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Autor: Alberto Patiño Saucedo
Año: Desde 2002

Artículos de revistas

Liquid State Machine on SpiNNaker for Spatio-Temporal Classification Tasks
A. Patino-Saucedo, H. Rostro-Gonzalez, T. Serrano-Gotarredona and B. Linares-Barranco
Journal Paper · Frontiers in Neuroscience, vol. 16, article 819063, 2022
resumen      doi      

Liquid State Machines (LSMs) are computing reservoirs composed of recurrently connected Spiking Neural Networks which have attracted research interest for their modeling capacity of biological structures and as promising pattern recognition tools suitable for their implementation in neuromorphic processors, benefited from the modest use of computing resources in their training process. However, it has been difficult to optimize LSMs for solving complex tasks such as event-based computer vision and few implementations in large-scale neuromorphic processors have been attempted. In this work, we show that offline-trained LSMs implemented in the SpiNNaker neuromorphic processor are able to classify visual events, achieving state-of-the-art performance in the event-based N-MNIST dataset. The training of the readout layer is performed using a recent adaptation of back-propagation-through-time (BPTT) for SNNs, while the internal weights of the reservoir are kept static. Results show that mapping our LSM from a Deep Learning framework to SpiNNaker does not affect the performance of the classification task. Additionally, we show that weight quantization, which substantially reduces the memory footprint of the LSM, has a small impact on its performance.

Event-driven implementation of deep spiking convolutional neural networks for supervised classification using the SpiNNaker neuromorphic platform
A. Patino-Saucedo, H. Rostro-Gonzalez, T. Serrano-Gotarredona and B. Linares-Barranco
Journal Paper · Neural Networks, vol. 121, pp 319-328, 2020
resumen      doi      pdf

Neural networks have enabled great advances in recent times due mainly to improved parallel computing capabilities in accordance to Moore′s Law, which allowed reducing the time needed for the parameter learning of complex, multi-layered neural architectures. However, with silicon technology reaching its physical limits, new types of computing paradigms are needed to increase the power efficiency of learning algorithms, especially for dealing with deep spatio-temporal knowledge on embedded applications. With the goal of mimicking the brain′s power efficiency, new hardware architectures such as the SpiNNaker board have been built. Furthermore, recent works have shown that networks using spiking neurons as learning units can match classical neural networks in supervised tasks. In this paper, we show that the implementation of state-of-the-art models on both the MNIST and the event-based NMNIST digit recognition datasets is possible on neuromorphic hardware. We use two approaches, by directly converting a classical neural network to its spiking version and by training a spiking network from scratch. For both cases, software simulations and implementations into a SpiNNaker 103 machine were performed. Numerical results approaching the state of the art on digit recognition are presented, and a new method to decrease the spike rate needed for the task is proposed, which allows a significant reduction of the spikes (up to 34 times for a fully connected architecture) while preserving the accuracy of the system. With this method, we provide new insights on the capabilities offered by networks of spiking neurons to efficiently encode spatio-temporal information.


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