to process-related variations (also known as spatial variability) are well-known and off-the-shelf simulation methods are available. On the other hand, models and simulation methods for the aging-related problems, which are becoming more important with each technology node, are far less mature, specially for analog ICs. In this sense, transistor wear-out phenomena such as Bias Temperature Instability (BTI) and Hot Carriers Injection (HCI) cause a time-dependent variability that occurs together with the spatial variability. A fundamental missing piece in the design flow is an efficient and accurate simulation methodology for IC reliability. To this goal, several challenges should be addressed properly: the essential nature of the stochastic behavior of aging (and thus resorting to stochastic models rather than deterministic ones), the correlation between spatial and aging-related variability, and relationship between biasing, stress and aging in analog ICs, among others. This paper discusses some of these challenges in detail.

Introduction to the special issue on Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Design Techniques
E. Roca and J. Sieiro
Journal Paper · Integration, the VLSI Journal, vol. 52, pp. 183-184, 2016
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The growing demand for new and more complex wireless communication devices is pushing continuous innovation in the design of Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits. New and stronger performance requirements are to be met in shorter times-to-market, using technologies which are not always RF-friendly, making the design of these circuits a challenging job.
Miniaturization and cost have driven CMOS technologies as attractive candidates for the design of RF integrated circuits. Furthermore, the scaling of these technologies down to the nanometric regime has pushed their frequencies of operation well into the millimeter-wave region. Currently, CMOS coexists with other high-performance technologies, like SiGe, providing the RF designer with a wide catalog of alternatives for the optimal system design considering a variety of aspects like size, cost, power consumption, performance, etc. .
One the most important challenges of RF design is the lack of good simulation and modeling tools that can combine the electrical characteristics of the different devices (active and passive) with their electromagnetic properties when operating at GHz frequencies. The development of new simulation methodologies and mathematical modeling for RFIC are crucial aspects for designing RF circuits that fulfill the requirements of the communication standards and effectively reduce the design time.

Fully analytical characterization of the series inductance of tapered integrated inductors
F. Passos, M.H. Fino and E. Roca
Journal Paper · International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications, vol 60, no. 1, pp 65-69, 2014
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In this paper a general method for the determination of the series inductance of polygonal tapered inductors is presented. The value obtained can be integrated into any integrated inductor lumped element model, thus granting the overall characterization of the device and the evaluation of performance parameters such as the quality factor or the resonance frequency. In this work, the inductor is divided into several segments and the corresponding self and mutual inductances are calculated. In the end, results obtained for several working examples are compared against electromagnetic (EM) simulations are performed in order to check the validity of the model for square, hexagonal, octagonal and tapered inductors. The proposed method depends exclusively on the geometric characteristics of the inductor as well as the technological parameters. This allows its straight forward application to any inductor shape or technology.

Automated generation of the optimal performance trade-offs of integrated inductors
R. González-Echevarría, R. Castro-López, E. Roca, F.V. Fernández, J. Sieiro, N.Vidal and J.M. López-Villegas
Journal Paper · IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 33, no. 8, pp. 1269-1273, 2014
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In this paper, a new methodology for the automated generation of the optimal performance trade-offs of integrated inductors is presented. The methodology combines a multiobjective optimization algorithm with electromagnetic simulation to get highly accurate results. A set of sized inductors is obtained showing the best performance trade-offs for a given technology. Unlike reported approaches for inductor synthesis, performance trade-offs are generated offline, i.e., before any specific inductance or quality factor are required. The tight efficiency versus accuracy trade-off of existing approaches is, in this way, avoided and performance evaluation via electromagnetic simulation becomes affordable.

Generation of surrogate models of Pareto-optimal performance trade-offs of planar inductors
M. Kotti, R. González-Echevarría, F.V. Fernández, E. Roca, J. Sieiro, R. Castro-López, M. Fakhfakh and J.M. López-Villegas
Journal Paper · Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 78, no. 1, pp 87-97, 2014
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Systematic design methodologies for wireless transceivers require an efficient design of integrated inductors. Early availability of feasible trade-offs between inductance, quality factor, self-resonance frequency and area, is a key enabler towards the improvement of such design methodologies. This paper introduces such an approach in two steps. First, a Pareto-optimal performance front of integrated inductors is generated by embedding a performance evaluator into a multi-objective optimization tool. Then, starting from the optimal front samples, a surrogate model of the performance front is obtained. Experimental results in a 0.35-μm CMOS technology are provided.

Introduction to the special issue on SMACD 2012
F.V. Fernández, E. Roca and R. Castro-López
Journal Paper · Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 78, no. 1, pp 61-63, 2014
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Abstract not avaliable

Context-dependent transformation of Pareto-optimal performance fronts of operational amplifiers
E. Roca-Moreno, M. Velasco-Jiménez, R. Castro-López and F.V. Fernández-Fernández
Journal Paper · Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 73, no. 1, pp 65-76, 2012
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The use of Pareto-optimal performance fronts in emerging design methodologies for analog integrated circuits is a keystone to overcome the limitations of traditional design methodologies. However, most techniques to generate the fronts reported so far neglect the effect that the surrounding circuitry (such as the load impedance) has on the Pareto-front, thereby making it only realistic for the context where the front was generated. This strongly limits the use of the Pareto front because of the strong dependence between the key performances of an analog circuit and its surrounding circuitry, but, more importantly, because this circuitry remains unknown until the Pareto-optimal front is being used. Since performance front generation is a costly process, this paper proposes that performance fronts for a new context of use of a given circuit can be obtained from fronts that were previously generated under some different conditions. Towards this goal, a transformation methodology for performance objectives of operational amplifiers has been developed. Experimental results for a folded-cascode and a Miller-compensated operational amplifiers show that this is a promising approach to reuse the fronts in multiple contexts.

Mixed-mode impedance and reflection coefficient of two-port devices
T. Carrasco, J. Sieiro, J.M. López-Villegas, N. Vidal, R. Gonzalez-Echevarria and E. Roca
Journal Paper · Progress in Electromagnetics Research-Pier, vol. 130, pp 411-428, 2012
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From the point of view of mixed-mode scattering parameters, S, a two-port device can be excited using different driving conditions. Each condition leads to a particular set of input reflection and input impedance coefficient definitions that should be carefully applied depending on the type of excitation and symmetry of the two-port device. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to explain the general analytic procedure for the evaluation of such reflection and impedance coefficients in terms of mixed-mode scattering parameters. Moreover, the driving of a two-port device as a one-port device is explained as a particular case of a two-port mixed-mode excitation using a given set of mixed-mode loads. The theory is applied to the evaluation of the quality factor, Q, of symmetrical and non-symmetrical inductors.

A memetic approach to the automatic design of high-performance analog integrated circuits
B. Liu, F.V. Fernández, G. Gielen, R. Castro-López and E. Roca
Journal Paper · Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, vol. 14, no. 3, pp 42, 2009
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This article introduces an evolution-based methodology, named memetic single-objective evolutionary algorithm (MSOEA), for automated sizing of high-performance analog integrated circuits. Memetic algorithms may achieve higher global and local search ability by properly combining operators from different standard evolutionary algorithms. By integrating operators from the differential evolution algorithm, from the real-coded genetic algorithm, operators inspired by the simulated annealing algorithm, and a set of constraint handling techniques, MSOEA specializes in handling analog circuit design problems with numerous and tight design constraints. The method has been tested through the sizing of several analog circuits. The results show that design specifications are met and objective functions are highly optimized. Comparisons with available methods like genetic algorithm and differential evolution in conjunction with static penalty functions, as well as with intelligent selection-based differential evolution, are also carried out, showing that the proposed algorithm has important advantages in terms of constraint handling ability and optimization quality.

Multimode Pareto fronts for design of reconfigurable analogue circuits
R. Castro-López, E. Roca and F.V. Fernández
Journal Paper · Electronics Letters, vol. 45, no. 2, pp 95-96, 2009
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Multimode Pareto-optimal fronts are presented. This is a novel concept that can be key in the design of reconfigurable analogue circuits, because it contains information not only on the trade-offs among the circuit performances, but also on its reconfiguration capabilities. A method to generate the front, relying on evolutionary optimisation, and a general dominance sorting algorithm that guides the optimisation, are both described.

An integrated layout-synthesis approach for analog ICs
R. Castro-López, O. Guerra, E. Roca and F.V. Fernández
Journal Paper · IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 27, no. 7, pp 1179-1189, 2008
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In analog integrated circuit design, iterations between electrical and physical syntheses to counterbalance layout-induced performance degradations should be avoided as much as possible. One possible solution involves the integration of traditionally separated electrical and physical synthesis phases by including layout-induced effects right into the electrical synthesis phase in what has been called parasitic-aware synthesis. This solution, as such, is not yet complete since there are geometric requirements (minimization of area or fulfillment of certain layout aspect ratio, among others) whose effects on the resulting parasitics are not usually considered during the electrical synthesis. In this paper, a layout-aware solution for analog cells that tackles both geometric and parasitic-aware electrical synthesis is proposed. Several design examples are provided.

Systematic design of high-resolution high-frequency cascade continuous-time sigma-delta modulators
R. Tortosa, R. Castro-López, J.M. de la Rosa, E. Roca, A. Rodríguez Vázquez and F.V. Fernández
Journal Paper · ETRI Journal, vol. 30, no. 4, pp 535-545, 2008
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This paper introduces a systematic top-down and bottom-up design methodology to assist the designer in the implementation of continuous-time (CT) cascade sigma-delta (SIGMA DELTA) modulators. The salient features of this methodology are (a) flexible behavioral modeling for optimum accuracy-efficiency trade-offs at different stages of the top-down synthesis process, (b) direct synthesis in the continuous-time domain for minimum circuit complexity and sensitivity, (c) mixed knowledge-based and optimization-based architectural exploration and specification transmission for enhanced circuit performance, and (d) use of Pareto-optimal fronts of building blocks to reduce re-design iterations. The applicability of this methodology will be illustrated via the design of a 12-bit 20 MHz CT SIGMA DELTA modulator in a 1.2 V 130 nm CMOS technology.

Early slip detection with a tactile sensor based on retina
R. Maldonado-López, F. Vidal-Verdú, G. Liñán, E. Roca and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Journal Paper · Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 53, no. 2-3, pp 97-108, 2007
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The interest in tactile sensors is increasing as their use in complex unstructured environments is demanded, like in telepresence, minimal invasive surgery, robotics etc. The array of pressure data provided by these devices can be treated with different image processing algorithms to extract miscellaneous information. However, as in the case of vision chips or artificial retinas, problems arise when the size of the array and the computational complexity increase. Having a look at the skin, the information collected by every mechanoreceptor is not sent to the brain for its processing, but some complex pre-processing is performed to fit the limited throughput of the nervous system. This is specially important for high bandwidth demanding tasks, as the case of slip detection with tactile sensors, which is demanding in computing requirements. Here we show some results from a tactile processor based on circuitry proposed for an artificial retina that has been modified to mimic the way the biological skin works.

ACE16k: The third generation of mixed-signal SIMD-CNN ACE chips toward VSoCs
A. Rodríguez-Vázquez, G. Liñán-Cembrano, L. Carranza, E. Roca-Moreno, R. Carmona-Galán, F. Jiménez-Garrido, R. Domínguez-Castro and S. Espejo-Meana
Journal Paper · IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I-Regular Papers, vol. 51, no. 5, pp 851-863, 2004
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Today, with 0.18-μm technologies mature and stable enough for mixed-signal design with a large variety of CMOS compatible optical sensors available and with 0.09-μm technologies knocking at the door of designers, we can face the design of integrated systems, instead of just integrated circuits. In fact, significant progress has been made in the last few years toward the realization of vision systems on chips (VSoCs). Such VSoCs are eventually targeted to integrate within a semiconductor substrate the functions of optical sensing, image processing in space and time, high-level processing, and the control of actuators. The consecutive generations of ACE chips define a roadmap toward flexible VSoCs. These chips consist of arrays of mixed-signal processing elements (PEs) which operate in accordance with single instruction multiple data (SIMD) computing architectures and exhibit the functional features of CNN Universal Machines. They have been conceived to cover the early stages of the visual processing path in a fully parallel manner, and hence more efficiently than DSP-based systems. Across the different generations, different improvements and modifications have been made looking to converge with the newest discoveries of neurobiologists regarding the behavior of natural retinas. This paper presents considerations pertaining to the design of a member of the third generation of ACE chips, namely to the so-called ACE16k chip. This chip, designed in a 0.35-μm standard CMOS technology, contains about 3.75 million transistors and exhibits peak computing figures of 330 GOPS, 3.6 GOPS/mm(2) and 82.5 GOPS/W. Each PE in the array contains a reconfigurable computing kernel capable of calculating linear convolutions on 3 x 3 neighborhoods in less than 1.5 μs, imagewise Boolean combinations in less than 200 ns, imagewise arithmetic operations in about 5 μs, and CNN-like temporal evolutions with a time constant of about 0.5 μs. Unfortunately, the many ideas underlying the design of this chip cannot be covered in a single paper; hence, this paper is focused on, first, placing the ACE16k in the ACE chip roadmap and, then, discussing the most significant modifications of ACE16K versus its predecessors in the family.

