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Autor: Juan A. Leñero Bardallo
Año: Desde 2002

Artículos de revistas

A Low-Latency, Low-Power CMOS Sun Sensor for Attitude Calculation Using Photovoltaic Regime and On-Chip Centroid Computation
R. Gomez-Merchan, J. A. Leñero-Bardallo, M. López-Carmona and Á. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Journal Paper · IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023
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The demand for sun sensors has skyrocketed in the last years due to the huge expected deployment of satellites associated with the New Space concept. Sun sensors compute the position of the sun relative to the observer and play a crucial role in navigation systems. However, the sensor itself and the associated electronics must be able to operate in harsh environments. Thus, reducing hardware and post-processing resources improves the robustness of the system. Furthermore, reducing power consumption increases the lifetime of microsatellites with a limited power budget. This work describes the design, implementation, and characterization of a proof-of-concept prototype of a low-power, high-speed sun sensor architecture. The proposed sensor uses photodiodes working in the photovoltaic regime and event-driven vision concepts to overcome the limitations of conventional digital sun sensors in terms of latency, data throughput, and power consumption. The temporal resolution of the prototype is in the microsecond range with an average power consumption lower than 100μW . Experimental results are discussed and compared with the state-of-the-art.

TEMAS: A Flexible non-AI Algorithm for Metrology of Single-core and Core-shell Nanoparticles from TEM images
Jorge J. Saenz Noval, Ruben Gomez-Merchan, Juan A. Leñero-Bardallo and Lionel C. Gontard
Journal Paper · Particle and Particle Systems Characterization, vol. 40, issue: 2, 2023
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An essential application of electron microscopy is to provide feedback to tune the fabrication of nanoparticles (NPs). Real samples tend to follow a size distribution commonly linked to the synthesis process used and in turn to their functional properties. This study presents an algorithm for measuring particle size distributions in electron microscopy images. State-of-the-art methods based on Artificial Intelligence (e.g., Deep Learning) require extensive datasets of labeled images similar to those expected to be analyzed, and extensive supervised re-training is often required for cross-domain application. In contrast, the non-AI algorithm described in this study is accurate and can be quickly set up for measuring new experimental images in different domains. The accuracy of the method is validated quantitatively and comparing graphical and descriptive statistics. Different size distributions are measured on images of platinum and gold nanocatalysts supported on carbon black, amorphous carbon, and titanium dioxide crystals. Also, images of platinum-iron core-shell NPs supported on thin amorphous carbon film are successfully analyzed. The limitation of evaluating different algorithms for NPs metrology is the lack of standards that different researchers can use as ground truth. In order to overcome this limitation, the images and the ground truth measurements presented here are shared as an open dataset.

A Mobile Platform for Movement Tracking based on a Fast-Execution-Time Optical-Flow Algorithm
R. de la Rosa-Vidal, J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, J.M. Guerrero-Rodríguez and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Journal Paper · IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 69, no.4, pp 1715-1727, 2021
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A multi-purpose mechanical platform to track moving objects in three-dimensional space has been developed. It is composed of one main microcontroller board that processes all system data, two cameras, three motors, and one secondary microcontroller board to position a platform with three degrees of freedom. The system computes the optical flow and moves the cameras accordingly, tracking motion within the visual scene. The platform operates autonomously. To the best of our knowledge, there are no similar systems reported with low-resolution image sensors and low-cost microcontrollers. Existing solutions rely on personal computers and advanced FPGAs to process image data. This article concludes that the optical flow operation is efficient even using an image sensor with very low resolution. Thus, the system complexity and image data processing are alleviated significantly. The platform can be easily adapted to different application scenarios by adding new peripherals, sensors, or image processing algorithms. A detailed description of the system design and experimental results are provided.

Emulation of Circuits under Test using Low-Cost Embedded Platforms
J.M. Guerrero-Rodríguez, C. Cobos Sánchez, A. Quirós-Olozábal and J.A. Leñero Bardallo
Journal Paper · Electronics, vol. 10, no. 16, article 1990, 2021
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Electrical engineering education requires the development of the specific ability and skills to address the design and assembly of practical electronic circuits, as well as the use of advanced electronic instrumentation. However, for electronic instrumentation courses or any other related specialty that pursues to gain expertise testing a physical system, the circuit assembly process itself can represent a bottleneck in a practical session. The time dedicated to the circuit assembly is subtracted both to the measurements and the final decision-making time. Therefore, the student’s practical experience is limited. This article presents a reconfigurable physical system based on the Arduino shield pin-out, which (after specific programming) can virtually behave as a device under test to carry out measurement procedures on it, emulating any system or process. Although it has been mainly oriented to the Arduino boards, it is possible to add different control devices with a connector compatible. The user does not need to assemble any circuit. Our approach does not only pursue the correct instrument handling as a goal, but it also immerses the student in the context of the functional theory of the proposed circuit under test. Consequently, the same emulation platform can be utilized for other techno-scientific specialties, such as electrical engineering, automatic control systems or physics courses. Besides that, it is a compact product that can be adapted to the needs of any teaching institution.

La termografía como herramienta diagnóstica para diferenciar anomalías vasculares de alto y bajo flujo
J. Ortiz-Álvarez, J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, M.T. Monserrat-García and J. Bernabéu-Wittel
Journal Paper · Piel, vol. 37, no. 6, pp 372-377 2021
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Las anomalías vasculares pueden llegar a suponer un reto diagnóstico para el facultativo. Uno de los pilares para su correcta clasificación estriba en la determinación de su alto o bajo flujo, sobre todo para la diferenciación de las malformaciones arteriovenosas. Si bien el diagnóstico suele ser clínico, en ocasiones, sobre todo en casos iniciales, los hallazgos exploratorios pueden superponerse.
Cuando precisamos realizar una prueba complementaria, generalmente se suele recurrir a la ecografía Doppler, aunque se requiere de un radiólogo experimentado para poder llegar a un correcto diagnóstico. Otras pruebas complementarias, como el angio-TAC, la resonancia magnética o la angiografía son más invasivas y requieren aún mayor infraestructura.
En la búsqueda de nuevas técnicas que permitan mejorar el diagnóstico y la clasificación de estos trastornos, de una manera rápida, sencilla y no invasiva, la termografía se está planteando como una alternativa útil.

A Customizable Thermographic Imaging System for Medical Image Acquisition and Processing
J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, R. de la Rosa-Vidal, R. Padial-Allué, J. Ceballos-Cáceres, A. Rodríguez-Vázquez and J. Bernabéu-Wittel
Journal Paper · IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 22, no. 17, pp 16730-16741, 2021
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A custom system has been developed for medical image acquisition and processing in both the visible and the infrared (IR) bands. Unlike some non-customizable commercial devices, this system can easily be adapted to different application scenarios by adding new peripherals and/or custom image processing algorithms. Portable, autonomous, and easy to use, it offers immediate results at the moment of examination and has a competitive cost. The system comprises a Single Board Computer (SBC) controlling a group of sensors and peripherals. The hardware implementation, described in detail in this paper, was adapted for two different application scenarios. First, the system was employed to differentiate between different kinds of vascular anomalies. The clinical results obtained are reported. The device was then redesigned to automatically detect people with high body temperatures in public environments. The system’s real-time image processing capabilities in both scenarios are demonstrated. Specific algorithms were implemented by the authors for each case study.

Thermography for the differential diagnosis of vascular malformations
J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, C. Serrano, B. Acha, J.A. Pérez-Carrasco and J. Bernabeu-Wittel
Journal Paper · Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, vol. 46, no. 2, pp 314-318, 2021
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Vascular malformations classification may pose a diagnostic challenge for physicians. In the early stages, they are diagnosed clinically mainly by visual inspection. For a deeper analysis, Doppler ultrasonography is the preferred technique to determine the haemodynamic behaviour of the anomaly. However, this imaging method is not always available and it requires trained operators to acquire and interpret the images. There is a lack of portable and user-friendly systems that may help physicians in the assessment of vascular malformations. We propose a new diagnostic procedure, more affordable and easier to use, based on a portable thermal camera. This technique provides information about temperature, which has been found to be correlated with the flow rate of the lesion. In our study, > 60 vascular malformations of previously diagnosed patients were analysed with a thermal camera to classify them into low-flow and high-flow malformations. The value was 1 for both sensitivity and specificity of this technique.

