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Autor: M. del Pilar Parra Fernández
Año: Desde 2002

Artículos de revistas

Breaking Trivium Stream Cipher Implemented in ASIC using Experimental Attacks and DFA
F.E. Potestad-Ordóñez, M. Valencia-Barrero, C. Baena-Oliva, P. Parra-Fernández and C.J. Jiménez-Fernández
Journal Paper · Sensors, vol. 20, no.23, article 6909, 2020
resumen      doi      

One of the best methods to improve the security of cryptographic systems used to exchange sensitive information is to attack them to find their vulnerabilities and to strengthen them in subsequent designs. Trivium stream cipher is one of the lightweight ciphers designed for security applications in the Internet of things (IoT). In this paper, we present a complete setup to attack ASIC implementations of Trivium which allows recovering the secret keys using the active non-invasive technique attack of clock manipulation, combined with Differential Fault Analysis (DFA) cryptanalysis. The attack system is able to inject effective transient faults into the Trivium in a clock cycle and sample the faulty output. Then, the internal state of the Trivium is recovered using the DFA cryptanalysis through the comparison between the correct and the faulty outputs. Finally, a backward version of Trivium was also designed to go back and get the secret keys from the initial internal states. The key recovery has been verified with numerous simulations data attacks and used with the experimental data obtained from the Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) Trivium. The secret key of the Trivium were recovered experimentally in 100% of the attempts, considering a real scenario and minimum assumptions.

An Academic Approach to FPGA Design Based on a Distance Meter Circuit
C.J. Jimenez-Fernandez, C. Baena-Oliva, P. Parra-Fernandez, F.E. Potestad-Ordonez and M. Valencia-Barrero
Journal Paper · IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje, vol. 15, no. 3, pp 123-128, 2020
resumen      doi      

Digital design learning at Register Transfer (RT) level requires practical and complex examples as learning progresses. FPGAs and development boards offer a suitable platform for the implementation of these designs. However, classroom practice sessions usually last two hours, which does not allow the complexity of the designs be high enough. For this reason, interesting designs that can be made in several sessions are required. In this paper, the construction of a distance measuring system is presented. For this purpose, a distance measurement module based on ultrasound is available, the results are displayed in 7-segment displays on a Nexys4 board. This approach has been applied to three Electronic subjects at the University of Seville. The degree of satisfaction on the part of the students as well as the result of the evaluation of the experience by the teachers involved are shown.

Selective Clock-Gating for Low-Power Synchronous Counters
P. Parra, A.J. Acosta, R. Jiménez and M. Valencia
Journal Paper · Journal of Low Power Electronics, vol. 1, no. 1, pp 11-19, 2005
resumen      doi      

With current technologies and applications, dynamic power reduction is of great technological interest. The objective of this paper is to explore the applicability of clock gating techniques to counters in order to reduce the power consumption as well as to compare different power figures in counting structures. Counters are widely used in current VLSI digital circuits, and optimized low-power versions of them are of important concern. Different ways of applying clock gating are considered: clock gating on independent bits and clock gating on groups of bits with different synchronization schemes. The correct selection of bits where clock gating is applied and the suitable composition of groups of bits are essential but are not straightforward when applying this technique. We have found that some specific groupings of bits are the best options when applying clock gating to reduce power consumption.

High-performance edge-triggered flip-flops using weak-branch differential latch
R. Jiménez, P. Parra, P. Sanmartín and A.J. Acosta
Journal Paper · Electronics Letters, vol. 38, no. 21, pp 1243-1244, 2002
resumen      doi      

A new technique to build edge-triggered flip-flops based on the use of 'weak' transistors is presented. This technique can be applied to most CMOS differential latches with only some further design considerations. Despite of hardware costs, resulting flip-flops are very suited for high-performance and low-noise applications.

Analysis of high-performance flip-flops for submicron mixed-signal applications
R. Jiménez, P. Parra, P. Sanmartín and A.J. Acosta
Journal Paper · Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 33, no. 2, pp 145-156, 2002
resumen      doi      

This paper presents a detailed analysis of high-performance edge-triggered memory elements for deep submicron mixed-signal applications. The variations of the main parameters (power, delay, peak of supply current) with supply voltage, as well as timing restrictions have been studied. Especial emphasis has been given to switching-noise generation, an aspect of important concern in mixed-signal applications. We have analyzed the sources of switching noise, noticing that, the less noisy flip-flops are those based on differential structures.