Approximate symbolic analysis of hierarchically decomposed analog circuits
O. Guerra, E. Roca, F.V. Fernandez and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Journal Paper · Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 31, no. 2, pp 131-145, 2002
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This paper presents a methodology for the symbolic analysis of large analog integrated circuits using a hierarchical approach. The drawbacks of previous approaches are solved by the introduction of error-controlled approximation strategies. A proper modeling methodology through the different hierarchical levels allows to combine the optimum techniques for generation of the symbolic expressions and the most efficient numerical techniques for error control. These approximation strategies together with mechanisms for partitioning and union of blocks through the hierarchy yield optimum results in terms of speed, accuracy and complexity of the symbolic results.


Machine Learning Approaches for Transformer Modeling
F. Passos, N. Lourenço, R. Martins, E. Roca, R. Castro-Lopez, N. Horta and F.V. Fernandez
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2022

In this paper, several machine learning modeling methodologies are applied to accurately and efficiently model transformers, which are still a bottleneck in millimeter-wave circuit design. In order to compare the models, a statistical validation is performed against electromagnetic simulations using hundreds of passive structures. The presented models using machine learning techniques have proven to be accurate, efficient, and useful for a wide range of frequencies from (around) DC up to the millimeter-wave range (around 100GHz). As an application example, the models are used as a performance evaluator in a synthesis procedure to optimize a transformer and a balun.

Characterization and analysis of BTI and HCI effects in CMOS current mirrors
A. Santana-Andreo, P. Martin-Lloret, E. Roca, R. Castro-Lopez and F.V. Fernandez
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2022

This paper presents experimental results on the aging-induced degradation of CMOS current mirrors fabricated in a 65-nm CMOS technology. A dedicated integrated circuit array with custom test structures allowing for accelerated aging tests is used for the characterization, including several geometries of simple current mirrors, in PMOS and NMOS versions. The bi-directional link between device degradation and bias conditions that comes into play during circuit aging, as well as the permanent degradation, are both reported and analysed.

High-level design of a novel PUF based on RTN
E. Camacho-Ruiz, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca and F.V. Fernandez
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2022

Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) have emerged as an alternative to traditional Non-Volatile Memories in the field of lightweight hardware security. Recently, a novel PUF has been presented that uses the Random Telegraph Noise (RTN) phenomenon as the underlying source of entropy. While, in general, the nature of that entropy source largely dictates the quality of a PUF, little attention is often paid, however, to how the PUF architecture and its building blocks impact the PUF quality. This paper addresses the high-level design of the novel PUF to ascertain the extent of that impact and refine the building blocks specifications to mitigate it. Using high-level numerical and mixed-signal electrical simulations, the results demonstrate that it is very important to account for nonidealities in the PUF´s building blocks to prevent PUF quality degradation.

On the use of an RTN simulator to explore the quality trade-offs of a novel RTN-based PUF
E. Camacho-Ruiz, A. Santana-Andreo, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca and F.V. Fernandez
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2022

Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) use variability as an entropy source from which to generate secure authentication and identification. While most silicon PUFs exploit the well-known Time-Zero Variability of CMOS technologies, the lack of efficient simulation tools for the Time- Dependent Variability (TDV) has left the potential benefits of this other kind of variability largely unexplored. However, recent advances in the field are allowing this exploration to begin. The objective of this paper is then to take a recently reported simulation tool to design a novel PUF that uses the Random Telegraph Noise (RTN), a TDV phenomenon, as the underlying entropy source. In the ensuing analysis, essential design guidelines are provided to best exploit such entropy source with factors like transistor biasing and sizing.

Impact of BTI and HCI on the reliability of a majority voter
A. Santana-Andreo, E. Roca, R. Castro-Lopez and F.V. Fernandez
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2022

Triple Modular Redundancy is a commonly used hardware technique in mission- and safety-critical systems to ensure reliability. Although a simple circuit, the majority voter can be the weak link in this system and different designs have been proposed to increase its robustness to single event effects and permanent faults. However, no study has been performed to analyze the effect of Bias Temperature Instability (BTI) and Hot Carrier Injection (HCI) on a majority voter, which can lead to timing failures or exacerbate other failure mechanisms. This work uses a state-of-the-art aging simulator to estimate the effects of aging on a majority voter.

A systematic approach to RTN parameter fitting based on the Maximum Current Fluctuation
P. Saraza-Canflanca, J. Martin-Martinez, E. Roca, R. Castro-Lopez, R. Rodriguez, M. Nafria and F.V. Fernandez
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2022

This paper addresses the automated parameter extraction of Random Telegraph Noise models in nanoscale fieldeffect transistors. Unlike conventional approaches based on complex extraction of current levels and timing of trapping/detrapping events from individual defects in current traces, the proposed approach performs a simple processing of current traces. A smart optimization problem formulation allows to get distribution functions of the amplitude of the current shifts and of the number of active defects vs. time.

A Novel Physical Unclonable Function Using RTN
E. Camacho-Ruiz, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca, P. Brox and F.V. Fernandez
Conference · IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS 2022

PUFs have emerged as an alternative to traditional Non-Volatile Memories in the field of hardware security. In this paper, a novel PUF is proposed that uses the Random Telegraph Noise phenomenon as the underlying source of entropy. This phenomenon manifests as discrete and random shifts in the drain current of transistors and it is characterized by several parameters like the number of the defects in the device, as well as the emission and capture time constants and current shifts of these defects. Using the recently reported Maximum Current Fluctuation metric, it is possible to condense all this information and use it for the PUF design. By forming pairs of transistors, measuring, and comparing their Maximum Current Fluctuation over a given time interval, we demonstrate that it is possible to obtain a PUF. Furthermore, the results reported here show that this RNT-based PUF meets, and even outperforms, other silicon PUFs in terms of uniqueness, unpredictability, and reliability with an evident advantage in silicon area.

A Smart SRAM-Cell Array for the Experimental Study of Variability Phenomena in CMOS Technologies
P. Saraza-Canflanca, H. Carrasco-Lopez, A. Santana-Andreo, J. Diaz-Fortuny, R. Castro, E. Roca and F.V. Fernandez
Conference · IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium IRPS 2022

Time-Dependent Variability phenomena can have a considerable impact on circuit performance, especially for deeply-scaled technologies. To account for this, these phenomena need to be characterized and modelled. Such characterization is often performed at the device level first. Then, the model extracted from such characterization should be validated at the circuit level. To this end, this paper presents a novel chip fabricated in a 65-nm technology that contains an array of 6T SRAM cells. This chip includes some features that make it especially adequate for the characterization of the impact of Time-Dependent Variability phenomena. To demonstrate this adequacy, different tests have been performed to evaluate how Time-Dependent Variability phenomena impact several relevant performance metrics of SRAM cells.

Characterizing Aging Degradation of Integrated Circuits with a Versatile Custom Array of Reliability Test Structures
A. Santana-Andreo, P. Martin-Lloret, E. Roca, R. Castro-Lopez and F.V. Fernandez
Conference · IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures ICMTS 2022

Abstract not available

Simulating the impact of Random Telegraph Noise on integrated circuits
P. Saraza-Canflanca, E. Camacho-Ruiz, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca, J. Martin-Martinez, R. Rodriguez, M. Nafria and F.V. Fernandez
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2021

This paper addresses the statistical simulation of integrated circuits affected by Random Telegraph Noise (RTN). For that, the statistical distributions of the parameters of a defectcentric model for RTN are experimentally determined from a purposely designed integrated circuit with CMOS transistor arrays. Then, these distribution functions are used in a statistical simulation methodology that, taking into account transistor sizes, biasing conditions and time, can assess the impact of RTN in the performance of an integrated circuit. Simulation results of a simple circuit are shown together with experimental measurements of a circuit with the same characteristics implemented in the same CMOS technology.

Dealing with hierarchical partitioning in bottom-up design methodologies
F. Passos, P. Saraza-Canflanca, R. Castro Lopez, E. Roca and F.V. Fernandez
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2021

This paper deals with the expertise blend of circuit design and design methodology development required to successfully address hierarchical partitioning of analog, radio-frequency and mm-Wave circuits in bottom-up design methodologies. A set of guidelines is discussed for the optimal configuration of the bottom-up process that yields sound design results are obtained. These guidelines are demonstrated with two case studies.

A study of SRAM PUFs reliability using the Static Noise Margin
E. Camacho-Ruiz, P. Saraza-Canflanca, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca, P. Brox and F.V. Fernandez
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2021

The use of SRAM cells as key elements in a Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) has been widely reported. An essential characteristic the SRAM cell must feature for a reliable PUF is stability, i.e., it must power up consistently to the same value. Different techniques to measure this stability (and thus improve the PUF reliability) have been reported, such as the Multiple Evaluation method and, more recently, the Maximum Trip Supply Voltage method, the latter using the Data Retention Voltage (DRV) concept. While experimental results have been reported, this paper sheds some light from a different perspective: simulation. In this sense, and using wellknown concepts like butterfly curves, static noise margin and voltage-transfer curves, an analysis is provided on why and how stability originates in the cell. Moreover, by simulating the butterfly curve behavior when the supply voltage scales down, it is possible to correlate DRV with stability, thereby confirming the correct theoretical foundation of the MTSV method.

Circuit reliability prediction: challenges and solutions for the device time-dependent variability characterization roadblock
M. Nafria, J. Diaz-Fortuny, P. Saraza-Canflanca, J. Martin-Martinez, E. Roca, R. Castro-Lopez, R. Rodriguez, P. Martin-Lloret, A. Toro-Frias, D. Mateo, E. Barajas, X. Aragones and F.V. Fernandez
Conference · IEEE Latin America Electron Devices Conference LAEDC 2021

The characterization of the MOSFET Time-Dependent Variability (TDV) can be a showstopper for reliability-aware circuit design in advanced CMOS nodes. In this work, a complete MOSFET characterization flow is presented, in the context of a physics-based TDV compact model, that addresses the main TDV characterization challenges for accurate circuit reliability prediction at design time. The pillars of this approach are described and illustrated through examples.

Improving the reliability of SRAM-based PUFs under varying conditions
P. Sarazá-Canflanca, H. Carrasco-López, P. Brox, R. Castro-López, E. Roca and F.V. Fernández
Conference · Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems DCIS 2020

Abstract not available

Improving the reliability of SRAM-based PUFs in the presence of aging
P. Saraza-Canflanca, H. Carrasco-Lopez, P. Brox, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca and F.V. Fernandez
Conference · Design and Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era DTIS 2020

The utilization of power-up values in SRAM cells for the generation of PUF responses has been widely studied. It is important that the cells used for this purpose are stable, i.e., the cells must have a strong tendency towards one of the two possible values (‘ ‘0 ’ or ‘1 ’). Some methods have been presented that aim at increasing the reliability of this type of PUFs by selecting the strongest cells among a set of them. However, they feature some drawbacks, either in terms of their practical feasibility or of their actual effectiveness selecting the strongest cells in different scenarios. In this work, the experimental results obtained for a new method to classify the cells according to their strength are presented and discussed. The technique overcomes some of the drawbacks that the previous methods present. In particular, it is experimentally demonstrated that the technique presented in this work outstands in selecting SRAM cells that are very robust against circuit degradation, which translates into the construction of reliable SRAM-based PUFs.

An IC Array for the Statistical Characterization of Time-Dependent Variability of Basic Circuit Blocks
P. Martin-Lloret, J. Nuñez, E. Roca, R. Castro-Lopez, J. Martin-Martinez, R. Rodriguez, M. Nafria, F.V. Fernandez
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2019

This paper presents an integrated circuit (IC) array whose purpose is to observe, quantify and characterize the impact of time-dependent variability effects, like aging, in several widely used digital and analog circuit blocks. With the increasing interest that this kind of mechanism has attracted in the last years, for its potential impact in the reliability of ultra-scaled integrated circuits, it is only relevant that appropriate measures are taken to find out how it can be included (and thus mitigated) in the design process of such integrated circuits. And, while substantial literature exists that covers the device level, time-dependent variability at circuit level has not been as equally studied. This work complements our previous efforts in providing a holistic approach to Reliability-Aware Design: from statistical characterization and modeling at device-level, to simulation, and into optimization-based design with reliability considerations, the array presented here provides one more step towards a thorough and accurate understanding of how time-dependent variability works at the circuit level.

Synthesis of mm-Wave circuits using EM-simulated passive structure libraries
F. Passos, E. Roca, R. Castro-Lopez, N. Horta and F.V. Fernandez
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2019

Millimeter-wave circuit design is extremely complex and time-consuming. One of the reasons is the dependence on electromagnetic simulators used to accurately predict the performance of the high amount of passive structures that compose such circuits. Also, achieving optimal performances is not trivial in the millimeter-wave regime. Although synthesis methodologies can aid the designer to achieve optimal circuit performances, the usage of electromagnetic simulators is prohibitive in such methodologies due to efficiency issues. In this work, a new synthesis methodology is presented where the accuracy of electromagnetic simulations can be included without losing efficiency.