A comparative study of stacked-diode configurations operating in the photovoltaic region
R. Gómez-Merchán, D. Palomeque-Mangut, J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, M. Delgado-Restituto and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Journal Paper · IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 20, no. 16, pp 9105-9113, 2020
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This article presents a detailed comparative analysis of two possible stacked-diode configurations operating as solar cells. The performance of a single p-well - deep n-well diode is compared with the combination of such diode with a n-diff - pwell diode in parallel. Both configurations occupy the same area but offer different performance and, accordingly, they can have different application scopes. A test circuit to gauge the diodes performance and their spectral sensitivity has been integrated along with the two diode configurations in a 0.18 μm CMOS standard fabrication technology. The measured experimental results for the two diode configurations under study are validated with an analytical diode physical model.

Fast luminance measurement method for asynchronous spiking pixels
J.A. Leñero-Bardallo and F.J. García-Pacheco
Journal Paper · Electronics Letters, vol. 54, no. 8, pp 492-494, 2018
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A new method to obtain a continuous and fast measurement of light intensity is presented. It is targeted for Integrate and Fire pixels that pulse with a frequency proportional to illumination. The procedure is intended to speed up the pixel readout of low illuminated pixels. It does not require synchronisation of different digital signals, being compatible with continuous pixel operation. The fundamentals of this method are described. Experimental results validating the theory are provided.

Applications of event-based image sensors - Review and analysis
J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, R. Carmona-Galán and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Journal Paper · International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, vol. 46, no. 9, pp 1620-1630, 2018
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The spread of event-driven asynchronous vision sensors during the last years has increased significantly the industrial interest and the application scenarios for them. This article reviews the main fields of application that event-based image sensors have found during the last 20 years. We focus in the description of applications where such devices can outperform conventional frame-based sensors. The practical functions of the three main families of asynchronous event-based sensors are analyzed. The article also studies what are the factors that increase nowadays the demand of sensors that minimize the power and bandwidth consumption. Moreover, the technological factors that have facilitated the development of asynchronous sensors are discussed.

Asynchronous spiking pixel with programmable sensitivity to illumination
J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, M. Delgado-Restituto, R. Carmona-Galan and A. Rodriguez-Vazquez
Journal Paper · IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 65, no. 11, pp 3854-3863, 2018
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A spiking pixel to be used in image sensor arrays for asynchronous frame-based operation is presented. The pixel features both local and global adaptive sensitivity to the illumination level. Local adaptation is performed by adjusting the voltage stored in an embedded analog memory according to the average illumination within a neighborhood. Global adaptation to the overall illumination of the array is implemented by adjusting a voltage value common to all the pixels. These programming capabilities allow full control on the sensor sensitivity, pixel output data flow, and energy consumption, thus, overcoming the limitations observed in current image sensors based on spiking pixels. Experimental results validate the functionality of the proposal.

On the analysis and detection of flames with an asynchronous spiking image sensor
J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, J.M. Guerrero-Rodríguez, R. Carmona-Galán and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Journal Paper · IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 18, no. 16, pp 6588-6595, 2018
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We have investigated the capabilities of a custom asynchronous spiking image sensor operating in the Near Infrared (NIR) band to study flame radiation emissions, monitor their transient activity, and detect their presence. Asynchronous sensors have inherent capabilities, i.e. good temporal resolution, high dynamic range, and low data redundancy. This makes them competitive against Infrared (IR) cameras and CMOS frame-based NIR imagers. In the article, we analyze, discuss and compare the experimental data measured with our sensor against results obtained with conventional devices. A set of measurements have been taken to study the flame emission levels and their transient variations. Moreover, a flame detection algorithm, adapted to our sensor asynchronous outputs, has been developed. Results show that asynchronous spiking sensors have an excellent potential for flame analysis and monitoring.

CMOS Vision Sensors: Embedding Computer Vision at Imaging Front-Ends
A. Rodríguez-Vázquez, J. Fernández-Berni, J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, I. Vornicu and R. Carmona-Galán
Journal Paper · IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, vol. 18, no. 2, pp 90-107, 2018
resumen      doi      pdf

CMOS Image Sensors (CIS) are key for imaging technologies. These chips are conceived for capturing optical scenes focused on their surface, and for delivering electrical images, commonly in digital format. CISs may incorporate intelligence; however, their smartness basically concerns calibration, error correction and other similar tasks. The term CVISs (CMOS VIsion Sensors) defines other class of sensor front-ends which are aimed at performing vision tasks right at the focal plane. They have been running under names such as computational image sensors, vision sensors and silicon retinas, among others. CVIS and CISs are similar regarding physical implementation. However, while inputs of both CIS and CVIS are images captured by photo-sensors placed at the focal-plane, CVISs primary outputs may not be images but either image features or even decisions based on the spatial-temporal analysis of the scenes. We may hence state that CVISs are more ‘intelligent’ than CISs as they focus on information instead of on raw data. Actually, CVIS architectures capable of extracting and interpreting the information contained in images, and prompting reaction commands thereof, have been explored for years in academia, and industrial applications are recently ramping up. One of the challenges of CVISs architects is incorporating computer vision concepts into the design flow. The endeavor is ambitious because imaging and computer vision communities are rather disjoint groups talking different languages. The Cellular Nonlinear Network Universal Machine (CNNUM) paradigm, proposed by Profs. Chua and Roska, defined an adequate framework for such conciliation as it is particularly well suited for hardware-software co-design. This paper overviews CVISs chips that were conceived and prototyped at IMS E Vision Lab over the past twenty years. Some of them fit the CNNUM paradigm while others are tangential to it. All of them employ per-pixel mixed-signal processing circuitry to achieve sensor-processing concurrency in the quest of fast operation with reduced energy budget.

A Miniaturized Two-Axis Ultra Low Latency and Low-Power Sun Sensor for Attitude Determination of Micro Space Probes
L. Farian, P. Häfliger and J.A. Leñero-Bardallo
Journal Paper · IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 65, no. 5, pp 1543-1554, 2018
resumen      doi      

This paper describes design, fabrication process, and comprehensive experimental results of a first prototype two-axis miniaturized spiking sun sensor. The sun sensor is a fusion of analog and digital sensor types, such that it takes advantage of spatial selectivity of digital sensors, and is not limited by the global frame rate as in analog sun sensors. It is composed of spiking pixels, and uses a novel Time-to-First-n-Spikes with time-out readout mode to reduce bandwidth consumption and post-processing computation. A thin glass lid with a metal deposited pattern serves as a mask projecting a light pattern onto the sensor. The sun sensor is able to extract a profile of the incident light in the form of time-stamped events. Its latency depends on light intensity, and for medium radiance conditions is equal to 88μs. The sun sensor consumes 6.3μW in normal operation, and has a precision of 0.98°, and a field of view of 144°. The high temporal resolution, low power consumption, and small QFN64 package make this sun sensor suitable for space probe and sounding rocket applications, where low temporal latency and payload size are essential. This sun sensor is designed to be employed in the sounding rocket attitude determination system as part of the 4DSpace research initiative to study ionospheric plasma disturbances.

Sun sensor based on a luminance spiking pixel array
J.A. Lenero-Bardallo, L. Farian, J.M. Guerrero-Rodriguez, R. Carmona-Galan and A. Rodriguez-Vazquez
Journal Paper · IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 17, no. 20, pp 6578-6588, 2017
resumen      doi      pdf

We present a novel sun sensor concept. It is the very first sun sensor built with an Address Event Representation (AER) spiking pixel matrix. Its pixels spike with a frequency proportional to illumination. It offers remarkable advantages over conventional digital sun sensors based on Active Pixel Sensor (APS) pixels. Its output data flow is quite reduced. It is possible to resolve the sun position just receiving one single event operating in Time-to-First-Spike (TFS) mode. It operates with a latency in the order of milliseconds. It has higher dynamic range than APS image sensors (higher than 100dB). A custom algorithm to compute the centroid of the illuminated pixels is presented. Experimental results are provided.