Teaching based on proposed by students designs: a case study
C.J. Jimenez-Fernandez, C. Baena-Oliva, P. Parra-Fernandez, M. Valencia-Barrero, F.E. Potestad-Ordoñez, E. Tena-Sanchez and A. Gallardo-Soto
Conference · Congreso de Tecnología, Aprendizaje y Enseñanza de la Electrónica TAEE 2022

Learning digital design at RT level is enhanced by practical, lab-based tasks. These tasks, if chosen appropriately, can be highly motivating. The fact that the proposal is attractive to students is an important incentive. Working with FPGAs and development boards is a very suitable tool for carrying out designs of varying complexity. This paper presents an experience developed in the Advanced Digital Design course (4th year of the Degree) consisting of a design on FPGA proposed by the students themselves based on some common specifications, such as the use of a matrix of 8x8 LEDs and that the design has to interact with some external element.

ICs tester design and its effect on application in electronics laboratories
F.E. Potestad-Ordonez, C.J. Jimenez-Fernandez, A. Gallardo-Soto, M. Valencia-Barrero, C. Baena-Oliva, P. Parra-Fernandez and E. Tena-Sanchez
Conference · Congreso de Tecnología, Aprendizaje y Enseñanza de la Electrónica TAEE 2022

One of the best methods to help students assimilate the theoretical concepts about electronic circuits is to perform laboratory sessions with real components. Therefore, the use of integrated circuits in electronics laboratory sessions and exams is very common. Since the electronic training of the students is very different, it is frequent that the devices break and become useless after a bad connection or manipulation. This paper presents the design of an integrated circuit tester, specifically the 741 and 74LS00. The effect observed on the attitude of the students after using the device (functionality check performed with the student there), before the practical sessions and laboratory exams, will be presented, and the different impressions from the point of view of the teachers will be analyzed.

Review of Breaking Trivium Stream Cipher Implemented in ASIC using Experimental Attacks and DFA
F.E. Potestad-Ordoñez, E. Tena-Sánchez, C. Fernández-García, V. Zúñiga-González, J.M. Mora Gutiérrez, C. Baena-Oliva, P. Parra-Fernández, A.J. Acosta-Jiménez and C.J. Jiménez-Fernández
Conference · Jornadas Nacionales de Investigación en Ciberseguridad JNIC 2022

In this paper, we present a review of the work [1]. In this work a complete setup to break ASIC implementations of standard Trivium stream cipher was presented. The setup allows to recover the secret keys combining the use of the active noninvasive technique attack of clock manipulation and Differential Fault Analysis (DFA) cryptanalysis. The attack system is able to inject transient faults into the Trivium in a clock cycle and sample the faulty output. Then, the internal state of the Trivium is recovered using the DFA cryptanalysis through the comparison between the correct and the faulty outputs. The secret key of the Trivium were recovered experimentally in 100% of the attempts, considering a real scenario and minimum assumptions.
[1] F.E. Potestad-Ordoñez, M. Valencia-Barrero, C. Baena-Oliva, P. Parra-Fernández, C.J. Jiménez-Fernández, "Breaking Trivium Stream Cipher Implemented in ASIC using Experimental Attacks and DFA". In Sensors, vol. 20, num. 6909, pp. 1-19, 2020.

Learning VHDL through teamwork FPGA game design
C.J. Jimenez-Fernandez, C. Baena-Oliva, P. Parra-Fernandez, A. Gallardo-Soto, F.E Potestad-Ordoñez and M. Valencia-Barrero
Conference · Congreso de Tecnología, Aprendizaje y Enseñanza de la Electrónica TAEE 2020

The learning of digital design at the RT level by the students improves with practical work, which can be developed in teams, allow both the gradual advance of complexity as the learning progresses, and the proposal to be attractive to them, such as playing simple games. FPGAs and development boards offer a very suitable platform for the implementation of these designs. This paper presents a work in the Advanced Digital Design course (4th year of the Degree) consisting of the construction of a slightly adapted version of the game "Simon Says" in which the player must memorize a sequence that becomes more difficult for as levels pass. The work, which occupies the second half of the semester, is carried out by teams of three students and must have a demonstrator implemented on a Digilent Nexys4-DDR board.