Experimental Characterization of Time-Dependent Variability in Ring Oscillators
J. Nuñez, E. Roca, R. Castro-Lopez, J. Martin-Martinez, R. Rodriguez, M. Nafria and F.V. Fernandez
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2019

Reliability in CMOS-based integrated circuits has always been a critical concern. In today′s ultra-scaled technologies, a time-varying kind of variability has raised that, on top of the well-known time-zero variability, threatens to shorten the lifetime of integrated circuits, both analog and digital. Effects like Bias Temperature Instability and Hot Carriers Injection need to be studied, characterized and modeled to include, and, thus, mitigate, their impact in the design of CMOS integrated circuits. This paper presents an array-based integrated circuit whose purpose is precisely that: to observe, quantify and characterize the impact of timedependent variability effects in a specific kind of circuits: Ring Oscillators.

TiDeVa: A Toolbox for the Automated and Robust Analysis of Time-Dependent Variability at Transistor Level
P. Saraza-Canflanca, J. Diaz-Fortuny, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca, J. Martin-Martinez, R. Rodriguez, M. Nafria and F.V.Fernandez
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2019

Time-Dependent Variability has attracted increasing interest in the last years. In particular, phenomena such as Bias Temperature Instability, Hot Carrier Injection and Random Telegraph Noise can have a large impact on circuit reliability, and must be therefore characterized and modeled. For technologies in the nanometer range, these phenomena reveal a stochastic behavior and must be characterized in a massive manner, with enormous amounts of data being generated in each measurement. In this work, a novel tool with a user-friendly interface, which allows the robust and fullyautomated parameter extraction for RTN, BTI and HCI experiments, is presented.

Generation of Lifetime-Aware Pareto-Optimal Fronts Using a Stochastic Reliability Simulator
A. Toro-Frias, P. Saraza-Canflanca, F. Passos, P. Martin-Lloret, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca, J. Martin-Martinez, R. Rodriguez, M. Nafria and F.V. Fernandez
Conference · Design Automation and Test in Europe DATE 2019

Process variability and time-dependent variability have become major concerns in deeply-scaled technologies. Two of the most important time-dependent variability phenomena are Bias Temperature Instability (BTI) and Hot-Carrier Injection (HCI), which can critically shorten the lifetime of circuits. Both BTI and HCI reveal a discrete and stochastic behavior in the nanometer scale, and, while process variability has been extensively treated, there is a lack of design methodologies that address the joint impact of these two phenomena on circuits. In this work, an automated and timeefficient design methodology that takes into account both process and time-dependent variability is presented. This methodology is based on the utilization of lifetime-aware Pareto-Optimal Fronts (POFs). The POFs are generated with a multi-objective optimization algorithm linked to a stochastic simulator. Both the optimization algorithm and the simulator have been specifically tailored to reduce the computational cost of the accurate evaluation of the impact on a circuit of both sources of variability.

New method for the automated massive characterization of Bias Temperature Instability in CMOS transistors
P. Saraza-Canflanca, J. Diaz-Fortuny, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca, J. Martin-Martinez, R. Rodriguez, M. Nafria, F.V. Fernandez
Conference · Design Automation and Test in Europe DATE 2019

Bias Temperature Instability has become a critical issue for circuit reliability. This phenomenon has been found to have a stochastic and discrete nature in nanometerscale CMOS technologies. To account for this random nature, massive experimental characterization is necessary so that the extracted model parameters are accurate enough. However, there is a lack of automated analysis tools for the extraction of the BTI parameters from the extensive amount of generated data in those massive characterization tests. In this paper, a novel algorithm that allows the precise and fully automated parameter extraction from experimental BTI recovery current traces is presented. This algorithm is based on the Maximum Likelihood Estimation principles, and is able to extract, in a robust and exact manner, the threshold voltage shifts and emission times associated to oxide trap emissions during BTI recovery, required to properly model the phenomenon.

A new time efficient methodology for the massive characterization of RTN in CMOS devices
G. Pedreira, J. Martin-Martinez, J. Diaz-Fortuny, P. Saraza-Canflanca, R. Rodriguez, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca, F.V. Fernandez and M. Nafria
Conference · IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium IRPS 2019

Abstract not avaliable

CMOS characterization and compact modelling for circuit reliability simulation
J. Diaz Fortuny, J. Martin-Martinez, R. Rodriguez, M. Nafria, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca and F.V. Fernandez
Conference · IEEE Int. Symposium on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design IOLTS 2018

With nowadays nanometer-CMOS technologies, time-zero and time dependent variability effects (like BTI, CHI, RTN, TDDB, EM, etc) have turned into an even more serious threat to the desired performance of analog and digital integrated circuits. Statistical characterization and modelling of these variability effects entail large testing times, which are typically prohibitive, and huge amounts of data, which are complex to post process. This paper describes novel characterization techniques that overcome these limitations, that is, they are capable of statistically testing nanometer CMOS devices with much shorter completion times. To properly handle the massive amounts of data from characterization, new extraction methods, described in this paper as well, have been developed. With these methods, an accurate variability-aware device model is completed, which can subsequently be used in reliability-aware circuit design methodologies.

Analysis of Body Bias and RTN-induced Frequency Shift of Low Voltage Ring Oscillators in FDSOI Technology
E. Barajas, X. Aragones, D. Mateo, F. Moll, J. Martin-Martinez, R. Rodríguez, M. Portí, M. Nafria, R. Castro-López, E. Roca and F.V Fernández-Fernández
Conference · Int. Symposium on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation PATMOS 2018

Electronic circuits powered at ultra low voltages (500 mV and below) are desirable for their low energy and power consumption. However, RTN (Random Telegraph Noise)-induced threshold voltage variations become very significant at such supply voltages. This paper evaluates the impact of RTN on additional jitter in a ring oscillator. Since FDSOI allows a large range of body bias voltages, this work studies how body biasing affects the oscillation frequency but also the jitter effects. The impact of RTN in NMOS and PMOS devices on frequency as well as the levels of supplementary jitter introduced by RTN are evaluated and compared with classical device noise.

Handling the Effects of Variability and Layout Parasitics in the Automatic Synthesis of LNAs
F. Passos, R. Martins, N. Lourenço, E. Roca, R. Castro-López, R. Póvoa, A. Canelas, N. Horta and F.V. Fernández
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2018

This paper exposes the problematic issue of not considering device variability and layout parasitic effects in optimization-based design of radiofrequency integrated circuits. Therefore, in order to handle these issues, a new design methodology that performs an all-inclusive optimization is proposed, by taking into account the process variability, and, performing the complete layout automatically while performing an accurate parasitic extraction during the optimization for each candidate solution. Furthermore, the problematic inductor parasitics are also taken into account with EM-accuracy, by using a state-of-the-art surrogate modelling technique. The methodology was applied in the design and optimization of a low-noise amplifier, obtaining a set of extremely robust designs ready for fabrication.

Design considerations of an SRAM array for the statistical validation of time-dependent variability models
P. Saraza-Canflanca, D. Malagon, F. Passos, A. Toro, J. Nuñez, J. Diaz-Fortuny, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca, J. Martin-Martinez, R. Rodriguez, M. Nafria and F.V. Fernandez
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2018

Modeling and characterization of time-dependent variability phenomena as well as the simulation of their impact on circuit operation have attracted considerable efforts. This paper digs into the validation of compact models and simulation tools in the real operation of circuits. One of the most popular blocks, the 6T SRAM, is proposed for this purpose and a test chip containing an SRAM array is designed. The array allows individual access to each SRAM cell, the application of accelerated aging tests as well as the characterization of common performance metrics.

Lifetime Calculation Using a Stochastic Reliability Simulator for Analog ICs
A. Toro-Frías, P. Martín-Lloret, J. Martinez, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca, R. Rodriguez, M. Nafria and F.V. Fernandez
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2018

With the downscale of integration well into the nanometer scale, designers have to take into account not only the performance of circuits due to time-zero variability but also the degradation due to time-dependent. To evaluate the impact of variability in the performance of the circuit, a critical metric is the time-dependent yield, the percentage of designs that operate correctly with respect to a set of performance constraints and that, in presence of time-dependent variability, varies over time. With this metric, the lifetime of the circuit, or the time the circuit is working within a pre-defined yield threshold, is another crucial metric, even fundamental in many applications that require a high degree in accuracy for its calculation. This work proposes a new efficient simulation methodology to estimate the lifetime using a stochastic reliability simulator that can provide accurate yield and lifetime metrics for analog circuits while keeping CPU times low.

A Model Parameter Extraction Methodology Including Time-dependent Variability for Circuit Reliability Simulation
J. Diaz-Fortuny, P. Saraza-Canflanca, A. Toro-Frias, R. Castro-Lopez, J. Martin-Martinez, E. Roca, R. Rodriguez, F.V. Fernandez and M. Nafria
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2018

In current CMOS advanced technology nodes, accurate extraction of transistor parameters affected by timedependent variability, like threshold voltage (Vth) and mobility (μ), has become a critical issue for both analog and digital circuit simulation. In this work, a precise VTH0 and U0 BSIM parameters extraction methodology is presented, together with a straightforward IDS to VTH0 shift conversion, to allow the complete study of aging device effects for reliability circuit

Automated massive RTN characterization using a transistor array chip
P. Saraza-Canflanca, J. Diaz-Fortuny, A. Toro-Frias, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca, J. Martin-Martinez, R. Rodriguez, M. Nafria and F.V. Fernandez
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2018

In this work, a CMOS transistor array for the massive measurement of random telegraph noise (RTN), together with a dedicated experimental setup, is presented. The array chip, called ENDURANCE, allows the massive characterization of the RTN parameters needed for a complete understanding of the phenomenon. Additionally, some experimental results are presented that demonstrate the convenience of the setup.

Weighted Time Lag Plot Defect Parameter Extraction and GPU-based BTI Modeling for BTI Variability
V.M. van Santen, J. Diaz-Fortuny, H. Amrouch, J. Martin-Martinez, R. Rodriguez, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca, F.V. Fernandez, J. Henkel and M. Nafria
Conference · IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium IRPS 2018

Recent MOSFET devices exhibit a strong variability in their Bias Temperature Instability (BTI) induced degradation (e.g., Vth-shift). For identical stress patterns, each device exhibits unique degradation behavior. As BTI variability increases with shrinking device geometries, modeling BTI variability becomes essential. The challenge of modeling BTI variability is the significant time required to characterize a representative set of devices to properly calibrate the BTI variability model. In addition, (SPICE) circuit simulations under BTI variability are extremely time consuming. Both challenges originate from unique uncorrelated BTI behavior in each device. Each device features a unique set of defects with a unique state (occupied/unoccupied) in each defect. In this work, we tackle the characterization challenge by processing the data acquired from our parallel measurement setup with lightweight and fast defect extraction. Our novel weighted time lag plot defect parameter extraction, removes uncorrelated voltage noise and categorizes correlated noise (i.e., Random Telegraph Noise (RTN)) and discrete voltage steps (i.e., BTI). After the measurement data is processed, capture time, emission time and induced degradation of each defect can be extracted. After defect parameters are extracted, we can fit a bi-variate log-normal defect distribution and calibrate our BTI model. To employ a BTI variability model in circuit simulation, it must be able to model thousands of MOSFETs. Circuits consist of thousands of devices, each with unique behavior, resulting in computationally intensive modeling. Our GPU-based BTI variability model employs massive parallelism (beyond 1000 processing cores) found in graphic cards to model thousands of MOSFETs in seconds. Therefore, our novel defect parameter extraction methodology allows lightweight, yet accurate characterization of our model, while our model itself enables circuit simulations in large circuits as it models 100,000 MOSFETs in just 119s.

A noise and RTN-removal smart method for the parameter extraction of CMOS aging compact models
J. Diaz-Fortuny, J. Martin-Martinez, R. Rodriguez, M. Nafria, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca and F.V. Fernandez
Conference · Joint Int. EUROSOI Workshop and Int. Conf. on Ultimate Integration on Silicon EUROSOI-ULIS 2018

This work presents a new method to statistically characterize the emission times and threshold voltage shifts (ΔV th ) related to oxide defects in nanometer CMOS transistors during aging tests. The method identifies the V th drops associated to oxide trap emissions during BTI and HCI aging recovery traces while removing RTN and background noise contributions, to avoid artifacts during data analysis.

Reliability in the circuit design flow: from characterization and modelling to design automation
R. Castro-López, J. Díaz, J. Martín-Martínez, R. Rodríguez, M. Nafría, A. Toro, P. Martín, E. Roca, F.V. Fernández, E. Barajas, X. Aragonés and D. Mateo
Conference · How to survive in an unreliable world, IEEE CEDA Spain Chapter / NANOVAR Workshop 2017

Designing reliable analog circuits in advanced process technologies requires an accurate understanding of both device performance and variability. The unavoidable and increasingly important process-induced variations is, today, not alone in perturbing the ideal, intended performance of analog circuits: the so-called aging phenomena, like Bias Temperature Instability and Hot Carriers Injection, are altogether making the analog design business a much more tortuous endeavour. The work presented here will paint a complete picture of how to deal with variability in analog circuits for advanced process technologies. This picture starts with the characterisation and modelling of the aging phenomena at the device level. It then will show how these models can be used in the simulation of analog circuits, explaining the issues to overcome and the solutions that can be adopted. With these accurate models and capable circuit simulation techniques, the picture ends with a proposal for an analog design methodology that, using advanced optimization techniques, can successfully take into accounts all sources of variations (process and aging related) so that reliable analog circuits can be attained.