A Wide Linear Dynamic Range Image Sensor Based on Asynchronous Self-Reset and Tagging of Saturation Events
J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, R. Carmona-Galán and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Journal Paper · IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 52, no. 6, pp 1605-1617, 2017
resumen      doi      pdf

We report a high dynamic range (HDR) image sensor with a linear response that overcomes some of the limitations of sensors with pixels with self-reset operation. It operates similar to an active pixel sensor, but its pixels have a novel asynchronous event-based overflow detection mechanism. Whenever the pixel voltages at the integration capacitance reach a programmable threshold, the pixels self-reset and send out asynchronously an event indicating this. At the end of the integration period, the voltage at the integration capacitance is digitized and readout. Combining this information with the number of events fired by each pixel, it is possible to render linear HDR images. Event operation is transparent to the final user. There is no limitation for the number of self-resets of each pixel. The output data format is compatible with frame-based devices. The sensor was fabricated in the AMS 0.18-μm HV technology. A detailed system description and experimental results are provided in this paper. The sensor can render images with an intra-scene dynamic range of up to 130 dB with linear outputs. The pixels' pitch is 25 μm and the sensor power consumption is 58.6 mW.

Enhanced Sensitivity of CMOS Image Sensors by Stacked Diodes
J.A. Lenero-Bardallo, M. Delgado-Restituto, R. Carmona-Galan and A. Rodriguez-Vazquez
Journal Paper · IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 16, no. 23, pp 8448-8455, 2016
resumen      doi      

We have investigated and compared the performance of photodiodes built with stacked p/n junctions operating in parallel versus conventional ones made with single p/n junctions. We propose a method to characterize and compare photodiodes sensitivity. For this purpose, a dedicated chip in the standard AMS 180-nm HV technology has been fabricated. Four different sensor structures were implemented and compared. Experimental results are provided. Measurements show sensitivity enhancement ranging from 55% to 70% within the 500-1100 nm spectral region. The larger increment is happening in the near infrared band (up to 62%). Such results make stacked photodiodes suitable candidates for the implementation of photosensors in vision chips designed for standard CMOS technologies.

A Bio-Inspired Vision Sensor with Dual Operation and Readout Modes
J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, P. Häfliger, R. Carmona-Galán and A. Rodriguez-Vazquez
Journal Paper · IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 317-330, 2016
resumen      doi      

This paper presents a novel event-based vision sensor with two operation modes: 1) intensity mode and spatial contrast detection. They can be combined with two different readout approaches: 1) pulse density modulation and time-to-first spike. The sensor is conceived to be a node of an smart camera network made up of several independent an autonomous nodes that send information to a central one. The user can toggle the operation and the readout modes with two control bits. The sensor has low latency (below 1 ms under average illumination conditions), low power consumption (19 mA), and reduced data flow, when detecting spatial contrast. A new approach to compute the spatial contrast based on inter-pixel event communication less prone to mismatch effects than diffusive networks is proposed. The sensor was fabricated in the standard AMS4M2P 0.35-μm process. A detailed system-level description and experimental results are provided.

A Bio-Inspired AER Temporal Tri-Color Differentiator Pixel Array
L. Farian, J.A. Leñero-Bardallo and P. Häfliger
Journal Paper · IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuit and Systems, vol. 9, no. 5, pp 686-698, 2015
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This article investigates the potential of a bio-inspired vision sensor with pixels that detect transients between three primary colors. The in-pixel color processing is inspired by the retinal color opponency that are found in mammalian retinas. Color transitions in a pixel are represented by voltage spikes, which are akin to a neuron's action potential. These spikes are conveyed off-chip by the Address Event Representation (AER) protocol. To achieve sensitivity to three different color spectra within the visual spectrum, each pixel has three stacked photodiodes at different depths in the silicon substrate. The sensor has been fabricated in the standard TSMC 90 nm CMOS technology. A post-processing method to decode events into color transitions has been proposed and implemented as a custom interface to display real-time color changes in the visual scene. Experimental results are provided. Color transitions can be detected at high speed (up to 2.7 kHz). The sensor has a dynamic range of 58 dB and a power consumption of 22.5 mW. This type of sensor can be of use in industrial, robotics, automotive and other applications where essential information is contained in transient emissions shifts within the visual spectrum.

A dual operation mode bio-inspired pixel
J.A. Leñero-Bardallo and P. Häfliger
Journal Paper · IEEE Transactions of Circuits and Systems-II, vol. 61, no. 11, pp 855- 859, 2014
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A new bio-inspired pixel concept is proposed. It can compute the spatial contrast and provide intensity images. The pixel sends spikes to communicate with its neighbors, computing the spatial contrast. Its expected fixed-pattern noise within neuromorphic arrays is 1% without using calibration. Its fill factor is 8.5%. Furthermore, the pixel has two different readout modes: pulse density modulation and time to first spike. The user can toggle any time between operation and readout modes, depending on the desired image quality and the bandwidth and power consumption requirements. The pixel has been implemented in AMS4M2P 0.35-μm CMOS technology. Experimental results are provided.

A 3.6 μs latency asynchronous frame-free event-driven dynamic-vision-sensor
J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, T. Serrano-Gotarredona and B. Linares-Barranco
Journal Paper · IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 46, no. 6, pp 1443-1455 2011
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This paper presents a 128 x 128 dynamic vision sensor. Each pixel detects temporal changes in the local illumination. A minimum illumination temporal contrast of 10% can be detected. A compact preamplification stage has been introduced that allows to improve the minimum detectable contrast over previous designs, while at the same time reducing the pixel area by 1/3. The pixel responds to illumination changes in less than 3.6 mu s. The ability of the sensor to capture very fast moving objects, rotating at 10 K revolutions per second, has been verified experimentally. A frame-based sensor capable to achieve this, would require at least 100 K frames per second.

A five-decade dynamic-range ambient-light-independent calibrated signed-spatial-contrast AER retina with 0.1-ms latency and optional time-to-first-spike mode
J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, T. Serrano-Gotarredona and B. Linares-Barranco
Journal Paper · IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I-Regular Papers, vol. 57, no. 10, pp 2632-2643, 2010
resumen      doi      pdf

Address Event Representation (AER) is an emergent technology for assembling modular multiblock bio-inspired sensory and processing systems. Visual sensors (retinae) are among the first AER modules to be reported since the introduction of the technology. Spatial-contrast AER retinae are of special interest since they provide highly compressed data flow without reducing the relevant information required for performing recognition. The reported AER contrast retinae perform a contrast computation based on the ratio between a pixel's local light intensity and a spatially weighted average of its neighborhood. This resulted in compact circuits but with the penalty of all pixels generating output signals even if they sensed no contrast. In this paper, we present a spatial-contrast retina with a signed output: Contrast is computed as the relative difference (not the ratio) between a pixel's local light and its surrounding spatial average and normalized with respect to ambient light. As a result, contrast is ambient light independent, includes a sign, and the output will be zero if there is no contrast. Furthermore, an adjustable thresholding mechanism has been included, such that pixels remain silent until they sense an absolute contrast above the adjustable threshold. The pixel contrast-computation circuit is based on Boahen's biharmonic operator contrast circuit, which has been improved to include mismatch calibration and adaptive-current-based biasing. As a result, the contrast-computation circuit shows much less mismatch, is almost insensitive to ambient light illumination, and biasing is much less critical than in the original voltage biasing scheme. The retina includes an optional global reset mechanism for operation in ambient-light-independent Time-to-First-Spike contrast-computation mode. A 32 32 pixel test prototype has been fabricated in 0.35-mu m CMOS. Experimental results are provided.

A calibration technique for very low current and compact tunable neuromorphic cells: Application to 5-bit 20-nA DACs
J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, T. Serrano-Gotarredona and B. Linares-Barranco
Journal Paper · IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 55, no. 6, pp 522-526, 2008
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Low current applications, like neuromorphic circuits, where operating currents can be as low as a few nanoamperes or less, suffer from huge transistor mismatches, resulting in around or less than 1-bit precisions. Recently, a neuromorphic programmable-kernel 2-D convolution chip has been reported where each pixel included two compact calibrated digital-to-analog converters (DACs) of 5-bit resolution, for currents down to picoamperes. Those DACs were based on MOS ladder structures, which although compact require 3N + 1 unit transistors (N is the number of calibration bits). Here, we present a new calibration approach not based on ladders, but on individually calibratable current sources made with MOS transistors of digitally adjustable length, which require only N-sized transistors. The scheme includes a translinear circuit-based tuning scheme, which allows us to expand the operating range of the calibrated circuits with graceful precision degradation, over four decades of operating currents. Experimental results are provided for 5-bit resolution DACs operating at 20 nA using two different translinear tuning schemes. Maximum measured precision is 5.05 and 7.15 b, respectively, for the two DAC schemes.