Floorplanning as a practical countermeasure against clock fault attack in Trivium stream cipher
F.E. Potestad-Ordóñez, C.J. Jiménez-Fernández, M. Valencia-Barrero, C. Baena and P. Parra
Conference · Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems DCIS 2018

The fault injection in ciphers operation is a very successful mechanism to attack them. The inclusion of elements of protection against this kind of attacks is more and more necessary. These mechanisms are usually based on introducing redundancy, which leads to a greater consumption of resources or a longer processing time. This article presents how the introduction of placement restrictions on ciphers can make it difficult to inject faults by altering the clock signal. It is therefore a countermeasure that neither increases the consumption of resources nor the processing time. This mechanism has been tested on FPGA implementations of the Trivium cipher. Several tests have been performed on a Spartan 3E device from Xilinx and the experimental measurements have been carried out with ChipScope Pro. The tests showed that an adequate floorplanning is a good countermeasure against these kind of attacks.

Aplicaciones docentes del diseño de un picoprocesador
C.J. Jiménez, C. Baena, P. Parra and M. Valencia
Conference · Congreso de Tecnología, Aprendizaje y Enseñanza de la Electrónica TAEE 2016

El conocimiento de la estructura interna y del mecanismo de funcionamiento de microprocesadores es una parte muy importante en la formación de ingenieros en electrónica e informática. Este conocimiento puede profundizarse con experiencias de diseño de procesadores, que reúnen además muchos aspectos vinculados a otros conocimientos básicos. Sin embargo, debido a su complejidad, el diseño de procesadores comerciales no es efectivo desde un punto de vista docente. En la presente comunicación presentamos una experiencia de diseño en VHDL de un procesador muy sencillo que demuestra los múltiples aprendizajes que suponen para el alumno.

Revisting clock-gating: the common place for power reduction
J. Castro, P. Parra and A.J. Acosta
Conference · Iberchip XVI Workshop IWS 2010

Abstract not avaliable

Master-slave flip-flop optimization for fine-grained clock-gating applications
J. Castro, P. Parra and A.J. Acosta
Conference · IEEE Latin American Symposium on Circuits and Systems LASCAS 2010

Abstract not avaliable

An improved differential pull-down network logic configuration for DPA resistant circuits
J. Castro, P. Parra and A.J. Acosta
Conference · International Conference on Microelectronics ICM 2010

Side channel attacks (SCAs) exploit the fact that security IC physical implementation of a cryptographic algorithm can leak information of the secret key. One of the most important SCA is Differential Power Analysis (DPA), that uses the power consumption dependence with the data processed to reveal critical information. To protect security devices against this issue, differential logic styles with constant power dissipation have been widely used. However, the right use of such circuits for secure applications needs not only a fully symmetric structure, but also removing any memory effect that could leak information. We propose an improved memory-less fully symmetric Xor/Xnor pull-down logic configuration, to be used with any differential technique, for immediate application in cryptographic secure applications.

Optimization of clock-gating structures for low-leakage high-performance applications
J. Castro, P. Parra and A.J. Acosta
Conference · IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS 2010

Clock Gating (CG) is a well known technique to reduce dynamic power consumption by stopping the clock to avoid unnecessary transitions in synchronous circuits. The abilities of different CG-styles to save power at a flip-flop level, depending on the input activity, are analysed in this paper. Also, since conventional CG techniques usually do not take into account leakage power, some optimization procedures and guidelines are presented for leakage reduction. Focusing on those structures that do not need a latch to remove undesired transitions in gated clock, a leakage value of a fourth of the original one is achieved without degradation in timing performances.

Switching noise optimization in the wake-up phase of leakage-aware power gating structures
J. Castro, P. Parra and A.J. Acosta
Conference · Int. Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation PATMOS 2009

Leakage power dissipation has become a critical issue in advanced process technologies. The use of techniques to reduce leakage power consumption with negligible degradation in performances is needed for current and next technologies. Power gating is an effective technique to reduce leakage, taking advantage of the transistor stacking effect. However, the restoration from standby mode in power-gated circuits usually introduces a large amount of switching noise on the power supply and ground networks, that may affect the normal operation of circuits connected to the same polarizations. This paper analyzes the switching noise generated in the wake-up phase by several power-gating techniques, and their influence on the wake-up time. The best results are for the techniques that redistribute the amount of current flowing through the Vdd and Gnd nodes during the wake-up transition. Simulation results obtained on basic digital cells in a 90 nm technology show a variation of two in switching noise, while maintaining the same wake-up time and leakage saving