Efficient Computation of Yield and Lifetime for Analog ICs under Process Variabiliy and Aging
A. Toro-Frías, P. Martin-Lloret, R. Castro-López, E. Roca, F.V. Fernández, J. Martin-Martinez, R. Rodriguez and M. Nafria
Conference · Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems DCIS 2017

With the downscale of integration well into the nanometer scale, designers have to take into account not only the performance of circuits due to time-zero variability (i.e., spatial or process variability) but also the degradation due to time-dependent variability (i.e., aging). While process variability has been extensively treated, solutions to cope with aging-related problems are, nowadays, not yet mature enough, especially in the field of analog circuit simulation. Nevertheless, considerable efforts are currently being made to develop new simulation tools and simulation methodologies to evaluate the impact of reliability effects. To evaluate the impact of variability in the performance of the circuit, a critical metric is the time-dependent yield, the percentage of designs that operate correctly with respect to a set of performance constraints and that, in presence of time-dependent variability, varies over time. With this metric, the lifetime of the circuit, or the time the circuit is working within a pre-defined yield threshold, is another crucial metric, even fundamental in many applications that require a high degree in accuracy for its calculation. This work proposes a new efficient simulation methodology to estimate the lifetime using a stochastic reliability simulator that can provide accurate yield and lifetime metrics for analog circuits while keeping CPU times low.

Statistical characterization of reliability effects in nanometer CMOS using a versatile transistor array IC
J. Díaz-Fortuny, J. Martin-Martinez, R. Rodriguez, M. Nafria, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca, F.V. Fernández, E. Barajas-Ojeda, X. Aragones and D. Mateo-Peña
Conference · Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems DCIS 2017

In this work, an experimental framework for the characterization of various reliability effects in modern CMOS technologies is described. The main element in this framework is a versatile transistor array chip, designed to accurately characterize process variability, Random Telegraph Noise and BTI/HCI related time dependent variability effects. The measurement setup, the other element in the framework, has been designed to take full advantage of the array architecture, which allows parallel testing of its 3136 MOS transistors, thereby reducing considerably the total measurement time. Thanks to a control toolbox and a user-friendly GUI, the setup also facilitates the programming of any of the required characterization tests.

A transistor array chip for the statistical characterization of process variability, RTN and BTI/CHC aging
J. Diaz-Fortuny, J. Martin-Martinez, R. Rodriguez, M. Nafria, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca, F.V. Fernandez, E. Barajas, X. Aragones and D. Mateo
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2017

In this work, a CMOS transistor array is presented, which allows performing process variability, Random Telegraph Noise and BTI/CHC aging characterization in a single chip. The array, called ENDURANCE, integrates 3136 MOS transistors, for single and massive electrical testing. This chip, together with a dedicated measurement set-up, allows programming any of these electrical tests, considerably reducing the total time needed for aging measurements by using a parallelization technique.

Statistical characterization of unreliability effects in a 65-nm CMOS transistor array
J. Diaz-Fortuny, J. Martin-Martinez, R. Rodriguez, M. Nafria, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca and F.V. Fernandez
Conference · International Mixed-Signals Testing Workshop IMSTW 2017

In this work, a CMOS transistor array is presented which enables characterization of variability, Random Telegraph Noise and BTI/CHC aging. The array integrates 3,136 MOS transistors for massive electrical testing. This array, together with a dedicated test setup with graphical interface feature easy programming of the required characterization tests, visualization of results and post-processing algorithms for the defect characterization required in aging modeling and simulation.

A Size-Adaptive Time-Step Algorithm for Accurate Simulation of Aging in Analog ICs
P. Martín-Lloret, A. Toro-Frías, J. Martin, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca, R. Rodriguez, M. Nafria and F.V. Fernandez
Conference · IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS 2017

Variability is one of the main and critical challenges introduced by the continuous scaling in integrated technologies and the need for reliable ICs. In this regard, it is necessary to take into account time-zero (i.e., spatial or process variability) and time-dependent variability (i.e., aging). While process variability has been extensively treated, considerable efforts are currently being made to develop new simulation tools to evaluate the impact of aging, but very few works have been focused on reliability simulation for analog ICs. Most of the up to day models focused on the aging phenomena make use of the stress conditions of the analog circuit during its normal operation. However, many of the available solutions often miss the bi-directional link between stress and biasing and their changes over time and, therefore, accuracy losses occurs while evaluating the impact of aging in the circuit performance. This paper proposes a new size-adaptive time-step algorithm to efficiently update the stress conditions in the reliability simulation of analog ICs. Compared to similar solutions, the work presented here is able to attain similar accuracy levels with lower computational budgets.

Including a stochastic model of aging in a reliability simulation flow
A. Toro-Frías, P. Martin-Lloret, R. Castro-López, E. Roca, F.V. Fernández, J. Martin-Martinez, R. Rodriguez and M. Nafria
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2017

The availability and efficiency of reliability simulators for analog ICs is becoming critical with the scaling of devices down to the nanometer nodes. Two of the main challenges here are how to simultaneously include different sources of unreliability (such as the time-zero or spatial variability and the aging or time-dependent variability), and how to account for the self-induced changes in device biasing (i.e., stress conditions) caused by the device wear-out. In addition to the already existing stochastic models for time-zero variability, new models for the stochastically-distributed aging mechanisms have been developed in recent years. The combination of these challenges with the need for dealing with a stochastic model for aging, causes a serious computational load issue. This paper presents different methods to accurately include reliability in the simulation of analog ICs while preventing the simulation to become unaffordable in terms of CPU time and load.

A strategy to efficiently include electromagnetic simulations in optimization-based RF circuit design methodologies
F. Passos, E. Roca, R. Castro-López, F.V. Fernández, J. Sieiro, and J.M. López-Villegas
Conference · IEEE MTT-S Int. Conf. on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization for RF, Microwave, and Terahertz Applications NEMO 2017

The use of electromagnetic simulations is crucial in radiofrequency and microwave circuits since accurate estimations of parasitics and performances are essential. In addition, design methodologies based on optimization algorithms have been used in order to design such circuits, while efficiently exploring its design trade-offs. However, due to the high computational cost, optimization-based methodologies seldom use electromagnetic simulation. In order to overcome this issue, this paper demonstrates an optimization-based design methodology for radiofrequency circuits which can incorporate electromagnetic simulations without efficiency loss.

Systematic design of a voltage controlled oscillator using a layout-aware approach
F. Passos, E. Roca, R. Castro-López, F.V. Fernández, R. Martins, N. Lourenço, R. Póvoa, A. Canelas and N. Horta
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2017

This paper focuses on the systematic design of voltage controlled oscillators (VCO), a commonly used radiofrequency (RF) electronic circuit. RF circuits are among the most difficult analog circuits to design due to its trade-offs and high operation frequencies. At such operation frequencies, layout parasitics and accurate passive component characterization become of upmost importance, causing re-design iterations if they are not considered by the designer. To avoid this problem, and reduce the design time, this paper presents a systematic design of a VCO, entailing layout parasitics and accurate characterization of passive components from early design stages. Results clearly illustrate the benefit of this strategy.

An algorithm for a class of real-life multi-objective optimization problems with a sweeping objective
F. Passos, E. Roca, R. Castro-López and F.V. Fernández
Conference · IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation CEC 2017

This paper describes a class of real-life optimization problems that has not been addressed before: a multi-objective optimization in which one objective is neither minimized nor maximized but uniformly swept over a wide range. The limitations of conventional multi-objective optimization algorithms to deal with this kind of problems are illustrated via the optimization of radiofrequency inductors. For the first time, an algorithm is proposed that provides sets of solutions for this kind of problems.

Layout-aware challenges and a solution for the automatic synthesis of radio-frequency IC blocks
R. Martins, N. Lourenço, R. Póvoa, A. Canelas, N. Horta, F. Passos, R. Castro-López, E. Roca and F.V. Fernández
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2017

In this paper, the major methodologies proposed in the last years to speed-up the synthesis of radio-frequency integrated circuits blocks are overviewed. The challenges to automate this task are discussed, and, to avoid non-systematic iterations between circuit and layout design steps, the architecture of an innovative solution is proposed. The proposed tool exploits the full capabilities of most established computer-aided design tools available nowadays, i.e., off-the-shelf circuit simulator, electromagnetic simulator and layout extractor. The approach intends to bypass the two major bottlenecks of RF-design: the design of reliable integrated inductors and accurate layout parasitic estimates since the early stages of design process.

CASE: A reliability simulation tool for analog ICs
P. Martín-Lloret, A. Toro-Frías, R. Castro-López, E. Roca, F.V. Fernández, J. Martin-Martinez, R. Rodriguez and M. Nafria
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2017

With the evolution in the scale of integration in ICs, aging-related problems are becoming more important and, nowadays, solutions to cope with these issues are not yet mature enough, especially in the field of analog circuit simulation. CASE, the novel simulator presented in this paper, can evaluate the impact of reliability effects in analog circuits through a stochastic physic-based model. The implemented simulation flow is accurate and efficient in terms of CPU. The two main improvements over currently reported and commercial tools, is that the simulator can simultaneously take into account both time-zero and time-dependent variability, and that an adaptive method, to account for the strong link between biasing and stress, can improve the accuracy while keeping acceptable CPU times.

New mapping strategies for pre-optimized inductor sets in bottom-up RF IC sizing optimization
N. Lourenço, R. Martins, R. Póvoa, A. Canelas, N. Horta, F. Passos, R. Castro-López, E. Roca and F. V. Fernández
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2017

This paper presents new indexing and mutation operators, in the context of bottom-up hierarchical multi-objective optimization of radio frequency integrated circuits, for pre-optimized sets of solutions from the hierarchical sub-levels when moving up in hierarchy. Two ideas, one based on a Voronoi decomposition and another based on the nearest neighborhood, are explored, where, and unlike previous approaches that are based on sorting, the distance between elements determines the probability of decisions taken during optimization. Three implementations of those ideas were tried in AIDA's NSGAII evolutionary kernel, and successfully used in the optimization of a Voltage Controlled Oscillator and a Low Noise Amplifier with pre-optimized inductor sets obtained using the SIDeO toolbox, showing their strengths when compared to previous state-of-the-art mapping strategies.

TARS: A toolbox for statistical reliability modeling of CMOS devices
J. Diaz-Fortuny, J. Martin-Martinez, R. Rodriguez, M. Nafria, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca and F.V. Fernandez
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2017

This paper presents a toolbox for the automation of the electrical characterization of CMOS transistors. The developed software provides a user-friendly interface to carry out different tests to evaluate time-zero (i.e., process) and time-dependent variability in CMOS devices. Also, the software incorporates a post-processing capability that allows users to visualize the data. Moreover, without loss of generality, the toolbox allows the user, from the measured data, to feed a particular physics-based model that accounts for various aging phenomena.

Dependence of MOSFETs threshold voltage variability on channel dimensions
C. Couso, J. Diaz-Fortuny, J. Martin-Martinez, M. Porti, R. Rodriguez, M. Nafria, F.V. Fernandez, E. Roca, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Barajas, D. Mateo and X. Aragones
Conference · Joint Int. EUROSOI Workshop and Int. Conf. on Ultimate Integration on Silicon EUROSOI-ULIS 2017

The dependence of the MOSFET threshold voltage variability on device geometry (width (W) and length (L)) has been studied from experimental data. Our results evidence, in agreement with other works, deviations from the Pelgrom's rule, especially in smaller technologies. TCAD simulations were also performed which further support the experimental data and provide physical information regarding the origin of such deviation. Finally, a new empirical model that assumes different impact of W and L in the device variability has been proposed, which reproduces the experimental results.

Extending the frequency range of quasi-static electromagnetic solvers
S. Ahyoune, J. Sieiro, T. Carrasco, N. Vidal, J. M. López-Villegas, E. Roca and F.V. Fernández
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2017

In this work, a combination of 2D and 3D quasi-static Green's functions (GF) is proposed for extending the frequency range validity of the quasi-static approximation. It is shown that 3D-GF is very accurate at low frequency, whereas 2D-GF is more suitable at higher frequencies because it is the actual solution of the transverse electromagnetic (TEM) propagation mode. The mixing of both GFs is controlled through the ratio of the main size of the device versus the wavelength at the given simulation frequency. Numerical examples are compared with experimental data for different passives in a broadband frequency range.

Design and characterization of a miniaturized implantable UHF RFID tag based on LTCC technology
A. Garcia-Miquel, B. Medina-Rodriguez, N. Vidal, F.M. Ramos, E. Roca and J.M. Lopez-Villegas
Conference · European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2017

This paper presents the design and characterization of a novel, compact, multilayer, passive UHF-RFID tag solution for implantable biotelemetry based on low-temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) technology. A spiral planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) was matched to the UHF integrated circuit (IC) impedance by an inductor line. The LTCC process allowed the IC to be embedded in a sealed cavity. Simulations and measurements of the reflection coefficient and the tag range were carried out when the RFID tag was implanted in the center of a 10 cm cubic skin phantom. The dimensions of the prototype were 8x7x2 mm(3), leading to a total volume of 112 mm(3). Results indicated a 6 dB bandwidth of 39 MHz and 84 MHz for simulations and measurements, respectively, and a tag range of approximately 10 cm.