The stochastic I-Pot: A circuit block for programming bias currents
R. Serrano-Gotarredona, L. Camuñas-Mesa, T. Serrano-Gotarredona, J.A. Leñero-Bardallo and B. Linares-Barranco
Journal Paper · IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 54, no. 9, pp 760-764, 2007
resumen      doi      pdf

In this brief, we present the "Stochastic I-Pot." It is a circuit element that allows for digitally programming a precise bias current ranging over many decades, from pico-amperes up to hundreds of micro-amperes. I-Pot blocks can be chained within a chip to allow for any arbitrary number of programmable bias currents. The approach only requires to provide the chip with three external pins, the use of an external current measuring instrument, and a computer. This way, once all internal I-Pots have been characterized, they can be programmed through a computer to provide any desired current bias value with very low error. The circuit block turns out to be very practical for experimenting with new circuits (specially when a large number of biases are required), testing wide ranges of biases, introducing means for current mismatch calibration, offsets compensations, etc. using a reduced number of chip pins. We show experimental results of generating bias currents with errors of 0.38% (8 bits) for currents varying from 176 mu A to 19.6 pA. Temperature effects are characterized.


A self-powered asynchronous image sensor with independent in-pixel harvesting and sensing operations
R. Gomez-Merchan, J.A. Leñero-Bardallo and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Conference · IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2023

A self-powered asynchronous sensor with a novel pixel architecture is presented. Pixels are autonomous and can harvest or sense energy independently. During the image acquisition, pixels toggle to a harvesting operation mode once they have sensed their local illumination level. With the proposed pixel architecture, most illuminated pixels provide an early contribution to power the sensor, while low-illuminated ones spend more time sensing their local illumination. Thus, the equivalent frame rate is higher than the one offered by conventional self-powered sensors that harvest and sense illumination in independent phases. The proposed sensor uses a Time-to-First-Spike readout that allows trading between image quality and data and bandwidth consumption. The device has HDR operation with a dynamic range of 80 dB. Pixel power consumption is only 70 pW. The article describes the sensors and pixel’s architectures in detail. Experimental results are provided and discussed. Sensor specifications are benchmarked against the art.

Uso de la termografía para el análisis y seguimiento de los hemangiomas infantiles
J.A. Leñero, J.A. Pérez-Carrasco, C. Serrano, B. Acha, J.O. Álvárez and J. Bernabéu-Wittel
Conference · Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica CASEIB 2022

Los hemangiomas infantiles se encuentran entre los tumores más comunes en los bebés. Para una correcta evolución es fundamental determinar su extensión, volumen y ubicación. Sin embargo, esto puede representar un desafío, ya que los hemangiomas pueden presentar patrones irregulares, estar cubiertos por cabello y su profundidad no se puede estimar fácilmente. Habitualmente, su diagnóstico se basa en estimaciones de área, textura y color. En este trabajo presentamos una técnica alternativa de diagnóstico, la termografía, que es una herramienta útil e inmediata para un examen preciso de los hemangiomas. Los hemangiomas alteran localmente la temperatura corporal, debido a que el flujo sanguíneo en su interior es mayor debido a la proliferación de células endoteliales de los vasos sanguíneos. Por tanto, midiendo las variaciones de temperatura en la piel, se puede estimar la extensión del hemangioma. Se analizaron 30 pacientes con hemangiomas infantiles con una cámara térmica durante varias sesiones en dos fases. A raíz de los resultados obtenidos concluimos que un aumento de la temperatura en el interior del tumor durante el seguimiento era indicativo de una evolución no deseable.

PixiStamp: A tool to acquire, process, and sequence AER data from event-driven systems
R. de la Rosa-Vidal, R. Gomez-Merchan, J.A. Leñero-Bardallo and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Conference · Conference on Ph.D Research in Microelectronics and Electronics PRIME 2022

We present a new tool, PixiStamp, to readout, process, and sequence data of event-driven systems that exchange data using the Address Event Representation (AER) protocol. PixiStamp is a compact acquisition board that can be easily attached to other devices. Over other existing solutions, it has enhanced hardware processing capabilities to process AER data and generate control signals after data processing, making possible a closed-loop device control. The article describes in detail the system architecture, its mechanical design, and its main features.

On the implementation of in-pixel controlled diodes with sensing and energy harvesting capabilities
R. Gomez-Merchan, R. de la Rosa-Vidal, J.A. Leñero-Bardallo and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Conference · Conference on Ph.D Research in Microelectronics and Electronics PRIME 2022

Energy harvesting plays a crucial role in low-power systems and Internet-of-Things (IoT) sensing nodes. Measuring the illumination level of the scene is desired in such applications. Few studies have explored the possibility of designing image sensors that use photodiodes to harvest energy from the scene to reduce consumption or even achieve a self-powered operation using frame-based approaches. This work aims to validate the switching capabilities of photodiodes independently within a photodiode array. While most studies focus on alternating the harvesting and sensing operation in two different phases, in this approach a fraction of the photodiodes are connected to a global node to harvest energy, while the rest are sensing. This configuration qualifies to design asynchronous imagers and optimize the harvesting operation. The preliminary experimental results reported in this publication emphasize the validity of this asynchronous switching in photodiode arrays.

Centroid Estimation Method with Sub-pixel Resolution For Event-based Sun Sensors
L. Farian, P. Fernandez-Peramo, P. Hafliger and J.A. Lenero-Bardallo
Conference · Conference on Ph.D Research in Microelectronics and Electronics PRIME 2022

A new method to obtain sub-pixel measurement resolution for sun sensors based on spiking pixels is presented. The procedure is intended to increase the resolution of the estimated angle. The method uses the profile of incident light to estimate the angle of the vector towards the sun with sub-pixel resolution. Read-out time, data bandwidth, and spatial resolution are improved. Experimental results are provided. The proposed method can be implemented in any asynchronous sun sensor operating in Time-to-First-Spike (TFS) mode.

On the Application of Quanta Imaging Acquisition to Spiking Luminance Sensors
R.J. Méndez-Romero, J.A. Leñero-Bardallo and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Conference · IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS 2022

Spiking luminance asynchronous sensors are image sensors whose pixels spike asynchronously and autonomously with a frequency proportional to illumination. They can render images with low latency, high dynamic range, and low power consumption. However, one of their drawbacks is the operation under high illumination or with large pixel arrays that can easily saturate their asynchronous readout logic. In this article, the novel quanta imaging acquisition technique is evaluated to alleviate this limitation. Simulation and experimental results demonstrate that the technique is easy to implement. It also reduces the data throughput, keeping acceptable image quality.

A high-speed low-power sun sensor with solar cells and continuous operation
R. Gomez-Merchan, M. López-Carmona, J.A. Leñero-Bardallo and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Conference · European Solid-State Circuits Conference ESSCIRC 2021

A novel sun sensor concept is presented. Photodiodes operating as solar cells with continuous operation and dedicated logic to calculate the centroid position are integrated to achieve lower latency and energy consumption. The output data flow is remarkably reduced because the centroid of the illuminated pixels is the only sensor output data. It overcomes conventional digital sun sensors based on Active Pixel Sensor (APS) pixels and Address Event Representation (AER) in terms of latency and power consumption. Its latency is in the order of microseconds with an average power consumption lower than 100 uW. Experimental results are provided and benchmarked.

Live Demonstration: A tracking system based on a real-time bio-inspired optical flow sensor
R. de la Rosa-Vidal, J.M. Guerrero-Rodriguez and J.A. Lenero-Bardallo
Conference · IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS 2020

Not available

Vertically Stacked CMOS-Compatible Photodiodes for Scanning Electron Microscopy
L.C. Gontard, J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, F.M. Varela-Feria and R. Carmona-Galán
Conference · IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS 2020
resumen      pdf

This paper reports the use of vertically stacked photodiodes as compact solid-state spectrometers for transmission scanning electron microscopy. SEM microscopes operate by illuminating the sample with accelerated electrons. They can have one or more solid-state sensors. In this work we have tested a set of stacked photodiodes fabricated in a standard 180nm HV-CMOS technology without process modifications. We have measured their sensitivity to electron irradiation in the energy range between 10keV and 30keV. We have also assessed their radiation hardness. The experiments are compared with Monte Carlo simulations to investigate their spectral sensitivity.