A switching noise vision of the optimization techniques for low-power synthesis
J. Castro, P. Parra, M. Valencia and A.J. Acosta
Conference · European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design ECCTD 2007

Different techniques used by a CAD tool that automatically optimize power consumption at gate-level circuit have been investigated in terms of switching noise generation. Such techniques, clock-gating, sleep-mode and others at a gate-level are usual saving power techniques, but are rarely applied to switching noise reduction. The reduction of peaks in supply current is of great interest due to their impact in sensitive parts of a circuit. An estimation of these peaks has been done at a gate level by two different tools (PrimePower and NanoSim, both from Synopsys) providing both the power supply current waveform along time, the average and the peak power for different synthesized circuits to check the effectiveness of such low-power techniques for switching noise reduction. As conclusions, although both tools provide an estimation of peak power, only NanoSim gives accurate values, and how these optimization techniques for low-power are, in general, useful for switching noise reduction.

Asymmetric clock driver for improved power and noise performances
J. Castro, P. Parra, M. Valencia and A.J. Acosta
Conference · International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS 2007

One of the most important sources of switching noise and power consumption in large VLSI circuits is the clock generation and distribution tree. This paper analyzes how the use of an asymmetric clock can be an important solution to reduce the switching noise generated by the global clock, with a very reduced degradation in performances and reliability. The suited sizing of clock generators and the design of asymmetric clock tree cells, show the benefits of the proposed technique, validated through a design example where a 50% of noise reduction is achieved with 10% of loss in operation frequency and no penalty, even saving, in power consumption.

Effects of buffer insertion on the average/peak power ratio in CMOS VLSI digital circuits
A.J. Acosta, J.M. Mora, J. Castro and P. Parra
Conference · Conference on VLSI Circuits and Systems III, 2007
resumen      doi      pdf

The buffer insertion has been a mechanism widely used to increase the performances of advanced VLSI digital circuits and systems. The driver or repeater used to this purpose has effect on the timing characteristics on the signal on the wire, as propagation delay, signal integrity, transition time, among others. The power concerns related to buffering have also received much attention, because of the low power requirements of modem integrated systems. In the same way, the buffer insertion has strong impact on the reliability of synchronous systems, since the suited distribution of clock requires reduced or controlled clock-skew, being the buffer and wire sizing, a crucial aspect. In a different way, buffer insertion has been also used to reduce noise generation, especially in heavily loaded nets, since the inclusion of buffers help to desynchronize signal transitions. However, the inclusion of buffers of inverters to improve one or more of these characteristics have often negative effect on another parameters, as it happens in the average and peak of supply current. Mainly, the inclusion of a buffer to reduce noise (peak power), via desynchronizing transitions, could introduce more dynamic consumption, but reducing the short-circuit current because of the increment of signal slope. Thus, the average/peak current optimization can be considered a design trade-off. In this paper, the mechanism to obtain an average/peak power optimization procedure are presented. Selected examples show the feasibility of minimizing switching noise with negligible impact on average power consumption.

A methodology for switching noise estimation at gate level
J. Castro, P. Parra and A.J. Acosta
Conference · Conference on VLSI Circuits and Systems III, 2007

This paper provides a simple methodology, based on available CAD tools, able of extracting valuable information on supply current curves, otherwise limited by the layout disposal, making it impracticable for the present high density circuits. The approach starts at HDL level, which will be automatically synthesized to a gate level being the peak power (one peak per clock cycle) measured at this level, giving an idea of the switching noise generated. Although an indirect method, it provides a quantitative value of noise valid for comparison between different proposals. To assess the methodology two different tools are used: PrimePower and NanoSim, both from Synopsys, that generate an average power and a peak power value. We will see that NanoSim is good for noise estimation but this is not the case of PrimePower.

Optimization of master-slave flip-flops for high-performance applications
R. Jiménez, P. Parra, J. Castro, M. Sánchez and A. Acosta
Conference · Int. Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation PATMOS 2006

The design of high-performance master-slave flip-flops is of crucial importance in modem VLSI. The optimization of existing structures is necessary when the requirements of the flip-flop is for low-power, high-speed or low-noise applications. In this work, the optimization via transistor sizing of a well-known master-slave flip-flop is investigated. A detailed analysis of the flip-flop structure provides information useful for optimization, giving an optimum solution for an specific high-performance application.