A Size-Adaptive Time-Step Algorithm for Accurate Simulation of Aging in Analog ICs
P. Martín, A. Toro, R. Castro, E. Roca, F.V. Fernández, J. Martín-Martínez and M. Nafría
Conference · Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems DCIS 2016

Variability is one of the main and critical challenges introduced by the continuous scaling in integrated technologies and the need for reliable ICs. In this regard, it is necessary to take into account time-zero (i.e., spatial or process variability) and time-dependent variability (i.e., aging). While process variability has been extensively treated, considerable efforts are currently being made to develop new simulation tools to evaluate the impact of aging, but very few works have been focused on reliability simulation for analog ICs. Most of the up to day models focused on the aging phenomena make use of the stress conditions of the analog circuit during its normal operation. However, many of the available solutions often miss the bi-directional link between stress and biasing and their changes over time and, therefore, accuracy losses occurs while evaluating the impact of aging in the circuit performance. This paper proposes a new size-adaptive time-step algorithm to efficiently update the stress conditions in the reliability simulation of analog ICs. Compared to similar solutions, the work presented here is able to attain similar accuracy levels with lower computational budgets.

SIDe-O: A Toolbox for Surrogate Inductor Design and Optimization
F. Passos, E. Roca, R. Castro-López, F. V. Fernández
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2016

This paper presents SIDe-O, a CAD tool developed for the design and optimization of integrated inductors based on surrogate modeling techniques. This tool provides a solution to the problem of accurately and efficiently optimizing the design of inductors. The models used present less than 1% error when compared to EM simulations while reducing the simulation time by several orders of magnitude. Additionally, the tool provides the ability to create new surrogate models for different technologies and inductor topologies. The tool also allows the creation of an S-Parameter file that accurately describes the behavior of the inductor for a given range of frequencies, which can later be used in SPICE-like simulations.

Frequency-Dependent Parameterized Macromodeling of Integrated Inductors
F. Passos, E. Roca, R. Castro-López, F.V. Fernández, Y. Ye, D. Spina and T. Dhaene
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2016

Integrated inductors are one of the most important passive elements in radio frequency design, due to their wide usage in wireless communication circuits. Typically, electromagnetic simulators are used in order to estimate the inductors performance with high accuracy as a function of the inductor geometrical and electrical parameters. Such simulations offer high-accuracy, but are computationally expensive and extremely time consuming. In this paper, a frequency-dependent parameterized macromodeling technique is adopted in order to overcome this problem. The proposed approach offers a high degree of automation, since it is based on sequential sampling algorithms, high efficiency and flexibility: a continuous frequency-domain model is given for each value of the chosen inductors parameters in the design space.

Personal exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields: University of Barcelona study
N. Vidal, A. Garcia-Miquel, A. Rios, J.M. Lopez-Villegas and E. Roca
Conference · European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2016

A study was conducted at the University of Barcelona (Physics Faculty) to assess the electromagnetic field strengths to which students are exposed in their day-to-day lives. We analyzed different radiofrequency sources (GSM900, GSM 1800, UMTS and Wi-Fi). Our aim was to analyze not only electric field strengths but also absorption, so we considered different scenarios and situations: both empty and full classrooms with personal devices switched on and off. Areas with Wi-Fi hotspots nearby were also analyzed. We observed a huge variation in the results, but the strengths were always below the limits set by the relevant regulations.

Accurate Synthesis of Integrated RF Passive Components using Surrogate Models
F. Passos, R. González-Echevarría, E. Roca, R. Castro-López and F.V. Fernández
Conference · Design, Automation and Test in Europe DATE 2016

Passive components play a key role on the design of RF CMOS integrated circuits. Their synthesis, however, is still an unsolved problem due to the lack of accurate analytical models that can replace the computationally expensive electromagnetic simulations (EM). Both, physical-based and surrogate models have been reported that fail to accurately model the complete design space of inductors. Surrogate-assisted optimization techniques, where coarse models are locally enhanced during the inductor synthesis process by using new EM-simulated points to update the model, have been proposed, but either the efficiency is dramatically decreased due to the online EM simulations or the optimization may converge to suboptimal regions. In this paper, we present a new surrogate model, valid in the entire design space with less than 1% error when compared with EM simulations. This model can be generated offline, and, when embedded within an optimization algorithm, allows the synthesis of integrated inductors with high accuracy and high efficiency, reducing the synthesis time in three orders of magnitude.

Aplicación de algoritmos evolutivos multiobjectivo al diseño de circuitos integrados: criterios de detención
E. Roca, R. Castro-Lopez and F.V. Fernández
Conference · Congreso Español de Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados MAEB 2015

Abstract not avaliable

A Fast and Accurate Reliability Simulation Method for Analog Circuits
A. Toro-Frias, R. Castro-Lopez, E. Roca, F.V. Fernández, J. Martin-Martinez, R. Rodriguez and M. Nafria
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2015

Reliability has become a critical challenge in integrated circuit design in today's CMOS technologies. Aging problems have been added to the well-known issues due to spatial variations that are caused by imperfections in the fabrication process. In this sense, transistor wear-out phenomena such as Bias Temperature Instability (BTI) and Hot Carriers (HC) cause a time-dependent variability that is added to the spatial variability. In addition, the BTI presents a stochastic behaviour, which may cause, for instance, time-varying mismatch. In this work, a model based on the physics of this phenomenon is implemented to accurately know its impact on the circuit performances. This method is focused on the analysis of analog circuits, taking into account the impact of both temporal and spatial variability. An effient simulation flow is implemented to evaluate the circuit performance at any instant of the circuit lifetime.

Transformation conditions of performance fronts of operational amplifiers
E. Roca, R. Castro-Lopez, M. Velasco-Jiménez and F.V. Fernandez
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2015

Pareto fronts of circuits whose performance depend on other circuits that they are connected to must be updated for each interconnection conditions. This paper reports, for the first time, the conditions for which a transformation without loss of information is guaranteed.

Surrogate Modeling and Optimization of Inductor Performances using Kriging functions
F. Passos, R. González-Echevarría, E. Roca, R. Castro-López and F.V. Fernandez
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2015

Integrated inductors are one of the most important passive elements in RF circuits. However, time-consuming simulations, such as electromagnetic simulations, have to be used to evaluate their performances with high accuracy. In order to overcome this problem, analytical models can be used. In this paper, a surrogate model based on Kriging functions is presented that accurately predicts the performance parameters of integrated inductors. The different approaches followed to obtain the model are presented. Finally, the model is linked to an evolutionary algorithm to optimize inductor performances.

A simulation methodology for the reliability-aware design of analog circuits
A. Toro, R. Castro-López, E. Roca, F.V. Fernández, J. Martín-Martinez, R. Rodriguez and M. Nafria
Conference · International Mixed-Signals Testing Workshop IMSTW 2015

With the scale of integration of modern transistors entering the atomic size and an increase of the gate-oxide field, reliability of electronic circuits is today more demanding than ever. Both spatial (i.e., process) variations and time-dependent (i.e., aging) variations dramatically reduce the yield and shortens the circuit lifetime, which prompt for reliability aspects to be considered in the design flow in order to attain resilient circuits featuring longer lifetimes. Aging effects such as as Bias Temperature Instability (BTI) and Hot Carriers Injection (HCI) should be included just as well as process variations are.

Design Space Exploration using Hierarchical Composition of Performance Models
M. Velasco-Jiménez, R. Castro-López, E. Roca and F.V. Fernández
Conference · IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS 2015

Bottom-up synthesis approaches based on the hierarchical composition of performance models have been proposed as a promising alternative to conventional top-down hierarchical synthesis approaches. This paper discusses problems related to the context-dependence of performance models and proposes possible solutions. Techniques for the composition of multi-dimensional performance models so that the efficiency of the design space exploration is maximized are also discussed. An active filter is used to demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the techniques discussed here.

Physical vs. Surrogate Models of Passive RF Devices
F. Passos, M. Kotti, R. González-Echevarría, M.H. Fino, M. Fakhfakh, E. Roca, R.Castro-López and F.V. Fernández
Conference · IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS 2015

The accuracy of high-frequency models of passive RF devices, e.g., inductors or transformers, presents one of the most challenging problems for RF integrated circuits. Accuracy limitations lead RF designers to time-consuming iterations with electromagnetic simulators. This paper will explore and compare two advanced modeling techniques. The first one is based on the segmented model approach, in which each device segment is characterized with a lumped element model. The second technique is based on the generation of surrogate models from the electromagnetic simulation of a set of device samples. Different modeling strategies (frequency separation, filtering according to self-resonance frequency, etc.) will be considered. Efficiency and accuracy of both, physical and surrogate, modeling techniques will be compared using a Si process technology.

Single-Objective Optimization Methodology for the Design of RF Integrated Inductors
F. Passos, M.H. Fino AND E. Roca
Conference · IFIP WG 5.5/SOCOLNET Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems DoCEIS 2014

Designing integrated inductors for RF applications is quite a challenging task due to the necessity of minimizing the parasitic effects arising from using today´s technologies. The multiplicity of non-ideal effects to be minimized makes imperious the use of optimization-based design methodologies. In this paper a model-based optimization methodology is considered as a way of offering the designer the possibility to obtain inductors with maximum quality factor. The inductor model accounts for square, hexagonal or octagonal topologies. Furthermore tapered inductors are also accounted for in the proposed model. The use of the inductor model reduces the optimization time significantly. The validity of the results obtained is checked against electromagnetic (EM) simulations. As an application example, the particular case for the design of inductors for 2.4 GHz is illustrated.

Hierarchical Composition of Pareto-Optimal Fronts of Analog Circuits: Implementation Issues
M. Velasco-Jiménez, R. Castro-López, E. Roca and F.V. Fernández
Conference · Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems DCIS 2014

The use of Pareto-optimal fronts (PoFs) is becoming key in the development of new hierarchical design methodologies that aim to reduce the bottleneck in the design of analog and mixed-signal systems caused by the design of the analog components. An important aspect of these new methodologies, the hierarchical composition of lower-level PoFs, has received little attention in the literature. This composition presents two key issues. The first issue is the context-dependent performances of analog circuits, which obligate to re-evaluate the PoFs of these circuits when their surrounding circuitry changes. The second issue is related to how multi-dimensional low-level PoFs are used when generating the PoFs of high-level blocks so that the efficiency of the design space exploration is not affected. This work presents new mechanisms that can be used to solve both issues. The generation of the performance model of an active filter by hierarchical composition of previously generated PoFs of operational amplifiers is used to demonstrate the validity of the approaches presented here.

Characterization of Random Telegraph Noise and its impact on reliability of SRAM sense amplifiers
J. Martin-Martinez, J. Diaz, R. Rodriguez, M. Nafria, X. Aymerich, E. Roca, F.V. Fernandez and A. Rubio
Conference · European Workshop on CMOS Variability VARI 2014

A new method for the analysis of multilevel Random Telegraph Noise (RTN) signals has been recently presented, which can also be applied in the case of large background noise. In this work, the method is extended to evaluate the RTN-related variation of the device drain current. The RTN parameters obtained from experimental traces are used to simulate the impact of RTN in the drain current of pMOS transistors in SRAM voltage sense amplifiers. The results show that RTN can lead to read errors of the stored data.

Implementation Issues in the Hierarchical Composition of Performance Models of Analog Circuits
M. Velasco-Jiménez, R. Castro-López, E. Roca and F.V. Fernández
Conference · Design Automation and Test in Europe DATE 2014

Emerging hierarchical design methodologies based on the use of Pareto-optimal fronts (PoFs) are promising candidates to reduce the bottleneck in the design of analog circuits. However, little work has been reported about how to transmit the information provided by the PoFs of low hierarchical level blocks through the hierarchy to compose the performance models of higher-level blocks. This composition actually poses several problems such as the dependence of the PoF performances on the surrounding circuitry and the complexity of dealing with multi-dimensional PoFs in order to explore more efficiently the design space. To deal with these problems, this paper proposes new mechanisms to represent and select candidate solutions from multi-dimensional PoFs that are transformed to the changing operating conditions enforced by the surrounding circuitry. These mechanisms are demonstrated with the generation of the performance model of an active filter by composing previously generated PoFs of operational amplifiers.