Sun tracker sensor for attitude control of space navigation systems
A. de la Calle-Martos, R. Gómez-Merchán, J.A. Leñero-Bardallo and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Conference · IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2020

We report a sun tracker sensor lor attitude conlrol 01 space navigation systems. The sensor exploits the concept 01 asynchronous operation previously devised by the authors lor those de vices. Asynchronous luminance sensors optimize sun trackers operation because only illuminated pixels are readout and can transmit data. This approach outperlorms classic Irame-based sun trackers in terms 01 bandwidth consumption, latency, and power consumption. The new sensor under study has been optimized lor operation and interaclion with other attitude control systems when it is embarked. The sensor power consumplion is quite reduced. To save power, its pixels enler automatically in standby mode after gauging illuminalion levels. The device operates with only 0.45V. The pixel matrix has been devised to optionally be direclly powered by energy harvesting syslems based on photovoltaic dio des connected lo a storage capacitor wilhout a DC-DC con verter.

Demo: A system for image acquisition and processing operating in the visible and the IR bands
J.A. Lenero-Bardallo, J. Bernabeu-Wittel, J. Ceballos-Caceres and A. Rodriguez-Vazquez
Conference · International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras ICDSC 2020

This demo displays an autonomous image acquisition and processing system that operates simultaneously with two image sensors either in the visible and the Long Wave Infrared Band (LWIR), inside the Infrared (IR) band. The entire system is controlled a Raspberry Pi board that allows to easily program image processing algorithms to process the images acquired with each sensor. It is a competitive alternative to conventional commercial closed systems with infrared cameras. The proposed imaging system can be easily adapted to different operation scenarios by adding new peripherals, sensors and full custom image processing algorithms.

On the implementation of asynchronous sun sensors
J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, R. Carmona-Galán and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Conference · IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2019

Abstract not avaliable

Live Demonstration: A Miniaturized Two-Axis Low Latency and Low-Power Sun Sensor for Attitude Determination of Sounding Rockets
L. Farian, J.A. Lenero-Bardallo and P. Hafliger
Conference · IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS 2018

This demo shows a first prototype two-axis miniaturized spiking sun sensor. The device is composed of spiking pixels, and uses a novel Time-to-First-n-Spikes with time-out readout mode to reduce bandwidth consumption and post-processing computation. Due to on-chip processing, and compressing the angle information, the sensor produces much less data and is much faster than digital sensors. Its response latency is 88 µW, and average power consumption is 6.3 µW. An integrated circuit with core electronics was fabricated in the AMS 0.35 µm CMOS image sensor process, and was integrated inside a very small QFN64 package with micro-optics on top.

On the characterization of light sources irradiation profiles with an HDR image sensor
J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, J. Fernández-Berni, R. Carmona-Galán and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Conference · International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras ICDSC 2018

We demonstrate how light emissions of very bright light sources can be rendered with an HDR image sensor with linear operation. We showcase the device usefulness to study transient variations of very high illumination levels and to determine the irradiance profile of light sources. The sensor can track transient illumination changes at video rates, preserving details of darker regions within the visual scene.

Towards Bioinspired Close-Loop Local Motor Control: a Simulated Approach Supporting Neuromorphic Implementations
F. Pérez-Peña, J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, E. Chicca and A. Linares-Barranco
Conference · IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS 2017

Despite being well established in robotics, classical motor controllers have several disadvantages: they pose a high computational load, therefore requiring powerful devices, they are not easy to tune and they are not suited for neuroprosthetics. In contrast, bio-inspired controller do not transform the output of the controller therefore no delays are introduced and a smooth response is achieved; they also have a high scalability. Finally, the most important feature of bio-inspired controllers is that they could integrate learning features to make them adaptable to new tasks within the same hardware robotic platform. We present the model and simulation of a spiking neural network for low-level motor control. The proposed neural network acts as a motor controller and produces pulsed signals which can be directly interfaced with commercial DC motors. The simulated network is compatible with neuromorphic VLSI implementation and paves the way to the implementation bio-inspired motor controller which are compact, low power, scalable and compatible with neuroprosthetic. The network presented is inspired by the current knowledge about biological motor control: it comprises alpha motoneuron for driving the motor and spindle populations to provide the feedback and close the loop. The spikes from the motoneuron population are time lengthen to a fixed amount of time and supplied to the simulated motor: Pulse Frequency Modulation (PFM) modulation is used. This paper presents the software simulations using the Brian simulator for a position controller. Our controller is a first step toward a novel bio-inspired motor control approach suitable for robotics as well as neuroprosthetic.

On the design of sun sensors with event-based operation
J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, L. Farian, J.M. Guerrero-Rodríguez, R. Carmona-Galán and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Conference · Workshop on the Architecture of Smart Cameras WASC 2017

Abstract not avaliable

Real-time phase correlation based integrated system for seizure detection
J.B. Romaine, M. Delgado-Restituto, J.A. Leñero-Bardallo and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Conference · Bio-MEMS and Medical Microdevices III Conference 2017

This paper reports a low area, low power, integer-based digital processor for the calculation of phase synchronization between two neural signals. The processor calculates the phase-frequency content of a signal by identifying the specific time periods associated with two consecutive minima. The simplicity of this phase-frequency content identifier allows for the digital processor to utilize only basic digital blocks, such as registers, counters, adders and subtractors, without incorporating any complex multiplication and or division algorithms. In fact, the processor, fabricated in a 0.18μm CMOS process, only occupies an area of 0.0625μm2 and consumes 12.5nW from a 1.2V supply voltage when operated at 128kHz. These low-area, low-power features make the proposed processor a valuable computing element in closed loop neural prosthesis for the treatment of neural diseases, such as epilepsy, or for extracting functional connectivity maps between different recording sites in the brain.

A sun sensor implemented with an asynchronous luminance vision sensor
J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, L. Farian, J.M. Guerrero-Rodríguez, R. Carmona-Galán and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Conference · European Solid-State Circuits Conference ESSCIRC 2017

A sun sensor implemented with a spiking pixel matrix is reported. It is the very first sun sensor based on an asynchronous event-based pixel array. A paradigm associted to classic digital sun sensors is solved with this approach. Only the pixels illuminated by the sun light are readout. Hence, the output data flow is quite reduced. The computational load to resolve the sun position is quite low, comparing to prior sensors. Sensor's latency is in the order of milliseconds. The advantages over implementations with APS pixels are more reduced data flow, less latency, and higher dynamic range.

Pipeline AER Arbitration with Event Aging
J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, F. Pérez-Peña, R. Carmona-Galán and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Conference · IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS 2017

We present a simple circuit to handle communication between cells of neuromorphic arrays. It allows cells to operate continuously without waiting for acknowledgement signals back from the AER (Address Event Representation) arbitration circuitry. The module also implements aging of cell petitions i.e., old petitions to access to the AER bus are automatically discarded to give priority to the more recent ones and alleviate the bus congestion. The new arbitration scheme has been implemented and tested. A particular application scenario with an image sensor with spiking pixels that sense light continuously is explained. Experimental data obtained with real visual scenes are provided.

In the quest of vision-sensors-on-chip: Pre-processing sensors for data reduction
A. Rodríguez-Vázquez, R. Carmona-Galán, J. Fernández-Berni, V. Brea, J.A. Leñero-Bardallo
Conference · IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2017

This paper shows that the implementation of vision systems benefits from the usage of sensing front-end chips with embedded pre-processing capabilities -called CVIS. Such embedded pre-processors reduce the number of data to be delivered for ulterior processing. This strategy, which is also adopted by natural vision systems, relaxes system-level requirements regarding data storage and communications and enables highly compact and fast vision systems. The paper includes several proof-o-concept CVIS chips with embedded pre-processing and illustrate their potential advantages.