Performance analysis of full adders in CMOS technologies
J. Castro, P. Parra and A.J. Acosta
Conference · Conference on VLSI Circuits and Systems II, 2005

Full adders are one of the most important building blocks in VLSI digital arithmetic. The area, electrical, timing, power consumed and noise generated characteristics of this cell are strongly dependent on the design technique. An exhaustive work taking into account the above parameters is done, and that complete analysis will be of utility for the community of digital designers. Emphasis will be done in power/noise figures, of most important concern in current CMOS mixed-signal design. The full adders considered are those using complementary CMOS, pass-transistor logic, double pass-transistor logic, and two versions based on CMOS transmission gate. Main parameters as area, delay, power consumption and noise generation have been measured by electrical simulation in a 0.35 mu m CMOS technology. The main results obtained are on one hand, the selection of a logic family for a specific application and, on the other hand, the selection of a specific full adder structure for an optimized parameter option -power, noise or speed.

Application of clock gating techniques at a flip-flop level to switching noise reduction in VLSI circuits
P. Parra, J. Castro, M. Valencia and A.J. Acosta
Conference · VLSI Circuits and Systems II, 2005

One of the most important sources of switching noise in large VLSI circuits is the clock-driven circuitry, meaning that memory elements are the main source of noise in digital circuits. This paper faces the application of clock-gating, a well known low-power technique, to the reduction of switching-noise generation. Sources of switching noise in master-slave flip-flops will be analyzed. It will be shown how different solutions for the clock-gated logic show very different results regarding switching-noise generation. Illustrative examples characterized through HSPICE simulations, as well as the application of clock-gating to 16-bit synchronous counter as demonstrator, will provide useful design guidelines for reduction of switching noise generation.

Optimum Current/Voltage Mode Circuit Partitioning for Low Noise Applications
R. Jiménez-Naharro, P. Parra-Fernández, P.M. Sanmartin-Rodriguez and A.J. Acosta-Jimenez
Conference · Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems Conference DCIS 2003

Abstract not avaliable

A new hybrid CBL-CMOS cell for optimum noise/power application
R. Jiménez, P. Parra, P.M. Sanmartín and A.J. Acosta
Conference · Int. Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation PATMOS 2003

The design of a new configurable hybrid current-mode/static CBL-CMOS cell is presented. This cell can be used in order to obtain the optimum partitioning between conventional and low-noise logic in the digital part of a mixed-signal circuit, resulting in a optimum power/noise solution. This new cell has been compared with the original logic families obtaining acceptable results with low hardware cost. A combinational multiplier has been designed as a demonstrator example of the utility of the proposed cells.

Design of Synchronous Counters for Low Noise Low Power Applications Using Clock Gating Techniques
P. Parra-Fernández, A.J. Acosta-Jimenez and M. Valencia-Barrero
Conference · Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems DCIS 2002

Abstract not avaliable

A Technique to Generate CMOS VLSI Flip-Flops Based on Differential Latches
R. Jiménez, P. Parra, P. Sanmartín and A.J. Acosta
Conference · Int. Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation PATMOS 2002

In this comunication, a new technique to generate flip-flops based on differential structures is presented. This technique is based on the modification of size in transistors of existing differential latches. The limitations of the differential structures to apply this technique are few, so the range of application is high. The main application field is in mixed-signal analog-digital circuits, due to the low switching noise generated by these flip-flops. In this parameter, the behavior is similar in both the proposed flip-flop and the original structure, and better than existing flip-flops.


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Aplicación de técnicas de evaluación continua en grupos numerosos de alumnos
M.C. Baena-Oliva, M.J. Bellido-Díaz, A. Estrada-Pérez, J. Juan-Chico, S. Martín-Guillén, A.J. Molina-Cantero, E. Ostua-Aranguena, M.P. Parra-Fernández, O. Rivera-Romero, M.C. Romero-Ternero, J. Ropero-Rodríguez, P. Ruiz de Clavijo-Vázquez, G. Sánchez-Antón, M. Valencia-Barrero and J.M. Gómez-González
Book Chapter · Experiencia de Innovacion Universitaria (I) Curso 2006-2007, vol. 1, pp 350-365, 2009

Abstract not available

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