A Wideband Lumped-Element Model for Integrated Spiral Inductors
F. Passos, M.H. Fino, E. Roca, R. González-Echevarría and F.V. Fernández
Conference · Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems DCIS 2013

Abstract not available

Lumped Element Model for Arbitrarily Shaped Integrated Inductors - A Statistical Analysis
F. Passos, M.H. Fino, E. Roca, R. González-Echevarría and F.V. Fernández
Conference · IEEE Int. Conf. on Microwaves, Communications, Antennas and Electronic Systems COMCAS 2013

In this paper a model based in lumped elements is presented for the haracterization of integrated inductors. The model allows the modelling of integrated inductors for a wide range of frequencies and different inductor topologies, thus granting the evaluation of important design parameters such as inductance, quality factor and self-resonance frequency. The model will be explained in detail and compared against electromagnetic simulations for a 0.35μm and 0.13μm CMOS technologies. Results for square and octagonal geometries are presented. A statistic analysis is also presented for the octagonal topology in order to validate the model over a wide range of geometric variables in 0.35μm CMOS technology.

A Wideband Lumped-Element Model for Arbitrarily Shaped Integrated Inductors
F. Passos, M.H. Fino and E. Roca
Conference · European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design ECCTD 2013

In this paper a model based on lumped elements is used to characterize integrated inductors. The method proposed allows the modelling of integrated inductors for a wide range of frequencies, thus granting the overall characterization of the device and the evaluation of important design parameters such as inductance, quality factor and resonance frequency. The model can easily be applied to any polygonal shape inductor due to its inductance calculation through self and mutual inductances. Electromagnetic simulations results are presented to demonstrate the validation of the model.

Analythical Characterization of Variable Width Integrated Spiral Inductors
F. Passos, M.H. Fino and E. Roca
Conference · International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems MIXDES 2013

In this paper a general method for characterizing tapered inductors with square, hexagonal or octagonal shape is presented. The method proposed allows the evaluation of the series inductance to integrate in any integrated inductor lumped element model, thus granting the overall characterization of the device and the evaluation of design parameters such as the quality factor or the resonance frequency. In this work, the inductor is divided into several segments and the corresponding self and mutual inductances are calculated. In the end, results obtained for several working examples are compared against a field solver. Relative errors below 3% are obtained for square, hexagonal or octagonal inductors, thus proving the validity of the method proposed. Furthermore, the methodology adopted may be easily applied to any polygonal shape.

Systematic Generation of Performance Models of Reconfigurable Analog Circuits
M. Velasco-Jiménez, R. Castro-López, E. Roca and F.V. Fernández
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2012
resumen      pdf

In this work, a systematic technique to generate performance models of reconfigurable analog circuits is presented. The performance models are obtained in the form of multi-mode Pareto-optimal fronts (mm-PoFs), a new type of Pareto-optimal front (PoF) that characterizes the set of different performances that reconfigurable circuits can attain. The technique is based on the use of an evolutionary algorithm (EA) that acts as an optimizer, and the simulator HSPICE to measure the circuit performances. The use of this technique will be illustrated for a wireless multistandard problem, where a reconfigurable op-amp will be considered.

Surrogate models of Pareto-optimal planar inductors
M. Kotti, R. González-Echevarría, E. Roca, R. Castro-López, F.V. Fernández, M. Fakhfakh, J. Sieiro and J.M. López-Villegas
Conference · Int. Conf. on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2012
resumen      pdf

Systematic design methodologies for wireless transceivers require an efficient design of integrated inductors. Early availability of feasible trade-offs between inductance, quality factor and area, is a key enabler towards the improvement of such design methodologies. This paper introduces such an approach in two steps. First, a Pareto-optimal performance front of integrated inductors is obtained by embedding an electromagnetic simulator into a multi-objective optimization tool. Then, starting from the obtained optimal samples, a surrogate model of the performance front is obtained. Experimental results in a 0.35 μm CMOS technology are provided.

New approaches to bridge the design gap of analog and RF circuits
F.V. Fernández, E. Roca and R. Castro-López
Conference · International Conference on Analog VLSI Circuits AVIC 2012

The increasing gap between IC complexity and the capacity to deal with it in the design process is worrisome. Design productivity has and must be improved in this sense. The picture is even worse for analog, mixed-signal and radiofrequency circuits due to the lesser development of commercial CAD tools and methodologies with respect to their digital counterparts. From the several directions proposed to bridge this gap, this talk will focus on two of them: improving existing hierarchical synthesis methods and reducing the iterations between separate design stages.

An Automated Layout-Aware Design Flow
A. Toro-Frías, R. Castro-López, E. Roca and F.V. Fernández
Conference · Int. Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2012

In analog integrated circuit design, it has always been necessary to improve the designer's productivity. The iterations between the electrical and physical synthesis, required to correct deviations due to parasitics, do degrade that productivity. The inclusion of the physical implementation directly within the electrical synthesis process, would in principle remove many or all of these iterations. This paper presents a fully-automated layout-aware design flow, whose key aspects are: (1) it uses commercially available tools and platforms to attain a highly integrated solution, (2) it provides solutions in the form of Pareto-optimal fronts, which represent the circuit's valuable trade-offs (and can be used in modern design flows), and (3) it allows including the impact of parasitics right into the fronts. This paper details the necessary tools and their integration for automation of the design flow and provides several examples of its use.

A fully automated design flow for planar inductors
R. González-Echevarría, R. Castro-López, E. Roca, F.V. Fernández, J.M. López-Villegas and J. Sieiro
Conference · Int. Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design SMACD 2012

Integrated inductors performances are difficult to model due to the parasitic effects present at high frequencies. Typically, RF designers use electromagnetic simulation during the design flow to tune their circuits until all designs requirements are fulfilled or use the set of, not always conveniently tuned, inductors provided by the foundries. In this paper, a multi-objective optimization algorithm is combined with a full-wave electromagnetic evaluator to obtain a tool for synthesis of inductors with optimum performance trade-offs. The automation of layout generation and simulation tasks are described in details.

Layout-aware Pareto fronts of electronic circuits
A. Toro-Frías, R. Castro-López, E. Roca and F.V. Fernández
Conference · European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design ECCTD 2011
resumen      pdf

Pareto-optimal performance fronts have gained popularity as a representation of performance trade-offs of electronic circuits. They are also essential to support efficient bottom-up hierarchical design methodologies. Being such a key element in these methodologies, there have been many reported efforts to enhance the fronts with valuable information that goes beyond the nominal circuit behavior, such as the yield or the reconfiguration capabilities. However, the effect of layout parasitics is the factor that has been missing in the literature: the accuracy may be seriously degraded by layout parasitics not considered during the front generation. In this paper, we present a technique to generate layout-aware Pareto fronts that accurately accounts for the impact of both geometry and parasitics. © 2011 IEEE.

High-dynamic range tone-mapping algorithm for focal plane processors
S. Vargas-Sierra, G. Liñan-Cembrano, E. Roca and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Conference · SPIE Microtechnologies for the New Millennium 2011
resumen      pdf

This paper presents a Dynamic Range improvement technique which is specially well-suited to be implemented in Focal Plane Processors (FPP) due to its very limited computing requirements since only local memories, little digital control and a comparator are required at the pixel level. The presented algorithm employs measurements during exposure time to create a 4-bit non-linear image whose histogram determines the shape of the tone-mapping curve which is applied to create the final image. Simulations results over a highly bimodal 120dB image are presented showing that both the highly and poorly illuminated parts of the image keep a sufficient level of details.

Load-Independent Characterization of Trade-Off Fronts for Operational Amplifiers
E. Roca, M. Velasco-Jiménez, R.l Castro-López and F.V. Fernández
Conference · Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems DCIS 2010
resumen      pdf

In emerging design methodologies for analog integrated circuits, the use of performance trade-off fronts, also known as Pareto fronts, is a keystone to overcome the limitations of the traditional top-down methodologies. However, most techniques reported so far to generate the front neglect the effect of the surrounding circuitry (such as the output load impedance) on the Pareto-front, thereby making it only valid for the context where the front was generated. This strongly limits its use in hierarchical analog synthesis because of the heavy dependence of key performances on the surrounding circuitry, but, more importantly, because this circuitry remains unknown until the synthesis process. We will address this problem by proposing a new technique to generate the trade-off fronts that is independent of the load that the circuit has to drive. This idea is exploited for a commonly used circuit, the operational amplifier, and experimental results show that this is a promising approach to solve the issue.

A Pareto-based systematic design technique for reconfigurable analog circuits using an evolutionary optimization algorithm
M. Velasco-Jiménez, R. Castro-López, E. Roca and F.V. Fernández
Conference · Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems DCIS 2010

Abstract not avaliable

A bottom-up approach to the systematic design of LNAs using evolutionary optimization
C. Sánchez-López, R. Castro-López, E. Roca, F.V. Fernández, R. González-Echevarría, J. Esteban-Muller, J.M. López-Villegas, J. Sieiro and N. Vidal
Conference · International Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Methods, Modeling and Applications to Circuit Design SM2ACD 2010

A systematic design methodology for low-noise amplifiers (LNAs) is introduced. This methodology follows a bottom-up approach that employs a multi-objective evolutionary optimization algorithm, which is used at two levels. First, it is used to generate Pareto-based performance models for integrated planar inductors. To do so, an electromagnetic simulator that takes into account the inductor's layout, thus providing highly accurate performance evaluations, is coupled to the optimizer. Unlike foundry-provided inductor libraries, these Pareto-based models offer a detailed insight of the trade-offs between inductance, quality factor and area. Afterwards the Pareto-based models for the inductors are used as design variables to generate the LNA Pareto surface, thus providing highly accurate performance trade-offs of the LNA.

A FPP-Oriented Tone Mapping Technique for High Dynamic Range Imagers Using Temporal and Final Exposure Measurements
S. Vargas-Sierra, G. Liñán-Cembrano, E. Roca-Moreno and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Conference · European Solid State Circuits Conference ESSCIRC 2010
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This paper presents a Dynamic Range improvement technique which is specially well-suited to be implemented in Focal Plane Processors due to its very limited computing requirements since only local memories and a comparator are required at the pixel level. The presented algorithm employs measurements during exposure time to create a 4-bit artificial image whose histogram determines the shape of the tone-mapping curve which is applied to create the final image. Simulations results over a highiy bimodal120dB image are presented showing that both the highiy and poorly iiiuminated parts of the image keep a sufficient level of details.

Multi-objective performance optimization of planar inductors
J. Esteban-Muller, R. González-Echevarría, C. Sánchez-López, E. Roca, R. Castro-López, F.V. Fernández, J.M. López-Villegas, J. Sieiro and N. Vidal
Conference · Int. Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Methods, Modeling and Applications to Circuit Design SM2ACD 2010
resumen      pdf

Inductors play an essential role in the design of RF circuits. The parasitic effects plaguing integrated planar inductors require an accurate modeling and the careful exploration of their performance trade-offs. In this paper, a multi-objective performance modeling technique of planar inductors is presented, that supports both top-down and bottom-up design of RF circuits. ©2010 IEEE.

Context-independent performance modeling of operational amplifiers using Pareto fronts
E. Roca, M. Velasco-Jiménez, R. Castro-López and F.V. Fernández
Conference · Int. Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Methods, Modeling and Applications to Circuit Design SM2ACD 2010
resumen      pdf

The use of performance trade-off fronts, also known as Pareto fronts, in emerging design methodologies for analog integrated circuits is a keystone to overcome the limitations of the traditional top-down methodologies. However, most techniques reported so far to generate the fronts neglect the effect of the surrounding circuitry (such as the output load impedance) on the Pareto-front, thereby making it only valid for the context where the front was generated. This strongly limits its use in hierarchical analog synthesis because of the heavy dependence of key performances on the surrounding circuitry, but, more importantly, because this circuitry remains unknown until the synthesis process. We propose a new technique to generate the trade-off fronts that is independent of the load that the circuit has to drive. This idea is exploited for a Miller operational amplifier, and experimental results show that this is a promising approach to solve the issue. ©2010 IEEE.

Stopping criteria in evolutionary algorithms for multi-objective performance optimization of integrated inductors
F.V. Fernández, J. Esteban-Muller, E. Roca and R. Castro-López
Conference · International Conference on Evolutionary Computation CEC 2010

In this paper, the application of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms to the evaluation of performance trade-offs of planar inductors, an almost ubiquitous device in radio-frequency microelectronics, is studied. The absence of appropriate stopping criteria in most evolutionary algorithms reveals to be critical in this application. A new stopping criterion based on monitoring a set of performance metrics that account for convergence and diversity is proposed and demonstrated with practical radio-frequency circuit design problems.

Pixel Design and Evaluation In CMOS Image Sensor Technology
S. Vargas-Sierra, E. Roca-Moreno and G. Liñán-Cembrano
Conference · Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems DCIS 2009
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A chip designed in a 0.18 μm CMOS Image Sensor Technology (CIS) is presented which incorporates different pixel design alternatives for Active Pixel Sensor (APS). CIS technology improves characteristics such as sensitivity, dark current and noise, that are strongly layout dependent. This chip includes a set of pixel architectures where different parameters have been modified: layout of active diffusion, threshold voltage of the source follower transistor and the use of microlenses. Besides, structures to study the influence of crosstalk between pixels have been incorporated.

Applications of evolutionary computation techniques to analog, Mixed-signal and RF circuit design - an overview
E. Roca, M. Fakhfakh, R. Castro-López and F.V. Fernández
Conference · IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems ICECS 2009
resumen      pdf

This paper review. The application of evolutionary computation techniques to analog, mixed-signal and radio-frequency design problems. Design needs, limitations of existing approaches and open challenges are pointed out. © 2009 IEEE.