Image dynamic range extension by using stacked (unmatched) photodiodes in CMOS
R. Carmona-Galán, J. A. Leñero-Bardallo, J. Fernández-Berni and Á. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Conference · Workshop on the Architecture of Smart Cameras WASC 2016

Capturing images containing unevenly illuminated areas within the same frame is very useful in application fields like surveillance, assisted driving, intelligent transportation, or industrial applications with high intra-scene contrast. Without the appropriate dynamic range to allocate these diverse illumination values, obtaining a detailed view of the brightest zones can easily obscure other elements in the scene. In order to increase the image dynamic range within the same frame, different techniques have been developed: using a sensor with a companding scheme, providing the means to avoid saturation, or employing multiple image captures. The problem with multiple captures is that uncorrelation between the different integration times can generate inexistent edges and distort the interpretation of the scene. In order to realize multiple captures in parallel, we need to be simultaneously sensitive to different illumination ranges. CMOS technology offers a variety of devices to capture light in the visible and near infrared range. If a deep-n-well is available, these structures can be stacked so spatial alignment is obtained by construction (Fig. 1a). The conversion gain of the different photodiodes is defined by their capacitance per unit area (Fig. 1b); therefore each of them will render a different voltage for the same light intensity. This discrepancy in the response can be exploited to extract information from different illumination ranges simultaneously. In this way, light can be sensed in parallel with different conversion gains and the resulting output voltages can then be digitized and combined into a single digital word with a larger number of bits. This mechanism for dynamic range extension does not depend on the difference of exposure times, so artifacts related with unmatched dynamics in the sensor and the scene can be avoided.

Integer-based digital processor for the estimation of phase synchronization between neural signals
J.B. Romaine, M. Delgado-Restituto, J.A. Lenero-Bardallo and A. Rodriguez-Vazquez
Conference · Conference on Ph.D Research in Microelectronics and Electronics PRIME 2016

This paper reports a low area, low power, integer-based neural digital processor for the calculation of phase synchronization between two neural signals. The processor calculates the phase-frequency content of a signal by identifying the specific time periods associated with two consecutive minima. The simplicity of this phase-frequency content identifier allows for the digital processor to utilize only basic digital blocks, such as registers, counters, adders and subtractors, without incorporating any complex multiplication and or division algorithms. The low area and power consumptions make the processor an extremely scalable device which would work well in closed loop neural prosthesis for the treatment of neural diseases.

A Time-to-First-n-Spikes and Time-out Read-out Extension to the AER Arbitration System
L. Farian, J.A. Lenero-Bardallo and P. Hafliger
Conference · International Conference on Event-Based Control, Communication and Signal Processing EBCCSP 2016

This paper describes extensions of the asynchronous Address Event Representation (AER) arbitration mechanism for VLSI neural networks to obtain a Time-to-First-n-Spikes (TFnS) read-out operation in addition to the standard free running read-out. The global reset of neurons can be programmed to occur after the first n spikes or after a given time-out to the first occurrence of either of these two conditions. This solution does not require any modifications inside the array of the artificial neurons, but uses only a few additional blocks in the periphery. Like the AER communication, the additional blocks also operate asynchronously, they are fully integrated with the AER communication periphery, and they do not affect the system's scalability. The extensions of the AER arbitration system are described, and supporting simulations are provided.

Demo: HDR image sensor with linear response and asynchronous detection of saturation
J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, R. Carmona-Galan and A. Rodriguez-Vazquez
Conference · International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras ICDSC 2016

Abstract not avaliable

Pixel-wise parameter adaptation for single-exposure extension of the image dynamic range
R. Carmona-Galán, J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, J. Fernández-Berni and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Conference · International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras ICDSC 2016
resumen      pdf

High dynamic range imaging is central in application fields like surveillance, intelligent transportation and advanced driving assistance systems. In some scenarios, methods for dynamic range extension based on multiple captures have shown limitations in apprehending the dynamics of the scene. Artifacts appear that can put at risk the correct segmentation of objects in the image. We have developed several techniques for the on-chip implementation of single-exposure extension of the dynamic range. We work on the upper extreme of the range, i. e. administering the available full-well capacity. Parameters are adapted pixel-wise in order to accommodate a high intra-scene range of illuminations.

A high dynamic range linear vision sensor with event asynchronous and frame-based synchronous operation
J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, R. Carmona-Galán and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Conference · IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2016

We present a novel High-Dynamic-Range (HDR) image sensor with linear output. Photogenerated charge is continuously integrated at every pixel without saturating. Each time the photodiode voltage reaches a programmable threshold, the pixel resets and starts over integrating charge again. With an eventbased approach, it is possible to count the number of times (if any) that a pixel has saturated during exposure. Pixel illumination is represented with a 20-bit word. The most significant 12b represent the number of times that a pixel has saturated during exposure. The least significant 8b are the result of an analog-todigital conversion in the end of exposure. Thus, pixels provide linear outputs proportional to light intensity. A dynamic range of 120dB is expected. The maximum dynamic range that can be measured is limited by the maximum event rate that the chip peripheral circuitry can handle and by the space dedicated on memory to store the event information. Pixel pitch is 25μm. A prototype sensor with 128 x 96 pixels has been implemented in the AMS 180nm CMOS-HV technology. In this article, the pixel operation will be explained. Preliminary experimental results and snapshots will be also provided.

A high dynamic range image sensor with linear response based on asynchronous event detection
J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, R. Carmona-Galán and Á. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Conference · European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design ECCTD 2015
resumen      pdf

This paper investigates the potential of an image sensor that combines event-based asynchronous outputs with conventional integration of photocurrents. Pixels voltages can be read out following a traditional approach with a source follower and analog-to-digital converter. Furthermore, pixels have circuitry to implement Pulse Density Modulation (PDM) sending out pulses with a frequency that is proportional to the photocurrent. Both read-out approaches operate simultaneously. Their information is combined to render high dynamic range images. In this paper, we explain the new vision sensor concept and we develop a theoretical analysis of the expected performance in standard AMS 0.18 µm HV technology. Moreover, we provide a description of the vision sensor architecture and its main blocks.

Miniaturized Sun Sensor with In-Pixel Processing for Attitude Determination of Micro Space Probes
L. Farian, P. Häfliger and J.A. Leñero-Bardallo
Conference · IEEE International Conference on Event-Based Control, Communication and Signal Processing EBCCSP 2015

This work presents a novel concept for a miniaturized two-axis asynchronous Sun sensor which will be a part of a sounding rocket- and micro-probe Attitude Determination System. The sensor is composed of only two lines of bio-inspired pixels performing asynchronous in-pixel parallel processing, and two optical slits aligned above the chip. The Sun location is determined with much higher temporal resolution than synchronous sensors could achieve. Furthermore, the sensor output data directly indicates the Sun's position, without the need for any further processing (except initial calibration procedure). Also the power consumption is expected to be small in comparison to traditional Sun sensors, thanks to abandoning the need for a clock. This approach occupies much less area than previously reported Sun sensors. Hence, the remaining chip area can be used to realise a system-on-chip integrating other sensor interfaces, and processing- and communication units. This allows a high degree of integration and miniaturization which is essential for the planned micro-probe application. The simulations proved the Sun sensor to have temporal resolution of 1ms, standby power consumption of only a few pico-Watts and achieved a resolution of ~ 0:5 °.

Using 3-D Technologes for Form Factor Improvement of Low-Power Vision Sensors
J. Fernández-Berni, S. Vargas, J.A. Leñero and B. Pérez-Verdú
Conference · IEEE Latin American Symposium on Circuits and Systems LASCAS 2014

While conventional CMOS active pixel sensors embed only the circuitry required for photo-detection, pixel addressing and voltage buffering, smart pixels incorporate also circuitry for data processing, data storage and control of data interchange. This additional circuitry enables data processing be realized concurrently with the acquisition of images which is instrumental to reduce the number of data needed to carry to information contained into images. This way, more efficient vision systems can be built at the cost of larger pixel pitch. Vertically-integrated 3D technologies enable to keep the advnatges of smart pixels while improving the form factor of smart pixels.