APS design alternatives in 0.18 μm CMOS image sensor technology
S. Vargas-Sierra, E. Roca, G. Liñán-Cembrano
Conference · European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design ECCTD 2009
resumen      pdf

This paper presents a chip designed for the purpose of evaluating different design alternatives in a 0.18 mu m CMOS Image Sensor Technology (CIS) for Active Pixel Sensor (APS) based vision applications. CIS technology improves characteristics such as sensitivity, dark current and noise, that are strongly layout dependent. It also allows the use of special structures, such as color light filters and microlenses. This chip includes a set of pixel architectures where different parameters have been modified: layout of active diffusion, threshold voltage of the source follower transistor and the use of microlenses. Besides, structures to study the influence of crosstalk between pixels have been incorporated.

A focal plane processor for continuous-time 1-D optical correlation applications
G. Liñán-Cembrano, L. Carranza, B. Alexandre, E. Roca and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Conference · European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design ECCTD 2009

This paper describes a 1-D Focal Plane Processor incorporating 200 pixels for Continuous-Time Optical Correlation Applications. Each pixel incorporates a 2mmx10.9mm photodiode whose current is scaled, at the pixel level, by 5 independent 3-bit programmable-gain current amplifiers. Correlation patterns, defined as 5 sets of 200 3-bits numbers, are communicated to the chip via . a standard (IC)-C-2 interface. Correlation outputs are provided in current form through independent 8-bit-programmable amplifiers whose gains are also defined via I2C. The chip contains an alignment help by incorporating 3 rows of 100 conventional Active Pixel Sensors (AI'S) inserted at the top, middle, and lower part of the main photodiode array. The chip has been fabricated in a standard 0.35mm CMOS technology and maximum power consumption is below 30mW.

Hierarchical synthesis based on Pareto-optimal fronts
E. Roca, R. Castro-López and F.V. Fernández
Conference · European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design ECCTD 2009
resumen      pdf

Pareto-optimal fronts have recently arisen as a promising alternative for design space exploration, potentially enabling better and more efficient hierarchical synthesis. This paper reviews the Pareto front generation problem, extends this concept to reconfigurable circuits, and discusses alternative applications to hierarchical synthesis approaches.

Using Pareto-optimal fronts in the design of reconfigurable data converters
R. Castro-López, E. Roca and F.V. Fernández
Conference · International Conference on Advances in Circuits, Electronics and Microelectronics CENICS 2009

Analog design is a bottleneck in the design of integrated circuits. A recently proposed method to cope with the complexity of analog design is the use of a multi-objective bottom-up flow, which makes use of the concept of Pareto-optimal front (POF) to capture performance trade-offs of analog components, and through which these can be exploited during top-down design of a complex (hierarchically-wise) analog circuit. In this paper, we describe a step forward and transform this technique, through a new type of front we call Multi-Mode Pareto-optimal Front, to design reconfigurable Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs). We demonstrate that not only design time is shortened but also that design complexity of reconfigurable circuits can be more systematically and efficiently managed.

Quality Metrics of Pareto-Optimal Fronts for Multi-Objective Synthesis of Analog ICs
F.V. Fernández, B. Liu, R. Castro-López and E. Roca
Conference · International Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Methods, Modeling and Applications to Circuit Design SM2ACD 2008

Evolutionary computation (EC) techniques can be applied to synthesize analog integrated circuits via the Pareto dominance concept and multi-objective optimization. In order to find out which of the EC techniques available yields better results for analog circuit design, a set of metrics are required that compares and characterizes the Pareto-optimal fronts in terms of their analog design quality. In this paper, we select and classify existing, widely used quality metrics and propose new ones for analog multi-objective synthesis. Several experiments are used that back up the proposed metrics.

MSOEA: A New Methodology for Synthesis of High Performance Analog Integrated Circuits
B. Liu, F.V. Fernández, G. Gielen, R. Castro-López, E. Roca and J. Luo
Conference · Xth International Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Methods, Modeling and Applications to Circuit Design SM2ACD 2008

This paper introduces an evolution-based methodology, named memetic single objective evolutionary algorithm (MSOEA), for automated sizing of high performance analog integrated circuits. By combining operators from the differential evolution algorithm, the real-coded genetic algorithm, operators inspired by the simulated annealing algorithm, and a set of constraint handling techniques, MSOEA specializes on handling analog circuit synthesis problems with numerous and tight design constraints. The method has been tested on several analog circuits. Comparisons with available methods show that the proposed algorithm presents important advantages in constraint handling ability and optimization quality.

Hierarchical Design of Reconfigurable Analog Circuits using Multi-Mode Pareto Fronts
R. Castro-López, F.V. Fernández and E. Roca
Conference · Int. Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Methods, Modeling and Applications to Circuit Design SM2ACD 2008

Most reconfigurable analog integrated circuits reported follow an ad-hoc design approach, which do not guarantee neither efficient area occupation nor minimized power consumption for all operation modes. A clear example is the Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC), used in multi-standard transceivers. This paper tries to formulate a hierarchical design approach based on the following elements: (1) An improved top-down synthesis with bottom-up generated low-level design information; (2) An original definition of the reconfiguration capabilities of the building blocks; (3) A optimization-based technique for the exploration of candidate architectures; (4) Last but not least, a clear definition of metrics for reconfigurability to measure how good is a design in terms its reconfiguration capabilities. This methodology is illustrated through the design of a multi-standard ΣΔ modulator.

Towards systematic design of multi-standard converters
V.J. Rivas, R. Castro-López, A. Morgado, O. Guerra, E. Roca, R. del Río, J.M. de la Rosa and F.V. Fernández
Conference · Conference on VLSI Circuits and Systems III, 2007

In the last few years, we are witnessing the convergence of more and more communication capabilities into a single terminal. A basic component of these communication transceivers is the multi-standard Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC). Many systematic, partially automated approaches for the design of ADCs dealing with a single communication standard have been reported. However, most multi-standard converters reported in the literature follow an ad-hoc approach, which do not guarantee either an efficient occupation of silicon area or its power efficiency in the different standards. This paper aims at the core of this problem by formulating a systematic design approach based on the following key elements: (1) Definition of a set of metrics for reconfigurability: impact in area and power consumption, design complexity and performances; (2) Definition of the reconfiguration capabilities of the component blocks at different hierarchical levels, with assessment of the associated metrics; (3) Exploration of candidate architectures by using a combination of simulated annealing and evolutionary algorithms; (4) Improved top-down synthesis with bottom-up generated low-level design information. The systematic design methodology is illustrated via the design of a multi-standard YEA modulator meeting the specifications of three wireless communication standards.

Locust-Inspired Vision System On Chip Architecture for Collision Detection in Automotive Applications
L. Carranza-González, R. Laviana-Gonzalez, S. Vargas-Sierra, J. Cuadri-Carvajo, G. Liñan-Cembrano and E. Roca-Moreno
Conference · IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS 2006

Abstract not available

Tactile retina for slip detection
R. Maldonado López, F. Vidal-Verdú, G. Liñán, E. Roca and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Conference · IEEE International Conference on Virtual Environments, Human-Computer Interfaces and Measurement Systems VECIMS 2006

The interest in tactile sensors is increasing as their use in complex unstructured environments is demanded, like in telepresence, minimal invasive surgery, robotics etc. The array of pressure data provided by these devices can be treated with different image processing algorithms to extract the required information. However, as in the case of vision chips or artificial retinas, problems arise when the array size and the computation complexity increase. Having a look at the skin, the information collected by every mechanoreceptor is not sent to the brain for its processing, but some complex pre-processing is performed to fit the limited throughput of the nervous system. This is specially important for high bandwidth demanding tasks. Experimental works report that neural response of skin mechanoreceptors encodes the change in local shape from an offset level rather than the absolute force or pressure distributions. Something similar happens in the retina, which implements a spatio-temporal averaging. We propose the same strategy in tactile preprocessing, and we show preliminary results illustrated for the case of slip detection, which is certainly demanding in computing requirements. © 2006 IEEE.

Experiments on global and local adaptation to illumination conditions based on focal-plane average computation
C.M. Domínguez-Matas, F.J. Sánchez-Fernández, R. Carmona-Galán and E. Roca-Moreno
Conference · International Workshop on Cellular Nanoscale Networks and their Applications CNNA 2006

This paper presents some experiments with an integrating pixel with adjustable gain for adaptive image capture. The adaptation mechanism consists in regulating the exposure time according to both global and local illumination conditions. Local adaptation is based in the concurrent processing of local information in the present and previous frames. Global adaptation corrects the average integration time towards the optimum starting on the average pixel value in the previous frame. Experimental results from a prototype chip, which contains a 16x16 array of adaptive pixels, are presented. Tests results have shown that global adaptation enlarges the interframe dynamic range up to 4 decades (80dB). This image DR is limited by test setup, as part of the control scheme is implemented off-chip. Meanwhile, local adaptation produces some histogram equalization and reaches the theoretical intraframe DR enhancement of 6dB. Both adaptive mechanisms have been incorporated into an analog parallel array processor based on a multilayer CNN for image capture based on focal-plane processing.

Locust-inspired vision system on chip architecture for collision detection in automotive applications
L. Carranza, R. Laviana, S. Vargas, J. Cuadri, G. Liñán, E. Roca and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Conference · International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS 2006

This paper describes a programmable digital computing architecture dedicated to process information in accordance to the organization and operating principles of the four-layer neuron structure encountered at the visual system of Locusts. This architecture takes advantage of the natural collision detection skills of locusts and is capable of processing images and ascertaining collision threats in real-time automotive scenaRíos. In addition to the Locust features, the architecture embeds a Topological Feature Estimator module to identify and classify objects in collision course.

Vehículo-Robot para aplicaciones de Control y Visión Artificial
L. Carranza-González, E. Roca-Moreno and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Conference · V Jornadas de Computación Reconfigurable y Aplicaciones CEDI 2005

Este trabajo presenta el diseño del vehículo-robot LRC-1, ideado para aplicaciones de control y visión en tiempo real. El LRC-1 está compuesto por sistemas electrónicos y mecánicos. Los sistemas electrónicos se han basado en un microcontrolador, circuitería de control, adquisición de datos y cómputo sintetizada en lógica reconfigurable, un subsistema de comunicaciones bidireccional de radiofrecuencia, una cámara de vídeo y un transmisor de microondas. Las aplicaciones del robot son generales y actualmente se está usando como plataforma para el desarrollo de un SoC sensor-procesador para automoción. Con esa finalidad, en fase de descripción HDL se encuentran una unidad de detección temprana de colisiones inspirada en el sistema de visión del insecto langosta (Locusta migratoria) y un clasificador topológico-estadístico de objetos que en breve estarán sintetizados en lógica reconfigurable formando parte del LRC-1, junto con un sensor de imágenes CMOS de gran rango dinámico diseñado en el IMSE-CNM. Por otra parte, el sistema mecánico está compuesto por un motor eléctrico, un sistema de tracción diferencial y servomecanismos. El robot puede operar básicamente en tres modos: control manual, control automático gobernado por un ordenador y modo autónomo.

A bioinspired collision detection algorithm for VLSI implementation
J. Cuadri, G. Liñán, R. Stafford, M.S. Keil and E. Roca
Conference · Conference on Bioengineered and Bioinspired Systems II, 2005

In this paper a bioinspired algorithm for collision detection is proposed, based on previous models of the locust (Locusta migratoria) visual system reported by F.C. Rind and her group, in the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne(1,2). The algorithm is suitable for VLSI implementation in standard CMOS technologies as a system-on-chip for automotive applications. The working principle of the algorithm is to process a video stream that represents the current scenaRío, and to fire an alarm whenever an object approaches on a collision course. Moreover, it establishes a scale of warning states, from no danger to collision alarm, depending on the activity detected in the current scenaRío. In the worst case, the minimum time before collision at which the model fires the collision alarm is 40 msec (1 frame before, at 25 frames per second). Since the average time to successfully fire an airbag system is 2 msec, even in the worst case, this algorithm would be very helpful to more efficiently arm the airbag system, or even take some kind of collision avoidance countermeasures. Furthermore, two additional modules have been included: a "Topological Feature Estimator" and an "Attention Focusing Algorithm". The former takes into account the shape of the approaching object to decide whether it is a person, a road line or a car. This helps to take more adequate countermeasures and to filter false alarms. The latter centres the processing power into the most active zones of the input frame, thus saving memory and processing time resources.

ACE16k based stand-alone system for real-time pre-processing tasks
L. Carranza, F. Jiménez Garrido, G. Liñán-Cembrano, E. Roca, S. Espejo-Meana and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Conference · Conference on VLSI Circuits and Systems II, 2005

This paper describes the design of a programmable stand-alone system for real time vision pre-processing tasks. The system's architecture has been implemented and tested using an ACE16k chip and a Xilinx xc4028xl FPGA. The ACE16k chip consists basically of an array of 128x128 identical mixed-signal processing units, locally interacting, which operate in accordance with single instruction multiple data (SIMD) computing architectures and has been designed for high speed image pre-processing tasks requiring moderate accuracy levels (7 bits). The input images are acquired using the optical input capabilities of the ACE16k chip, and after being processed according to a programmed algorithm, the images are represented at real time on a TFT screen. The system is designed to store and run different algorithms and to allow changes and improvements. Its main board includes a digital core, implemented on a Xilinx 4028 Series FPGA, which comprises a custom programmable Control Unit, a digital monochrome PAL video generator and an image memory selector. Video SRAM chips are included to store and access images processed by the ACE16k. Two daughter boards hold the program SRAM and a video DAC-mixer card is used to generate composite analog video signal.