Live Demo: Real-time Focal-plane Face Obfuscation through Programmable Pixelation
J. Fernández-Berni, R. Carmona-Galán, R. del Río, J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, R. Kleihorsty, W. Philipsy and Á. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Conference · Workshop on the Architecture of Smart Cameras WASC 2014

Privacy concerns are hindering the introduction of smart camera networks in application scenarios like retailing analytics, factories or elderly care. Indeed, there is usually no need of dealing with sensitive data when it comes to carrying out a meaningful visual analysis in these scenarios. Time spent by customers in front of a showcase, trajectories of workers around a manufacturing site or fall detection in a nursing home are three examples where video analytics can be performed without compromising privacy. But still the idea of networked cameras pervasively collecting data generates social rejection in the face of sensitive information being tampered by hackers or misused by legitimate users. New strategies must be developed in order to ensure privacy from the very point where sensitive data are generated: the sensors. Protection measures embedded on-chip at the front-end sensor of each network node significantly reduce the number of trusted system components as well as the impact of potential software flaws. In this demonstration, we present a full-custom QVGA vision sensor that can be reconfigured to implement programmable pixelation of image regions at the focal plane. According to the literature, pixelation provides the best performance in terms of balance between privacy protection and intelligibility of the surveyed scene.

Live demonstration: A Bio-Inspired AER Temporal Tri-Color Differentiator
L. Farian, J.A. Leñero-Bardallo and P. Häfliger
Conference · IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference BioCAS 2014
resumen      doi      

We demonstrate the first array of asynchronous event pixels that react to temporal color contrast of three different color spectra. The three different spectra are transduced into photo currents by stacked photo diodes. Temporal changes of the contrast of these three spectra are quantified as pulse density modulated signals and conveyed off-chip by the Address Event Representation (AER) protocol. The 16×16 pixel array has been fabricated in the standard TSMC 90nm CMOS process.

Fire detection with a frame-less vision sensor working in the NIR band
J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, J. Fernández-Berni, R. Carmona-Galán, P. Häfliger and Á. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Conference · International Conference on Forest Fire Research ICFFR 2014
resumen      doi      pdf

This paper draws the attention of the community about the capabilities of an emerging generation of bio-inspired vision sensors to be used in fire detection systems. Their principle of operation will be described. Moreover experimental results showing the performance of an event-based vision sensor will be provided. The sensor was intended to monitor flames activity without using optic filters. In this article, we will also extend this preliminary work and explore how its outputs can be processed to detect fire in the environment.

Review of ADCs for imaging
J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, J. Fernández-Berni and Á. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Conference · IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2014
resumen      pdf

The aim of this article is to guide image sensors designers to optimize the analog-to-digital conversion of pixel outputs. The most common ADCs topologies for image sensors are presented and discussed. The ADCs specific requirements for these sensors are analyzed and quantified. Finally, we present relevant recent contributions of specific ADCs for image sensors and we compare them using a novel FOM.

Towards an ultra-low-power low-cost wireless visual sensor node for fine-grain detection of forest fires
J. Fernández-Berni, R. Carmona-Galán, J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, R. Kleihorst and Á. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Conference · International Conference on Forest Fire Research ICFFR 2014
resumen      pdf

Advances in electronics, sensor technologies, embedded hardware and software are boosting the application scenarios of wireless sensor networks. Specifically, the incorporation of visual capabilities into the nodes means a milestone, and a challenge, in terms of the amount of information sensed and processed by these networks. The scarcity of resources -power, processing and memory- imposes strong restrictions on the vision hardware and algorithms suitable for implementation at the nodes. Both, hardware and algorithms must be adapted to the particular characteristics of the targeted application. This permits to achieve the required performance at lower energy and computational cost. We have followed this approach when addressing the detection of forest fires by means of wireless visual sensor networks. From the development of a smoke detection algorithm down to the design of a low-power smart imager, every step along the way has been influenced by the objective of reducing power consumption and computational resources as much as possible. Of course, reliability and robustness against false alarms have also been crucial requirements demanded by this specific application. All in all, we summarize in this paper our experience in this topic. In addition to a prototype vision system based on a full-custom smart imager, we also report results from a vision system based on ultra-low-power low-cost commercial imagers with a resolution of 30x30 pixels. Even for this small number of pixels, we have been able to detect smoke at around 100 meters away without false alarms. For such tiny images, smoke is simply a moving grey stain within a blurry scene, but it features a particular spatio-temporal dynamics. As described in the manuscript, the key point to succeed with so low resolution thus falls on the adequate encoding of that dynamics at algorithm level.

Form Factor Improvement of Smart-Pixels for Vision Sensors through 3-D Vertically-Integrated Technologies
A. Rodríguez-Vázquez, R. Carmona-Galán, J. Fernández Berni, S. Vargas, J.A. Leñero, M. Suárez, V. Brea and B. Pérez-Verdú
Conference · IEEE Latin American Symposium on Circuits and Systems LASCAS 2014
resumen      pdf

While conventional CMOS active pixel sensors embed only the circuitry required for photo-detection, pixel addressing and voltage buffering, smart pixels incorporate also circuitry for data processing, data storage and control of data interchange. This additional circuitry enables data processing be realized concurrently with the acquisition of images which is instrumental to reduce the number of data needed to carry to information contained into images. This way, more efficient vision systems can be built at the cost of larger pixel pitch. Vertically-integrated 3D technologies enable to keep the advnatges of smart pixels while improving the form factor of smart pixels.

Smart imaging for power-efficient extraction of Viola-Jones local descriptors
J. Fernández-Berni, R. Carmona-Galán, R. del Río, J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, M. Suárez-Cambre and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez
Conference · IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2014
resumen      pdf

In computer vision, local descriptors permit to summarize relevant visual cues through feature vectors. These vectors constitute inputs for trained classifiers which in turn enable diferent high-level vision tasks. While local descriptors certainly alleviate the computation load of subsequent processing stages by preventing them from handling raw images, they still have to deal with individual pixels. Feature vector extraction can thus become a major limitation for conventional embedded vision hardware. In this paper, we present a power-eficicient sensing-processing array conceived to provide the computation of integral images at diferent scales. These images are intermediate representations that speed up feature extraction. In particular, the mixed-signal array operation is tailored for extraction of Haar-like features. These features feed the cascade of classifiers at the core of the Viola-Jones framework. The processing lattice has been designed for the standard UMC 0.18μm 1P6M CMOS process. In addition to integral image computation, the array can be reprogrammed to deliver other early vision tasks: concurrent rectangular area sum, block-wise HDR imaging, Gaussian pyramids and image pre-warping for subsequent reduced kernel filtering.

Flame monitoring with an AER color vision sensor
J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, D.H. Bryn and P. Häfliger
Conference · IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS 2013

We present a new method to sense NIR (Near Infrared Radiation) with an asynchronous pixel event AER (Address Event Representation) color vision sensor. The sensor's asynchronous output data flow can be processed by a computer to monitor oscillations of NIR illumination levels. Such variations can be indicators for fires or flames. The new sensor is an alternative to high-speed CMOS cameras with NIR filters as front-end for flame detection and characterization methods. Our sensor maintains a high temporal resolution and low latency for regions that are bright in the NIR spectrum, e.g. flames and hot-spots, at an overall low (scene dependent) data rate and power consumption. This makes it specially suitable for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). A dedicated real-time Java interface was programmed to process the sensor outputs. In this paper, we describe the algorithm for sensing NIR intensity and describe experiments that show oscillations of NIR levels of a flame.

A dual operation mode bio-inspired vision sensor
J.A. Lenero-Bardallo and P. Häfliger
Conference · IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference BioCAS 2013

We present a bio-inspired frame-free vision sensor with two different operation modes: spatial contrast computation and intensity mode. Cross-pixel communication for contrast computation uses spike signals. Two read-out methods, Pulse Density Modulation (PDM) or Time-to-first spike (TFS), are available. Both use address event representation (AER) for off-chip communication. The user can toggle any time between different operation and read-out modes with two digital control signals that set automatically the bias settings. The sensor is aimed for applications where speed and low output data flow are preferred, i.g. surveillance and industrial processes, offering the possibility of providing detailed intensity images if necessary. The sensor does not need calibration.