A bioinspired vision chip architecture for collision detection in automotive applications
R. Laviana, L. Carranza, S. Vargas, G. Liñán and E. Roca
Conference · Conference on Bioengineered and Bioinspired Systems II, 2005

This paper describes the architecture and retino-topic unit of a bio-inspired vision chip intended for automotive applications. The chip contains an array of 100 x 150 sensors which are able to capture high dynamic range (HDR) images, with a programmable compressive characteristic. The chip also incorporates a mechanism for adaptation of the global exposition time to the average illumination conditions. Average values are evaluated over image areas which are programmable by the user. In addition to the HDR pixel, every retino-topic unit in the array incorporates digital memory for three 6-bit pixel values (18-bits), as required for the implementation of a bionspired computing model for collisions detection which has been developed in the framework of a multidisciplinary European research project. All processing steps are executed off-chip, though we are currently working in the design of tiny digital processors (one per column) which will allow for running the whole model on-chip in a future version of this prototype. The chip has been designed in a 0.3 5 mu m 2P-4M technology and maintains its correct operation in extreme temperature conditions (from -40 degrees C to 110 degrees C).

Tactile on-chip pre-processing with techniques from artificial retinas
R. Maldonado-López, F. Vidal-Verdú, G. Liñán, E. Roca and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Conference · Conference on Bioengineered and Bioinspired Systems II, 2005

The interest in tactile sensors is increasing as their use in complex unstructured environments is demanded, like in tele-presence, minimal invasive surgery, robotics etc. The matrix of pressure data these devices provide can be managed with many image processing algorithms to extract the required information. However, as in the case of vision chips or artificial retinas, problems arise when the array size and the computation complexity increase. Having a look to the skin, the information collected by every mechanoreceptor is not carried to the brain for its processing, but some complex pre-processing is performed to fit the limited throughput of the nervous system. This is specially important for high bandwidth demanding tasks. Experimental works report that neural response of skin mechanoreceptors encodes the change in local shape from an offset level rather than the absolute force or pressure distributions. This is also the behavior of the retina, which implements a spatio-temporal averaging. We propose the same strategy in tactile preprocessing, and we show preliminary results when it faces the detection of the slip, which involves fast real-time processing.

ACE16k-Ds: un Sistema autónomo programable para el preprocesamiento de imágenes en tiempo real
L. Carranza-González, F.J. Jimenez-Garrido, G. Liñán-Cembrano, E. Roca-Moreno, S. Espejo-Meana and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Conference · Jornadas de Computación Reconfigurable y Aplicaciones JCRA 2004

Este artículo describe un sistema electrónico autónomo y programable, denominado ACE16k-DS, que permite sensar y procesar imágenes en tiempo real. La arquitectura del sistema está basada en el chip ACE16k y en la FPGA Xc4028xl de Xilinx en la que se han sintetizado una Unidad de Control Programable de propósito específico y un generador de vídeo digital. Las imágenes son sensadas y procesadas, en modo analógico, en el chip ACE16k, siguiendo instrucciones secuenciadas por la Unidad de Control Programable. El generador de vídeo digital permite visualizar, en una pantalla TFT, las imágenes procesadas en tiempo real.

A neural model of the locust visual system for detection of object approaches with real-world scenes
M.S. Keil, E. Roca-Moreno and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Conference · International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing VIIP 2004

In the central nervous systems of animals like pigeons and locusts, neurons were identified which signal objects approaching the animal on a direct collision course. Unraveling the neural circuitry for collision avoidance, and identifying the underlying computational principles, is promising for building vision-based neuromorphic architectures, which in the near future could find applications in cars or planes. At the present there is no published model available for robust detection of approaching objects under real-world conditions. Here we present a computational architecture for signalling impending collisions, based on known anatomical data of the locust lobula giant movement detector (LGMD) neuron. Our model shows robust performance even in adverse situations, such as with approaching low-contrast objects, or with highly textured and moving backgrounds. We furthermore discuss which components need to be added to our model to convert it into a full-fledged real-world-environment collision detector.

A versatile sensor interface for programmable vision systems-on-chip
A. Rodríguez-Vázquez, G. Liñán, E. Roca, S. Espejo and R. Dominguez-Castro
Conference · Conf. on Sensors and Camera Systems for Scientific, Industrial, and Digital Photography 2003

This paper describes an optical sensor interface designed for a programmable mixed-signal vision chip. This chip has been designed and manufactured in a standard 0.35mum n-well CMOS technology with one poly layer and five metal layers. It contains a digital shell for control and data interchange, and a central array of 128 x 128 identical cells, each cell corresponding to a pixel. Die size is 11.885 x 12.230mm(2) and cell size is 75.7mum x 73.3mum. Each cell contains 198 transistors dedicated to functions like processing, storage, and sensing. The system is oriented to real-time, single-chip image acquisition and processing. Since each pixel performs the basic functions of sensing, processing and storage, data transferences are fully parallel (image-wide). The programmability of the processing functions enables the realization of complex image processing functions based on the sequential application of simpler operations. This paper provides a general overview of the system architecture and functionality, with special emphasis on the optical interface.

A multimode gray-scale CMOS optical sensor for Visual computers
G. Liñán, A. Rodríguez-Vázquez, S. Espejo, R. Domínguez-Castro and E. Roca
Conference · IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and Their Applications CNNA 2002

This paper presents a new multimode optical sensor architecture for the optical interface of Visual CNN chips. The sensor offers to the user the possibility of choosing the photo-sensitive device as well as the mechanism for transducing the photogenerated charges into the correspondent pixel voltage. Both linear or logarithmic compression acquisition modes are available. This makes the sensor very suitable to be used in very different illumination conditions.


Automated Hierarchical Synthesis of Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuits and Systems. A Systematic and Multilevel Approach
F. Passos, E. Roca, R. Castro-López and F.V. Fernández
Book · 204 p, 2020
resumen      link      

This book describes a new design methodology that allows optimization-based synthesis of RF systems in a hierarchical multilevel approach, in which the system is designed in a bottom-up fashion, from the device level up to the (sub)system level. At each level of the design hierarchy, the authors discuss methods that increase the design robustness and increase the accuracy and efficiency of the simulations. The methodology described enables circuit sizing and layout in a complete and automated integrated manner, achieving optimized designs in significantly less time than with traditional approaches.
- Describes an efficient and accurate methodology to design automatically RF systems, with guaranteed accuracy from the device to the system level.
- Discusses analytical and machine learning techniques for modelling integrated inductors and uses such models in synthesis approaches.
- Compares synthesis strategies for RF circuits based on bottom-up versus flat approaches.
- Discusses layout-aware bottom-up design methodologies for RF circuits.
- Discusses variability-aware bottom-up design methodologies for RF circuits.
- Describes multilevel bottom-up design methodologies from the device up to the system level.

Capítulos de libros

On the usage of machine-learning techniques for the accurate modeling of integrated inductors for RF applications
F. Passos, E. Roca, R. Castro-Lopez and F.V. Fernandez
Book Chapter · Modelling Methodologies in Analogue Integrated Circuit Design, pp 155-178, 2020
resumen      doi      

This chapter describes an inductor modeling strategy based on machine-learning techniques. The model developed is based on Kriging functions and uses a novel modeling technique based on a two-step strategy, which is able to obtain an extremely accurate model with less than 1% error when compared to electromagnetic (EM) simulations. Due to its extreme accuracy and efficiency, the model can be used in inductor synthesis processes using single- or multi-objective optimization algorithms in order to obtain a single design or a Pareto-optimal front. Also, the model can describe the inductor behavior in frequency and therefore can also be used in circuit design using modern electrical simulators. This chapter discusses both applications (inductor synthesis and circuit design), performing several singleand multi-objective inductor optimizations, using different inductor topologies and operating frequencies. Furthermore, the model is also used in order to accurately model inductors during the design of a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) and a low-noise amplifier (LNA).

Modeling of variability and reliability in analog circuits
J. Martin-Martinez, J. Diaz-Fortuny, A. Toro-Frias, P. Martin-Lloret, P. Saraza-Canflanca, R. Castro-Lopez, R. Rodriguez, E. Roca, F.V. Fernandez and M. Nafria
Book Chapter · Modelling Methodologies in Analogue Integrated Circuit Design, pp 179-206, 2020
resumen      doi      

This chapter is divided into four sections. In Section 8.1, the probabilistic defect occupancy (PDO) model, a physics-based compact model, is introduced, which can be easily implemented into circuit simulators. Section 8.2 describes a purposely designed IC which contains suitable test structures, together with a full instrumentation system for the massive characterization of TZV and TDV in CMOS transistors, from which aging of the technology under study can be statistically evaluated. Section 8.3 is devoted to a smart methodology, which allows extracting the statistical distributions of the main physical parameters related to TDV from the measurements performed with the instrumentation system. Finally, Section 8.4 describes CASE, a new reliability simulation tool that accounts for TZV and TDV in analog circuits, covering important aspects, such as the device degradation evaluation, by means of stochastic modeling and the link between the device biasing and its degradation. As an example, the shifts of the performance of a Miller operational amplifier related to the device TDV is evaluated using CASE. Finally, in Section 8.5 the main conclusions are summarized.

Computational Intelligence Techniques for Determining Optimal Performance Trade-Offs for RF Inductors
E. Roca, R. Castro-López, F.V. Fernández, R. González-Echevarría, J. Sieiro, N. Vidal and J.M. López-Villegas
Book Chapter · Computational Intelligence in Analog and Mixed-Signal (AMS) and Radio-Frequency (RF) Circuit Design, pp 277-296, 2015
resumen      doi      

The automatic synthesis of integrated inductors for radio frequency (RF) integrated circuits is one of the most challenging problems that RF designers have to face. In this chapter, computational intelligence techniques are applied to automatically obtain the optimal performance trade-offs of integrated inductors. A methodology is presented that combines a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm with electromagnetic simulation to get highly accurate results. A set of sized inductors is obtained showing the best performance trade-offs for a given technology. The methodology is illustrated with a complete set of examples where different inductor trade-offs are obtained.

Symbolic Pole/Zero Analysis
F.V. Fernández, C. Sánchez-López, R. Castro-López and E. Roca
Book Chapter · Design of Analog Circuits through Symbolic Analysis, pp 287-304, 2012
resumen      doi      pdf

Extraction of pole/zero expressions as a function of circuit parameters has traditionally been an essential tool for designers. In this Chapter, the main specific techniques for symbolic pole/zero extraction are described and their pros and cons are discussed. The application of the different techniques is illustrated with experimental results on practical circuits.

Approximation Techniques in Symbolic Circuit Analysis
F.V. Fernández, C. Sánchez-López, R. Castro-López and E. Roca
Book Chapter · Design of Analog Circuits through Symbolic Analysis, pp 173-201, 2012
resumen      doi      pdf

Symbolic circuit analysis suffers from the exponential growth of expression complexity with circuit size. Therefore, either if the symbolic expressions are used for gaining insight into circuit operation or for repetitive computer-based evaluations, simplification becomes mandatory. This chapter reviews the different existing techniques for symbolic expression simplification, classifying them into three categories according to the step at which the simplification is performed: on the circuit equations, during the solution of the circuit equations or after the circuit equations have been solved. Pros and cons of each approach are discussed.

Closing the gap between electrical and physical design: the layout-aware solution
R. Castro-López, E. Roca and F.V. Fernández
Book Chapter · Analog layout synthesis. A Survey of Topological Approaches, pp 243-268, 2011
resumen      doi      pdf

Iterations between separate phases in any procedural design process, usually a by-product of unexpected (or, simply, very complex to consider) adverse effects, clearly play against any time-to-market requirements. In analog integrated circuit (IC) design, going back and forth between electrical and physical synthe- sis to counterbalance layout-induced performance degradations needs to be thus avoided as much as possible. One possible solution involves the integration of the 1 traditionally separated electrical and physical synthesis phases, by including layout- induced effects, in the form of layout parasitics, right into the electrical synthesis phase, in what has been called parasitic-aware synthesis. This solution, as such, is not yet complete since there are geometric requirements (minimization of the occu- pied area or fulfillment of certain layout aspect ratio, among others), whose effects on the resulting parasitics are not usually considered during electrical synthesis. In this chapter, a layout-aware solution that tackles both geometric and parasitic-aware electrical synthesis is proposed. This technique uses a combination of simulation- based optimization, procedural layout generation, exhaustive geometric evaluation algorithms, and several mechanisms for parasitic estimation. Thanks to the nature of this combination, the solution benefits from, and also fosters, reuse of analog intellectual property (IP) blocks. Several detailed design examples are provided.

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