Live Demonstration: A Bio-inspired Asynchronous Pixel Event Tri-color Vision Sensor
J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, D.H. Bryn and P. Häfliger
Conference · IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS 2012

Summary form only given. We demonstrate the very first tri-color asynchronous pixel-event vision sensor, the latest addition of the growing family of bio-inspired AER (Address Event Representation) vision sensors. It is an asynchronous pulse/frequency density modulation (PDM/PFM) sensor (popularly known as octopus retina) that employs stacked photo diodes for color separation. Simple linear combination of the sensor's inherent pseudo color representation is employed to reconstruct approximate a RGB video stream. The 22×22 pixel array has been fabricated in the standard STM 90nm CMOS process.

A Bioinspired 128x128 Pixel Dynamic-Vision-Sensor
T. Serrano-Gotarredona, J.A. Leñero-Bardallo and B. Linares-Barranco
Conference · Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems DCIS 2011
resumen      pdf

This paper presents a 128x128 dynamic vision sensor. Each pixel detects temporal changes in the local illumination. A minimum illumination temporal contrast of 10% can be detected. A compact preamplification stage has been introduced that allows to improve the minimum detectable contrast over previous designs, while at the same time reducing the pixel area by 1/3. The pixel responds to illumination changes in less than 3.6μs. The ability of the sensor to capture very fast moving objects has been verified experimentally. A frame-based sensor capable to achieve this, would require at least 100K frames per second.

A calibrated spatial contrast AER vision sensor with adjustable contrast threshold
J.A Leñero-Bardallo, T. Serrano-Gotarredona and B. Linares-Barranco
Conference · International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS 2010

Abstract not available

A 100dB dynamic range event-driven spatial contrast sensor with 100us response time and time-to-first-spike mode
J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, T. Serrano-Gotarredona and B. Linares Barranco
Conference · European Solid State Circuits Conference ESSCIRC 2010
resumen      pdf

Bio-inspired vision sensors have some inherent advantages over conventional sequential-still-image sensors. Some of them are high speed, low latency and reduced bandwidth and power consumption. In this paper, we present a new spatial contrast retina with signed output. Its output is zero if there is no contrast. The new sensor includes an optional Time-to-First-Spike mode (TFS) that combines the advantages of AER vision systems and frame-based ones. In TFS mode, times between consecutive frames can be adjusted dynamically by transmitting only relevant information. Both operation modes are ambient-light-independent, to first order. A 32x32 pixel prototype has been fabricated in 0.35um CMOS. Experimental results are provided. ©2010 IEEE.

A signed spatial contrast event spike retina chip
J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, T. Serrano-Gotarredona and B. Linares-Barranco
Conference · IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS 2010
resumen      pdf

Reported AER (Address Event Representation) contrast retinae perform a contrast computation based on the ratio between a pixel's local light intensity and a spatially weighted average of its neighbourhood. This results in compact circuits, but with the penalty of all pixels generating output signals even if they sense no contrast. In this paper we present a spatial contrast retina with bipolar output: contrast is computed as the relative normalized difference (not the ratio) between a pixel's local light and its weighted spatial average, normalized to average light. As a result contrast includes a sign, is ambient light independent, and the output will be zero if there is no contrast. Furthermore, an adjustable thresholding mechanism has been included, such that pixels remain silent until they sense an absolute contrast above the adjustable threshold. The pixel contrast computation circuit is based on Boahen's Biharmonic operator contrast circuit, which has been improved to include mismatch calibration and adaptive current based biasing. As a result, the contrast computation circuit shows much less mismatch, is almost insensitive to ambient light illumination, and biasing is much less critical than in the original voltage biasing scheme. The retina also includes an optional TFS (Time-to-First-Spike) integration mode. A full AER retina version has been fabricated and tested. In the present paper we provide preliminary experimental results.

A spatial calibrated AER contrast retina with adjustable contrast threshold
J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, T. Serrano-Gotarredona and B. Linares-Barranco
Conference · Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems DCIS 2009
resumen      pdf

Address Event Representation (AER) is an emergent technology for assembling modular multi-blocks bio-inspired sensory and processing systems. Visual sensors (retinae) are among the first AER modules to be reported since the introduction of the technology. Spatial contrast AER retinae are of special interest since they provide highly compressed data flow without reducing the relevant information required for performing recognition. Reported AER contrast retinae perform a contrast computation based on the ratio between a pixel's local light intensity and a spatially weighted average of its neighbourhood. This results in compact circuits, but with the penalty of all pixels generating output signals even if they sensed no contrast. In this paper we present a spatial contrast retina with bipolar output: contrast is computed as the relative difference between a pixel's local light and its weighted spatial average. As a result, contrast includes a sign and the output will be zero if there is no contrast. Furthermore, an adjustable thresholding mechanism has been included, such that pixels remain silent until they sense an absolute contrast above the adjustable threshold. The pixel contrast computation circuit is based on Boahen's Biharmonic operator contrast circuit, which has been improved to include mismatch calibration and adaptive current based biasing. As a result, the contrast computation circuit shows much less mismatch, is almost insensitive to ambient light illumination, and biasing is much less critical than in the original voltage biasing scheme. A full AER retina version has been fabricated. In the present paper we provide simulation and preliminary experimental results.

A mismatch calibrated bipolar spatial contrast AER retina with adjustable contrast threshold
J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, T. Serrano-Gotarredona and B. Linares-Barranco
Conference · International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS 2009

Address Event Representation (AER) is an emergent technology for assembling modular multi-blocks bio-inspired sensory and processing systems. Visual sensors (retinae) are among the first AER modules to be reported since the introduction of the technology. Spatial contrast AER retinae are of special interest since they provide highly compressed data flow without reducing the relevant information required for performing recognition. Reported AER contrast retinae perform a contrast computation based on the ratio between a pixel's local light intensity and a spatially weighted average of its neighbourhood. This resulted in compact circuits, but with the penalty of all pixels generating output signals even if they sensed no contrast. In this paper we present a spatial contrast retina with bipolar output: contrast is computed as the relative difference between a pixel's local light and its weighted spatial average. As a result, contrast includes a sign and the output will be zero if there is no contrast. Furthermore, an adjustable thresholding mechanism has been included, such that pixels remain silent until they sense an absolute contrast above the adjustable threshold. The pixel contrast computation circuit is based on Boahen's Biharmonic operator contrast circuit, which has been improved to include mismatch calibration and adaptive current based biasing. As a result, the contrast computation circuit shows much less mismatch, is almost insensitive to ambient light illumination, and biasing is much less critical than in the original voltage biasing scheme. A full AER retina version has been submitted for fabrication. In the present paper we provide simulation results.

Compact calibration circuit for large neuromorphic arrays
J.A. Leñero-Bardallo, T. Serrano-Gotarredona and B. Linares-Barranco
Conference · International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS 2008

Low current applications, like neuromorphic circuits, where operating currents can be as low as few nano amps or less, suffer from huge transistor mismatches, resulting in around or less than I-bit precision. Here we present a new calibration approach based on individually calibratable current sources made with MOS transistors of digitally adjustable length, which require only N unit transistors. The scheme includes a translinear circuit based tuning scheme, which allows to expand the operating range of the calibrated circuits with graceful precision degradation, over 4 decades of operating currents. Experimental results are provided for 5-bit resolution DACs operating at 20nA.


Técnicas ICA de procesamiento de datos para señales de audio
J.A. Leñero-Bardallo and S.A. Cruces
Book · 144 p, 2014
resumen      link      

El desarrollo de los procesadores actuales permite implementar algoritmos cada vez más complejos para procesar señales de audio y vídeo en tiempo real. El presente libro está especialmente dirigido a personas que quieran familiarizarse y aprender técnicas de Análisis de Componentes Independientes (ICA) y Separación Ciega de Fuentes (BSS), para procesar señales en tiempo real. En el libro se explica cómo se puede hacer uso de estas técnicas de procesamiento de señal para separar fuentes de audio recibidas en varios receptores. Se describen de forma detallada los pasos a seguir para implementar algoritmos, que utilicen estas técnicas de procesamiento de la información, en cualquier lenguaje de programación.

Capítulos de libros

ADCs for Image Sensors: Review and Performance Analysis
Juan A. Leñero-Bardallo and Angel Rodríguez-Vázquez
Book Chapter · Analog Electronics for Radiation Detection, pp 47-70, 2016

Abstract not avaliable

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